Adam Soul

The task of the soul of Adam channels is the resembling the nature of the creator, and be so emotional and giver as? l, thus reaching the Summit of all the pleasures, the infinite enjoyment. Pleasure before contact according to the Kabbalah, when the soul of Adam channels was created, had a relationship with the creator that caused a limited pleasure because not independently had striven to reach it. The creator wanted to be the soul of Adam channels was developed by its own means. Exposing it is received then, in a premeditated act, pleasures, pleasures, and soaking of rejoicing, lost all notion of the Creator who had provided him with delight – and all contact with? l. It’s like a person who prays for winning the lottery, promising to donate half of the triumph to the charity.

But once he actually WINS, exceeds it the pleasure that is exposed and your priorities change. He forgets his promise, and suddenly finds best investment alternatives, who donate money. Fragments of the pleasure as result of the neglect of the relationship with the creator because of great pleasure, the soul of Adam channels was away from the spiritual, is fragmenting world in multiple parties calls, souls private, which were then down to this world clothing in individual human bodies, in order to gradually learn how to receive the default pleasure, into manageable portions, without losing contact with the grantor of the pleasure, the creator. Similarly, if we want to move a weight of one ton, we cannot ask for a single person to do so. But if ton we divide into small pieces of one kilogram, and give one piece to each of the thousand people, we could easily move this weight. This process is concisely expressed in a parable of Baal HSulam: there was a King who wanted to send a large sum of gold coins to his son, who lived far away. Unfortunately, all the people in his country were thieves and deceptive, and the King had no no loyal Messenger. What did you do? He divided the coins in pence and sent them with many messengers, so, not worth worth stain his honor for the pleasure of stealing.

life, Baal HSulam tree. Stop reincarnated today, we find ourselves in the State of post-rotura, where each of us is a Messenger from the King which carries with it a penny from the great treasure of the creator. Our mission is to do what the King asked and return to re-establish the connection with? l, while we are alive. Until we not carry coin into place, we will continue returning to this world. The Kabbalists who have already gone through this process, referred to as Tikkun (correction). They teach us how to fix our individual penique-placer, to reach the top of the spiritual ladder, and not have to reincarnate us most in this world. The set is (much) more that the sum of its parts the purpose of the study of the Kabbalah is to help each of us – individual parts of the soul of Adam channels-to restore our unity in the most usable and fast way possible. When each correct your part, we will be carrying out the goal for which we came to this world, and finally we can enjoy together the enormous pleasures that the creator designed for us on the thought of creation.

How Can I Attract Good Luck

What are the secrets of those who have good luck with it? And what are the factors that are in luck, according to studies in the psychology of luck? -Believe in good luck, of course. -Be flexible. Not be set, stiff. Do not get angry. The rebels continue to attract bad luck. If you are bitter and depressed you won’t have no chance. For example, in laboratory tests, those who believe in their chances to put more needles than others, at the same time.

The body is not separate from their minds. -Have mercy. He forgives all. Never store rancor or revenge projects. And put a little bit of charity, kindness. -Trust your intuition. You feel protected, inspired and guided. You must be linked with good vibrations.

You believe in your star, your angel of guard or Providence and thus good luck will be with you. In this test lab, a unit of the batch is deliberately broken and was selected to 60% in those who believe not to have a little luck. -Always think positive, even when you something negative happens. We should begin to see all bottles half full and not half-empty. And more: you should always see the good side, be an irresistible optimist. If we had an accident, you think that you have not lost their lives and that the lack of an examination can also be the opportunity to improve its way of driving. So good luck will accompany you. -Be open, interested in everything. -Identify opportunities. -Be tolerant and capable of supporting another.

