Presentation Of The Telematics Awards On 27, 2010:

Telematics award 2010 Hamburg/Hanover/Berlin present in Lower Saxony Economics Minister and VDA Managing Director (2010-03-30/Suresh). The trade journal telematics aims to bring the outstanding technologies and research of this innovative industry more in the public eye with the awarding of the Telematics Awards. This project is actively supported by the VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) and Lower Saxony Economics Minister Jorg Bode, who has taken over the patronage. Bode will present in Theurbanpastor on September 27, 2010 the TELEMATIK award to the winners of the advertised categories together with the VDA Managing Director. Joint press release of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Lower Saxony, the VDA – Association of the automotive industry, as well as the trade journal telematics already into declared February 2010 bode his willingness to take over the patronage of the TELEMATIK award 2010. These days bode explained his commitment for the telematics industry in his greeting: in future to remain competitive, the transport, logistics, trade and services industry relies on fuel-saving drives and an efficient vehicle and order management.

The telematics offers impressive systems, which cause material, operating and personnel costs in the company considerably reduce. I have taken over like under the patronage of the TELEMATIK award 2010, because a great economic importance to this innovative and trend-setting technology. Telematics must be understood as an important driver of innovation not only in Germany, and it can be perceived. Therefore, I support the initiative of the organiser’s Telematics and am very excited about the technologies that I can draw from in September 2010 personally. I wish every success to all submitted companies.

“These days the organizer of telematics reached also the message that the Federation definitely says to his participation in the ceremony of the automotive industry and announced the personal appearance of the VDA Managing Director Theurbanpastor on. The editor-in-Chief of the telematics Klischewsky evaluates the readiness of both partnerships so: A TV commitment to the telematics industry and our project could not have it. We are very happy, that we may already know this appreciation in the first year of the competition by the economy Minister as patron, as well as through the partnership to the VDA. This is an extremely important signal in the telematics industry. “Telematics – journal MKK market communication is editor of telematics Telematics is a cross-cutting technology that link the areas of navigation, positioning and communication and computer science. It includes all applications based on wireless transmission of information of every kind and its subsequent processing. The journal telematics aims for this technology and research an all-encompassing market and information space”between manufacturers and users to create, to still quite young and innovative Telematics industry closer to bring to the attention of the public. Telematics binds nationwide expert journalists and marketing professionals who constantly communicate with companies, institutions, universities, associations of the telematics industry. You bundles the interests and ideas from research & Development, business, communities of interest, as well as by providers, manufacturers, and users at a high level and brings together all stakeholders on this public stage”.

Walter Visual PR

Leonie Walter and Markus Walter by Walter Visual PR her first book published Wiesbaden, March 29, 2010. Public relations is a book with seven seals for many medium-sized companies, small businesses and individual consultants. How does this work with the press work? And how can you use the possibilities of the social Web, pointing to the own companies, people and products? The book how the press work 1 x 1″by Leonie and Markus Walter gives answers to these questions and more. The two writers are working for more than fifteen years in the PR industry and give deep insights into the practice of professional communication in her first book. The reader will find creative impulses and many ideas, how and where he can successfully publish press releases and articles. The book is designed for beginners, who can watch the pros at reading over your shoulder. Numerous checklists and recommendations complement the reading and facilitate the entry in the PR work.

In addition to the classical press work in print media in particular, the chances of online media and the social networks in the focus. There are pointed out opportunities and risks. In addition the the authors of also the Visual PR attention. The two PR pros plead for appealing images to the press issues, give tips for exceptional image ideas and explain what basis criteria must PR images. Also the editorial page and the cooperation with journalists are illuminated. About the book of Leonie Walter, Markus Walter how to press work 1 x 1 as public relations is to the success of 156 pages, numerous examples and check lists Publisher: business village 17.90 Euro D ISBN-13: 978-3-86980-012-7 cover-300 DPI: image 2804.jpg information and PR images in the social media Newsroom: order now on Amazon!

Schiller Street

In contrast, instruction for young people is according to 29 vocational, which is carried out every six months. The challenge for the company is doing less the operational implementation of the teachings, as rather the deadlines dar. Aside from the legal implications in the event of an accident due to a missed training, also economic consequences threatened in some industries. So, for example, include detection of carried out regularly and thus received instruction in the construction and construction-related trade is crucial for the contract in a tender. To effectively counteract such a debacle, many companies already access human resource management software solutions back.

