Czechs Million

The European Union struggles in a deep contradiction before immigration. On the one hand, the European Commission publishes studies that indicate the urgent necessity of foreigners to compensate the unstoppable one aging of the population. On the other, they are the speeches of the presidents of France and Italy that use as the cultural differences to promote attitudes xenophobes and to confuse to the public opinion at moments of economic crisis. The Commission finishes approving in June a document with a more realistic and right approach of immigration: In the context of a Europe that ages, the potential contribution of immigration to the economic effectiveness of the EU is important. The reality is that the European live years more and more and is difficult to guarantee its pensions and to assume its expenses in health and residences of welcome. According to reliable studies of the Commission, precise Europe between 50 million and 110 million immigrants until 2060. It needs A.

Miss: the population of the EU in age to work will have descended in 50 million people, even if a level of net immigration similar to the historical levels stays, and will descend in 110 million if that net immigration does not stay. For the Commission, this evolution would demand a greater public cost. The arrivals of immigrants to the European Union, from 2002, approach two million people per year. The positive impact of immigration has been analyzed by the ministers of Finances and is beyond all doubt its contribution in the growth of a population in continuous reduction. The economic success of Spain, the United Kingdom and Ireland of the last years is inexplicable without immigration. In Spain, more than half of the growth in 2007 it was due to the immigrants.

In the United Kingdom, more with a million Poles, Czechs and of other countries of the East they covered the deficit with manpower. What it is precise to develop they are projects of cooperation with the origin countries and to facilitate its insertion in the labor market by means of the necessary formation for the positions that are to occupy. This, after reviewing the fundamental question of this process: the European Union needs raw materials to maintain its level of development and quality of life that come in a seventy by one hundred of those countries of origin of the immigrants. That in one go labor prices, transports and conditions of the citizens of those countries in the elaboration and commerce of those vital raw materials are reviewed. That is the heel of Aquilles of the unjust exposition of the problem by the governors of that Europe of the human merchants that colonized and operated the material wealth and of those countries that today are forced to give back the visits to us that we did during centuries the European emigrants to them. Jose Carlos Garci’a Fajardo Professor Emrito of the University of Alcala of Madrid (UCM) Director of the CCS fajardoccs@

ACS Right

In the third subcategoria, it is perceived in the units of analysis that the transformation of practical not if of only for the purpose of the work, also involves the conductors of this process. Possible to perceive that the health workers need to incorporate the personal capacity to articulate inherent knowledge, abilities and attitudes the concrete situations of its work. The proposal of the study discloses that the functions of the ACS they exceed the sector health, although the majority of the units of analysis the citizens of the study to disclose to aiming technician understand that the environment is primordial for guarantee of the quality of life of the population and survival of the planet. The second express category the concepts regarding the popular education, health and environment from concepts broken up until elaborated conceptions more, giving the dimension of the popular education as dialogue of all. The health in the approach social politician as right of all, guaranteed in the constitution, resultant of a process cultural partner, involving an ample concept, that perpassa a multidimensional theory, sistmica vision that dialogues with the environment concept, integrating as indissociveis. The significaes attributed to the environment tell to historical and conceptual dimensions imbudas in the vision of the teia of the life.

The future of the new generations depends on the actions that we develop today, of history that we construct and on ethical-cultural contributions that we can generate for our way. It is ahead of this context, that the health and environment are closely on, indissociveis when human acting. To guarantee the right the health and environment transposes the law instituted in the Brazilian federal constitution, implies in the transformations of the proper men. The third category implies in the practical ones developed for preventive the Communitarian Agents of Health that involves the educative actions and that already inherent of the paper of this worker and the performance as agent social politician.


Impact: reinforcement of the capital of turn of the company and the capacity of investment; Increase of 30% in the internal negotiations with the Unit Services. Impact: Increase of the average consumption of parts and accessories for vehicle, maximizao of the competitiveness of the Group, profit of scale, target and mobility of supplies. CONSIDERAES ON the IMPLANTATIONS AND ALLOCATIONS FORESEEN IN the STRATEGICAL PLAN the loss of market in relation to the competition translated the deficit of growth in 2008 gave clear signals of that the Group would need to reformulate its strategies of marketing reach. Mainly in those more critical departments. The retail segment was the first one of them. The favorable scene associate the distortions in its structure transformed organizacional it into one of great the responsible ones for overhead of the Group in year of 2008. Identified the problems, she was necessary to attack them. As the proper Direction mentioned.

' ' She was necessary first to place order in the house stops later agir' '. To follow the adjustments and allocations in the internal processes of the Unit Retail, the Executive Direction contracted an independent consultoria. The consultants considered that the Group seen under a global optics had passed for a significant growth in last the 10 years. Harms its structure and processes had not folloied such dynamics. (Alpha Consultoria, 2008) Mainly in what it refers to the management of supplies, management of human resources and management of purchases.

