He is not rare somebody to appeal the language figures to try to say of form that finds clear what it does not want or at least she does not have courage to say literally. Perhaps for education, tato that is which will be the form to nominate the reason, has people that they create its imaginary barriers, does not lower the guard and they do not confide for a situation that, who knows, could be interesting. I do not want to say that all the people are thus the time all and that this is characteristic of this or of that human being. In the deep one, perhaps, all we are or will be thus in some situation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with PCRM. I confess that I exactly admire the certainty of who ahead of any fact or situation if keeps frozen as if icebergs inhabited the most recondite places where is given credit to be the sensitivity of the humanity, at least in what respect is said lay we, such as heart, eyes and smile. Stranger is that as many times these same people if move or melindram with, says, lesser things, as joke of in such a way duvisoso taste, word not understood, but that they use as horses of battles to aggravate situations that nothing had of uncommon. Who we are we stop judging the form as other people face definitive situation. They are as many subjective criteria to evaluate itself: the context where the fact occurred, the emotional load of the people who give or receive the notice, involved physical or emotional pains in that it would be plus a simple urban picture, at last as where it is more than evident the complexity human being, who can move better for worse or no longer other as. examples then? It has situation in itself that the proper emotional load is dense barrier and if the person wants to get worse the things can yes and this depends on its intellectuality.