On the one hand a staff management software documentation can the carried out teachings, as well as on the other hand the support deadlines in the optimal case with integrated memory function. The Web-based human resources manager by BITE offers this support. By means of the BITE human resources manager not only teachings but also qualifications, training and certificates of employees are comprehensive and resource-conserving collects and manages. Mature teachings and expiring certificates disclosed also in the personnel manager of BITE, such as, for example, pending return reviews of the staff or implementation reviews of superiors for training. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consulting company, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This produces pragmatic tools with the software products of BITE for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and procedures within the company. With the personnel manager, the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business! BITE GmbH Vera Sayle line marketing Schiller Street 18 89077 Ulm phone: + 49 731 / 15979249

Cyprus Sports Association

Everyday run – warm up in Cyprus and yet: indulge your sporting passion motivated and see almost on the sunny side, will shine and ruthlessly remind you, that you probably cannot mate this vest and your shorts for many more weeks with your nylon your dirty running shoes after recently riding with a charming puddle of mud and rain next to the door. Also for the relaxed run along the beach with the Sun at your back, it’s still ADE. But there is a way out. Choose yet, like over 1600 runners last year ahead of you, to board the plane South in March, and to participate in one of the most popular marathons in Europe! The Sun, the sport and the beaches are only three hours away! “” Motto: run along the waves “and run with a smile” with its crystal clear water and its magnificent scenery, which significantly between warm sandy beaches, rocky cliffs and striking mountains varies, offers one of the most beautiful Marathon routes in Cyprus without a doubt World. The selection of the three distances, the marathon, half marathon and 10 km race, makes it the ideal sporting destination for ambitious runners like amateurs. “” On the 18.3.2012 a health-race, arrive in Limassol in addition to the King discipline 5 km-corporate race, a student of race, as well as a charity walk instead, so that every man according to his skills along the waves ‘ start and with a smile “can finish. “Last but not least due to the spring-like temperatures in March, the very good organization such as the fast track with long straights of the Limassol Marathon Cyprus among runners as a warm-up is Marathon” very popular before the start of the season. Many international organizations appreciate the Mediterranean island for decades as ideal training base for their professional track and field teams.

Enjoy the fun-loving, generous Cypriots, whose hospitality is renowned worldwide, hospitality and culture on the island of Aphrodite to be with open arms and a smile always Welcome, and make sure that the Marathon on Cyprus will remain long in the memory. The Limassol Marathon is a major event of course also regionally, and guarantees you will get opportunity to participate in a range of traditional activities. After sporting kilometers you dance to the rhythm of Cypriot and Greek maybe and sounds but promising and is certainly more exciting than the salsa course around the corner under the Mediterranean sun. About the Limassol Marathon GSO: the Limassol Marathon Cyprus’s second city was called gymnastics sports the Olympia (GSO) in the life. (Association of international marathons and distance races) is accredited by the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) and AIMS of the Limassol Marathon GSO of the only official Marathon of Cyprus and official marathon race of the Cyprus Sports Association (KAIZER). There likewise alone 1 625 participants from over 30 countries in the marathon in 2011.

The spring run on the third largest Mediterranean island provides fast and flat stretch along the coastline. The Olympus event management Ltd. is responsible for the Organization of the race The next course starts on March 18, 2012 in the disciplines of Marathon, half marathon, 10-km run, corporate race, student race and charity walk.

Deutsche Post

Also you saw him with enthusiasm, that at the premiere of the B2RUN in Stuttgart the registration figures right is rose to good 4000 active. We are the most spectacular although not the largest running event in the city, but with the finish line in the Mercedes-Benz-arena and the many music bands on the side of the track maybe”, he added. “VfB Stuttgart – as the owner of the arena almost hosts” – was not with its own team on the line, but nevertheless, the atmosphere of the stadium and the this year’s successful highlight along with European Cup qualification had a positive impact on most runners. The teams from Deutsche Post, Festo AG and the ED specific running events around the Mercedes-Benz arena. Zublin AG. Festo-team was the fastest women’s Quintet, the Deutsche Post the fastest men and Zublin staff won in the mixed category. The fastest individual runner were Simon Friedrich (German post, 20:07 mins) for men and Karin Beck (DHBW Stuttgart, 23:08 minutes). Festo AG & co.

KG at the start brought the most starters “” 308 Runners: fittest “, because the largest company with 1000 employees was the Weleda AG with 124 starters, the title fittest SMEs” (up to 100 employees) could co-opt the Dymatrix Consulting Group GmbH itself, which had 25 active at the start. But also all other participants had their fun. “At the B2RUN each winner must feel”, Wang stressed that not only the fast crossing of the finish line, but also other factors make up the B2RUN. “The sporting ambition is one thing, the common run, fun, communication and networking are different.” According to many people in the Stuttgart arena had predominantly good mood and that most of them also a medal on Tuesday the neck. In a good mood the Foundation has followed the successful first edition of the B2RUN Stuttgart “RTL – we help children e.V.”. Part of the fees is used for charitable purposes, so that the children’s charity is supported in her work and can look forward to a handsome sum.