Beyond the lack of focus of the businesses properly said. Test of this is that, some segments were responsible for alavancar the competitiveness of the company in short term, harms when projected for a more extensive period, they were characterized for a profit of excessive cost. Mainly they had been divided with the too much operations. It was the case of the services of Autocenter. Others separately represented generating potentials of prescriptions, if only analyzed in the medium and long run.

Ketosis – That Miracle Of Fat Burning?

Opinions differ on the impact of ketone bodies what is ketosis, how is it and how is it evaluated? In addition to other substances we lead to fats, carbohydrates and proteins our bodies daily feeding normally. The ideal condition is the balanced diet provides us with all necessary components to the formation of our body substance. It is not significant, every day to feed each building block in a precisely calculated measure, because our body has elimination play off – and storage mechanisms, which – expire these undisturbed – ensure a needs-based supply. A problem of our time is often increased nutrient delivery, that manifested itself due to lack of sufficient movement in superfluous fat reserves. A health problem that usually first cosmetic level as perceived. Now the question for many: “How I will go again my fat?” Hundreds of diets promise quick and lasting success. A form of nutrition is the diet with fewer carbohydrates. These different trends have emerged.

Dr. Robert Atkins, who has covered non-fictional spread this type of diet is the most famous of all “diet gurus” worldwide. Low carb, as it’s now called popularly, associated with this internal medicine inseparably. He offers ketosis as a magic formula, with the monstrous weight decreases should be possible. The process in the human body is as follows: fat and carbohydrates can be stored in the body, if this abundance through the diet and are not completely consumed.

The human body is aligned in the normal case, first try to access the carbohydrate stores in the body. These – are used, for example in the State of hunger – the organism mobilizes ultimately its fat reserves. The unneeded fatty acids are – these are in excess available – only until burned to the Ketostufe and excreted from the body via the kidneys, and mucous membranes. The man is called in the ketogenen State, also ketosis. These degradation products can be with urine test strips. Ketone test strips are offered by various pharmaceutical companies, but work on the same principle: they are wetted with some urine and can be read off after approx. 15 seconds using a color scale. Unfortunately, this measure only for “Household” is suitable, because there are various factors (E.g. medication), which can skew the results. It is also possible that the displayed ketone bodies non-incinerated fatty acids of their own fat reserves, but from an excess of fat intake in daily diet. The State of ketosis is a contentious issue in medicine. While he may be a dangerous note on the derailment of a metabolism in diabetic patients, it can be an indicator in metabolism-healthy overweight that unwanted fat burning at full speed runs. Petra Ofner

Scientific Truth And More

In all these cases, it is important to take the aesthetic vision made on each plane, as the other views of the action, but characterized the action as she is once again endocentric. Let me add that, properly understood, this view is not quite endocentric incompatible with the other two visions, which are exocentric: the poem is a poem to the extent that it is saying (view endocentric) say something that does not stop (exocentric view) . We can, technically colonies (mink endocentric) of these colonies made up of young women called caryatids (vision endocentric) to which the Greeks gave him a monument located on the acropolis of Athens, and call the Erechteion. The first entry of the foundation stone of a building can be the object of a ceremony (endocentric vision) and be at the same time, an act done for that conjured the monument in question does not fall (exocentric view). Finally, you can tell without a doubt, the explanation for breaking the record of France a hundred meters (endocentric vision), or simply to catch a bus! And is said not to leave the subject of art, if you give this concept provides a broad enough scope (figure in the art of dance and figure skating, but also, in the gymnastics on the floor figures or figures laid off, etc..) You will see that this definition of art as self-referential product of a dialectical process of abstraction technique (each of my weight words), are worth all the arts! I mean absolutely all, from dance to the culinary arts, through architecture, sculpture, caricature, etc..! I speak very seriously: take time to think giving yourselves, some examples, you will see! it works! And if "works" is that our hypothetical-deductive method is confirmed by the back and forth between the concrete observation and theoretical hypothesis. Thus our theoretical position does not receive (not yet) the clinical testing but their validation.

So we have access not only to a properly scientific truth, so fragile and temporary it may be, but a proposition generally usable, to a descriptive model that is built for the needs of a particular cause, but is operative in any similar occasion (if that was not the case it should change the model, neither more nor less.) "And that is a real Science of Art? Then it would be analyze the underlying technical analysis done by the artist. In other words, even here we have done, is the analysis of an analysis, an analysis "square" in the mathematical sense of the subject, in certain ways. That complicates things terribly! We have analyzed the analyzer! Do you realize the enormous complexity of the case? Imagine going to take centuries to reach anything! And that's not all! It can be a real science, it is necessary to have experimental verification of a model draft. And everything else is literature … It is said of the fraud, a sham that should, above all with the ultimate power to expose, if we move forward.