Blanco Advances

He has challenged the PP to contemplate also this rise. Pons (PP) this Saturday called a gesture to the fortunes of Spain as that have had French in his country. The Deputy Secretary general of the PSOE and Minister of public works, Jose Blanco, has advanced this Sunday in Mislata (Valencia) than the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, will include a rise in taxes on the rich in its election manifesto for the elections of Nov. 20. White has challenged the PP to contemplate also this rise among their electoral proposals, in rrencia to the statements made yesterday Saturday by Deputy Secretary of communications of the PP, Esteban Gonzalez Pons, which encouraged large Spanish fortunes to make a gesture similar to which have had the French for a tax increase to contribute to alleviate the crisis.

In this sense, the Socialist head pointed out that if the popular believe that the rich should contribute also in a moment of difficulty, it is not to ask for charity but raise them taxes and has urged them to include it among his electoral program. White has acted this way during the visit that has made this journey to the Valencian town of Mislata, on the occasion of the celebrations of this municipality. In the same vein, the Minister emphasised that, in times of crisis like the present, should ensure that revenues and expenses add to achieve budget stability, so it has invited the popular to explain how they will balance public accounts if they do not establish a tax for those who have more to do. Source of the news: white moves that Rubalcaba will raise taxes the rich if he wins Nov. 20

UCM Social

We have already taken the main and exclusive exercise of the integral development of the person and of society is not exclusive to the State or political parties or religions. It is the human being in their environment with their culture and their free options who must be the protagonist of their integral development. Always fit the cooperation, but never an imposition that does not respect freedom, conscience, justice and the fundamental right to seek happiness, because the human being was born to be happy. And happiness tends to the projection of the potentialities of the human being in a balanced development which brings you to the fullness of its being as a person. As the human being moves by concepts and uses categories, organizations with social volunteers understand that his spirit is characterized by: the gratuity, as it is the donation of himself and the awareness of being for others what sustains his conception of life. Continuity, since you cannot create needs in those people that we are not willing to keep helping. Vocational preference of the voluntary, since one makes better what she likes and what is more prepared.

Personal responsibility held by a team that develops the project of the organization with which he works. Knowledge, respect and appreciation of different people or peoples you will find in the accomplishment of their task. Hence nothing away more of one authentic social volunteering that: invade the field of professionals. Impose ideologies, political cultural or religious, by worthy and respectable they are. Use to the excluded as a tool to satisfy their curiosity or their professional needs.

Create dependency with the assistentialism, because the volunteer develops in people personal abilities that lead them to autonomy. Social volunteers are clear what must in justice is not given in charity. Welcome political, civic and sports volunteering but don’t confuse them with social volunteering, because in this switching of compassion and emotion to the personal commitment. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Emeritus Professor of the UCM.

Concept Money

It promotes the generosity. The generous player can play with 2 dice and thus increase their income. It is important that our children learn that money is a tool for doing good and not only to meet our needs. This way the biblical law of giving and receiving works in our favor. The generous person will always thrive, While the Avars left behind and lost. 9.

Concept of ROI all investment generates more or less profits. In general, while safer investment, less profit. ROI, or return on investment, indicates the percentage of earnings received in each investment. My kids quickly learned that some investments are better than others and how to recognize them. 10 Understand a financial statement the central point of Cashflow 101? It is not the game board, but the statement that each player must wear during the game. It is an exercise in basic accounting that teaches how to master the accounting skills that help us to constantly evaluate our financial situation. 11 Concept of Cashflow or flow of money through the personal statement that each player must wear during the game, you learn that the money flows and it is very important to know where is flowing: to our pockets or from our pocket.