“If a start is “made our partners were just as impressed as we, so we already look full of anticipation for the Stuttgarter B2RUN expenditure in the next few years”, resummierte managing director Wang the drive and party event satisfied. “In 2014 we try to increase the runner – and viewing figures and to make the B2RUN an integral part of the Stuttgart-based sports and economic life.” The company and the athletes from the Swabian metropolis and the region with joy shall hear that. B2RUN Stuttgart of the B2RUN Stuttgart is a new part of the B2RUN series to the German companies run Championship. A total of ten sites the approximately six kilometres long company runs take place on 2013, is the final in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. Everyone can participate: by the ICH-AG to the Corporation. Distinctive feature of B2RUN is the finishing line in the large football stadiums of in Germany. The premiere in Stuttgart will be held accordingly around the and in the Mercedes-Benz arena. The organizers look forward in the first year of almost 4,000 participants. He stands in the foreground of the B2RUN Fun on the move in the circles of colleagues. Oliver Kubanek

Real Economic Society

In 1817 it is admitted like partner of number of the Real Economic Society, that later conferred the title to him of Partner of Merit. The presbtero Felix Varela Morals was one of the disciples of the Seminary San Car it and San Ambrosio. There it received classes of Agustn father Horseman (1762-1835), the precursor of the Cuban philosophy and the one that the front of transition between the traditional escolasticismo and the philosophical reform established with its ideals, that I continue Varela later, cradle mainly in the cartesian rationalism. This illustrious thinker he owns the merit as well of to have been one of the first representatives of the independentistas ideas and abolicionistas in Cuba. Their Christian devotion, its inexhaustible kindness, its clear talent and its vigorous personality plot a new course in the education and the destinies of Cuba. For that reason, the years between 1811 and 1830, can receive denomination of period of Varela. Light and Horseman said that Varela was the man who taught to think to us first.

We can add: Light I teach to us to know, and Mart, on the basis of that tradition, and to its genius, to act. On these foundations Fidel Castro it has taught to us, and it continues teaching to us, to win. To think, to know and to act based on interests of more poor men and of all the humanity. Development: The pedagogical ideas. One affirms of Varela, that initial period (1881-1822), of the formation of his educative theory to teach to the students from the first years, will become the essential law of education that praised. Within the values that were to develop was the precaution, the gratitude, the benevolence, the charity, the conmiseracin, the prudence, the joy, justice, the strength. Varela outlined better their educative-instructive system and centered their interest in moral formation of youth.

Primate Reig

There were men, women and children, some old faces seemed bruised, beaten by something stronger and more forceful than mere adversity. Some had their eyes prayerfully closed by any charitable or loving hand. Others, however, exhibited a few eyes open, ominously inquisitive and even challenging with its absence of flicker, they produced a thrill anyone who looked them. There was me, dragging my feet muddy by the spontaneous sidewalk formed against the corpses. The chills than of time in when it roamed my backbone were due not only to the rain that had soaked me completely. My body, wrapped in water and in clothes that sweating moisture and fear, expelia a hot and strangely fragrant mist, or so seemed it, at least. But that was not what caused me only episodic spasms and electrical currents of cold that I climbed by the spine.

It was also daunting environment. It was the grisly procession of relatives and friends. It was the final solemn stillness of the dead. And it was the familiarity of everything what, the feeling of already seen me attacked ever more frequently. Of both as soon as he stumbled, I rubbed, rather, with someone who was going faster or slower I scrutinizing the faces of the bodies lying on the street, some bodies increasingly more sunk into the mud as persistent rain erosionaba the soft soil of the streets unpaved. I had been before in Primate Reig. In that same Primate Reig of another era.

And in the current. I.e. in the wide and straight Avenue with houses on both sides and hundreds of cars parked at the edge of sidewalks. Also, I say, I was ever on this unpaved Street where I was now. It was another Primate Reig primitive and ancient, border then with the boundaries of the city, still there where still some orchards waiting for the real-estate boom that would eliminate them.

Roman Catholic Church

(Article 18) Guarantee of the Catholic theological Faculties (article 19) right to self-determination of the Church with regard to the training of the clergy (article 20) Catholic religious instruction is proper discipline. (Article 21) Catholic religion teachers may be adjusted only with the consent of the Bishop. (Article 22) Retention and new of Catholic confessional schools (article 23) teachers to Kath. Elementary schools must of Kath. Include Church and the requirements of Kath.

Correspond to parochial school; “” Establishment of facilities for the training of Catholic teachers (article 24) founding and leadership of schools through orders and religious congregations (article 25) permission to the wedding before the civil ceremony in death and cases of moral emergency “(article 26) guarantee of the independent (Hugh) Chaplaincy under the direction of the army Bishop (article 27) admission or establishment of pastoral care in hospitals, prisons and other buildings of the public sector” (article 28) treatment. Member of a non-German “ethnic minority” like that of the families of German descent and language in the State of this minority (article 29) obligation, on Sundays and holidays available in the connection to the main worship service for the welfare of the German Empire and the people “to pray (article 30) Catholic associations are allowed to operate only within State associations, outside only for purely religious, purely cultural and charitable tasks. These are the associations, agreed later. State associations will not hinder religious behavior. (Article 31) For non-Catholic denominations, similar regulations make no membership of clergy and religious people in political parties or activities for such parties”(article 32) that is rich. (Final Protocol article 32) > * the Missio canonica is in the Roman Catholic Church the appointment with preaching and teaching; specifically in particular one of the pastoral mission for a priest to another Permission to the teaching appointment as Catholic religion teachers in schools or as a lecturer in theological faculties.