Stefan Morsch Foundation

To an endogenous neurotransmitter administered before the donor, which makes the stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood. Stem cells are then taken in a sampling station as in the Stefan Morsch Foundation. The marrow will decide the nature of the donation. The graft is taken then as soon as possible to the patient – whether in the United States, to Flensburg or after Australia. Because the transplants within 72 hours must be carried out after the removal.

Alexander G. is at this time in Germany. He will be supervised by the Stefan Morsch Foundation up the removal and accompanied. that everything went quite easily. If I can help, I help”, says Alexander G..

Bettina Small Meier, who has coordinated this Stammzellentnahme on pages of the Stefan Morsch Foundation, explains: we contact, advise and support the donors during the entire preparation for the registry. He is for his own safety fully health checked, intensely about opportunities and risks clarified, and all organizational things, such as the suspension or the trips to the collection station and back home be removed him.” The loss of earnings and any other costs incurred are borne by the Foundation or replaced the health of the patient. We try as far as it goes – all possible obstacles out of the way to allow the donors. This is a very intensive work, but we like to invest, because we have always in mind: a man’s life is on the other side. Since every effort is justified,”so Bettina Kanakavel. Their daily tasks to solve problems and obstacles out of the way. Whether child care for a single mother to raise the funds should. Unless an employer of persuading to indemnify his employee for the life-saving donation. Or for example, the transport of the graft ad hoc to reorganize because of air traffic in Europe due to a volcanic eruption in Iceland has shut down.

Development Diversity

5. The holistic education honors the cultural and social diversity because it enriches the unit and is synonymous with sustainable development. It is very important to take into account the diversity in the field of education to exercise an integral education, which respects the diversity of intelligences, learning styles, epistemological frameworks and ways of evaluation, etc. 6-holistic education is cross, it is the conduit for people with different perspectives can talk, looking for actions where all win, this is the holistic policy. 7. Integrity is the most important factor in education.

Meaningful learning is basically the integrity processes. Integral means that it is more complete and when something is more complete is more significant. Integral is a concept that comes from human experience and makes reference to the cultural and human development. 8. Transdisciplinary perspective: the being human is a being complex, a being subjective, creative, emotional, irregular, different and spiritual essence, can not be seen only from the scientific perspective. Be transdisciplinary is to integrate perspectives such as art, science, humanities, philosophy, traditions and above all spirituality, taking into account different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and methodological flexibility. 9. The holistic vision respects cultural diversity and consider humanity as one family, is the great universal brotherhood.

We are interdependent, while respecting and honoring our differences. The purpose of the learning communities is to produce an education that develops the awareness to more significant levels, where universal love practice and provide a comprehensive learning. This education must overcome the dogmatism, priest and scientist. The development of cognitive, introducing electronic technologies or to increase the hours of study skills, are not core aspects of the educational experience. Already that we can have a high cognitive ability but live unhappy. Comprehensive education is more than one educational approach. There are three types of epistemological relations in the kosmos enabling a truly comprehensive education to know them and practice them: 1.-relationship objeto-objeto: own the things of nature, occurs between the material world and the biological world, unconscious processes, without sense.

Roll Up

They can be printed on different media: paper, banner cloth, plastic, velkropaneli ( tissue). Beautiful, colorful image – an essential part of any advertising campaign. Types of mobile stands Typically, mobile stands are constructed from modules of the constructor: metal or plastic connectors (pipes) are connected by means of magnetic sites and represent a seamless design. The most popular among mobile exhibition stands now is a stand POP-UP. It consists of modules of different configurations.

Usually the size of the mobile stand are determined based on the number of its modules. The standard size of a single module (section) – about 700h700 mm. The standard module is a single section, such sections may be as much as the width (length) and not more than 5-6 in height. If specified, for example, that stand pop up 1×3 which means that it is a construction of 1 unit in width and 3 units in height, 2×3 – 2 modules wide, 3 – high. Thus, in the name of the size of the stand first specified number of modules in width, then – in height.

The most popular configuration of the stand pop up 3×3 or 4×3. Types of mobile stands mobile stands are divided into three main types: large stand: POP-UP (an umbrella structure FOLD-UP tablet, or framework construction. Small banner stands set of types, including the Roll Up, which sometimes emit a different type of mobile stands, as well as Russian mobile stand Stella, L-banner X-Banner and others. Additional designs for mobile marketing kinds of exhibition equipment, which complement the mobile stand there very much.