12 There are various levels of investment once a person has managed to pay all their expenses with passive income, passes to large investors leagues. Cashflow 101? It teaches that there are different levels of investment and that can aspire to higher levels, of greater profitability, as one will dominate the simpler levels. 13. It is possible to multiply the money, even little game just with the myth that there is to have money to make more money. People with very little money can get ahead and win the game. 14. No matter what their income level, everyone can leave the race at the beginning of the game each player receives a profession that can range from a janitor to a doctor or lawyer. The interesting thing is that, while higher those income, higher also are spending, making it difficult to exit the race of rats with passive income. 15 Find out what kind of person is every person has a way of thinking and a different attitude about money. The game demonstrates the true personality of each person. They are the fearful, gamblers, the perfectionist, fakers who know everything, the daring, the hesitant, etc Cashflow 101? It unmasks our fears and misguided attitudes and helps us to analyze and change our way of thinking against the money. You can find both sets in. educacionparaelexito. com/cashflow. HTML, the resources page of. educacionparaelexito. com online education center for the whole family. Also immediately get an inspiring e-book free with valuable data about how to teach your children (and you) to think differently to be able to build a business. Of Bettina Langerfeldt, whose passion is to teach people of all ages like acquire a vision for your life, set goals and then pursue the specific education so that they can achieve them. Blogs relating to all parents in the world Unjubilado download Pack 17 racing for mobile games!

Social Volunteer Work

The most important commitment is that contracts with the beneficiary of the program, possibly a person accustomed to failure and that fails you. The volunteers intend to carry these people, among other things, a little bit of honesty. It’s a simple, limited commitment, without unconscionable offerings, but radical. A second aspect of the commitment is the demand of the organization which aims to meet targets for those who need to know with what resources and what persons account. The Organization and programs being undertaken are tools to provide continuity of service. The signing of an undertaking, the acceptance of the rules of each programme, the convening of meetings, participation in training and in the design of activities are aimed at safeguarding the confidence that the excluded person is wearing in the volunteer.

There is also a moral commitment to self that lies in the freedom of decision of each volunteer. One is voluntary because it wants to, freely accepts the rules and responsibilities in a way that is morally committed to fulfilling them. Freedom in the acceptance of a task is the largest source of commitment. You can talk is also a commitment towards the society since the volunteer, in certain way, represents this in environments of social exclusion. The volunteer assumes some responsibility as a representative of civil society to exercise their citizenship for the benefit of the weakest. J.C.G.F. solidarity for development original author and source of the article.

Bachelor Party

The arrival of a wedding event suggests a lot of preparations to make this unforgettable moment and there are other arrangements that are more fun, as it happens with the farewells of singles or habit, which have become a tradition of great value within the moments prior to the wedding, because that is a step taken before leaving the bachelorhood and leave behind many of those things that are they lived to be unmarried and that very soon this condition ceased to acquire a commitment to the value of a marriage. The realization of the stag, usually takes place a day before the wedding and after that night performed a symbolic to the condition of Bachelor Party, dismissed doing various activities, mainly accompanied by friends and the persons with whom spend moments of fun. Must be borne in mind that unmarried bachelor parties can also be several days before the marriage, does not present any problem on the wedding day and be in the best conditions for this significant event, so many bride and groom prefer not to leave this as close to the wedding feast. The stag are mainly aimed at the realization of fun activities and liking for which very soon will marry, hence that more traditional within the farewells of singles is the realization of a party or go out and find a party night somewhere and so pass very funny moments accompanied by friends and own nightlife activitiessuch as dancing, liquor and other things. Although a good long farewells of singles were more aimed at putting up a symbolic act, which sought to leave behind a life without commitments, which sought to begin to understand what represents life in marriage, through tips and various activities, that supposed to understand and try to manage a perfect relationship with the family of the bridealso about how it should be the formation of home and the arrival of children; However with the modern times, the idea of leaving behind the life without commitments, gave way to the realization of the celebrations accompanied by the famous shows and another lot of excesses, all justified in the idea that leave in the past privileges of singleness, making in many cases take things to the extreme. We must add that bachelor parties of unmarried, despite develop to a greater extent as parties, everything depends much on temperament and the way of being of the groom, because from this is determined is what pleases him to this and so friends who know him organize the stag, the jokes and surprises that are suppose according to the manner in which to meet the groom.

