Atkins Diet Protein

The truth about the Atkins Diet probably heard talk about this diet to lose weight and prevent weight. However despite the acquired fame, we need to know its benefits but interested also its consequences unfavourable. which person not in having the spectacular body of a famous Hollywood star? Sometimes we do not repair in harmful diet and do anything that is fashionable to lose weight, although seriously affect health. Be fat often is consequence of a life sedentary, lack of time for physical activity or fast food (usually caloric). These factors seriously affect health and hinder the stability of our weight.Physical condition deteriorates, however the greatest problems is the emotional and mental deterioration that we can lead to low self-esteem and consequently to depression.

People in the desire to lose weight and prevent weight rely on products that indiscriminately promise almost magical results, which not only provide no solution but that some in the majority of cases seriously resent our body. We must take care in our election and in all cases with medical supervision. Diet doctor Robert Atkins (its creator) became famous in 1972, being quite effective and successful. Based on that carbohydrates are the main reason for weight gain. It is said that to reduce the intake of items such as sugar, cellulose and starch, will be lost several kilos.

According to Dr. Atkins avoiding eating potatoes, pastas, grains, vegetable starch and sugar, transforms the metabolism and body functions as a true fat burner. However approves all matter rich in protein and fat intake, especially recommends the consumption of animal protein. Although this diet has many fans and has been successful in some cases, another similar amount of people subjected it to severe criticism. This is due to that this diet meals contain insignificant amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. It raises cholesterol. In addition for being based on consumption animal protein, vegetarians have difficulties to adopt it. The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization nonprofit, whose mission is to improve the health of the population decreasing cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular accidents. To fulfill its mission the AHA has different programs focused on the prevention, food and education. This association is of the view that a high protein diet is not sufficient to avoid weight, in addition to causing a nutritional deficiency and other problems associated with cholesterol (heart failure) in the long term. Finally, critics believe that eating meat and other products of high protein can lead to osteoporosis, the colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. We must be informed of guaranteed sources when choosing a diet to lose weight and avoid excessive weight, taking into account the contribution of nutrients essential to our body and moderate consumption of fats. Do not forget the importance of balance in any case mental, emotional and physical.


Article 21st.-freedom of action-the conciliator leads the conciliation hearing with freedom of action, following the principles laid down in this law. Article 22nd-conciliators requirements.-be accredited at a conciliation centre and trained in negotiation techniques and alternative means of dispute resolution is required to be conciliatory. Article 23rd.-disability, disqualification and abstention from conciliators.-are the causes of impairment, disqualification and abstention laid down in the code of Civil procedure applicable to conciliators. Article Extrajudicial conciliation centres 24th.-conciliation-centers of conciliation centres are entities purporting to exercise conciliatory function of accordance with this Act. Conciliation centres may constitute legal persons of public or private law nonprofit, having among its purposes the conciliatory role.

In case that the center of conciliation services are onerous, the remuneration shall be paid by who requested conciliation, unless otherwise agreed, that must be recorded in the relevant minutes. Article 25o-training of conciliators.-conciliation centres are responsible for the training of conciliators and that comply with the principles laid down in article 2 of this law. Article 26.-authorization and Supervision.-the Ministry of Justice is responsible for the authorisation of operation, registration and supervision of the centres of conciliation, and may suspend or deprive of its conciliatory faculty, when these do not comply with the principles or legal objectives referred to in this law, or engage in ethical misconduct. Article 27th.-requirements-the institutions that request the approval of centres must attach to its request duly signed by its legal representative, the following: 1.-documents proving the existence of the institution. 2. Documents evidencing the representation.

3. Rules of the Centre. 4 List of conciliators. Finally the Extrajudicial conciliation is a chance for two or more parties setting out its claims, and can if they come to an agreement, put an end to their differences and reconcile. If so agreed, will be on a record that has value of res judicata, the document is an executive title. Put an end to conflicts between individuals, legal communities, it is important, help them reconcile is more, to avoid lengthy judicial processes, which ultimately are expensive for both parties. Promote a culture of peace, it is what is sought with Extrajudicial conciliation already knows it impossible to sue, without conciliar, since 2001, in Peru.