BAI Innovation Agency

Result EurekEl Bizkarra gives the possibility of creating a myriad of desserts with a flavor and texture that is hardly associated with a product standard sugar-free, and in addition no laxative effect in his workshop. To accentuate this differentiation, Eduardo Bizkarra poses will create a range of elaborate desserts, authentic delicatessen, for what is counted with the assistance of an international consultant specializing in the subject. The author without sugar tarts arise from this collaboration: Mouse of bitter chocolate, wild raspberry, Tropical Lime and Truffle Cake puff temptation. In addition, two classic Christmas specialities of the House are incorporated into the universe without sugar: intxaursaltsa nougat and nougat of soconusco and a varied world of sweet and savory chocolates. New desserts Innovaciondetras the signature has been working more than one year on a project that is part of the Bizkaberri programme of the BAI Innovation Agency of the Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia, intended to encourage innovation in all areas of the organizations. The Department of food technology training center and Lea-Artibai research and the Foundation participated in collaboration with Bizkarra Azaro. The project has meant a budget of more than 30,000 and has recently completed.

At present, continue with a second phase which is expected to develop during 2010. Coming soon in the old Bilbainobizkarra has ambitious goals for next year. The arrival of the new range is the start of a relaunch that will have its fundamental pillar at the opening of a new store in full Casco Viejo Bilbao, of which Bizkarra aims to make its flagship.


new ways of doing things, able to learn from others and take their learning to benefit your organization, Furthermore, are able to give way to its creativity, innovation, imagine and visualize opportunities where others see difficulties, can beat established paradigms with creative ideas, original and revolutionary that allow their actions to be effective and productivealso, are up to date with the knowledge of the progress of administrative science with latest technological advances, using them in an appropriate manner to enhance their personal development and their equipment; characterized by being honest, ethical and seek to permanently keep with respect the moral principles of their social group, fulfilling its responsibility to all this is added, that are fully identified with its responsibility, which gives way to its credibility, is manifested reliability and confidence in their performance, interactions, accomplishments. New managerial leaders, are definitely, characterized for being visionaries, be prepared to see beyond the present, projecting into the future, toward the more ambitious and stimulating visions of what you want to happen, so very well specified and detailed in the vision of the organization. Well integrates its human resource, forming teams of cohesive work, prepared, motivated towards achieving the established goals. The new leadership constantly dealing with Orient and show to their directed the best way of doing things, helps them in their training, giving you the possibility to generate changes, new openings arising from new challenges, which require new attitudes, creating and training increasing the competences of the different people that make up the departments, administrative units of the organizational structure of the present. A managerial leader who knows how to influence, share, take advantage optimally human capital, talent of the workers of the company.

Usually in addition, channeling energies, emotions and potentialities of the members of his team, as provide what participants of the program, as well as students from the school of administration, all this, seeking to create the best climate of support, affection and responsibility, that the modern managerial leader, may lead to a positive organizational climate is fully identified that depends alsoan attitude positive before the cultural diversity and the globalization of markets and societies in order to be effective in all its rooms, know how to interpret the effects of contingent variables, the intervention of the State, for example, in the Venezuelan case, where there is an interest to instill a socialism that the country has never lived it. The modern leader stimulates known social and organizational cultures, evaluates, scope, impact generated by multiculturalism. Is to the day of the advances of the new administrative tools and all of its specialty – area theme knows how to handle their emotions, their persuasion, emotional intelligence, recognition, performance, performance of its workers, prevents impulsiveness to take care of the climate of his team, skillfully employs the largest capacity of the human being, properly listening to messages, concerns, suggestions of their partners and after processing the informationIt transmits it clearly and in detail; know determine the opportunity to talk about and manage the time that use to do so, avoiding falling into extreme passivity. The new managerial leader is a guarantor of achievement, success, safeguarding the rights of the worker, a certainty of success for the company that has given him the opportunity to play its role, more if it meets all the characteristics, conditions that have been identified.