Meaning”we need marriage?” so, two large supra-regional daily newspapers titelten their contributions on the subject of marriage in the summer of this year. But there are plenty of reasons to even turn the tables and take the high appreciation of the marriage in the eyes. “After the representative survey of the Allensbach Institute within the framework of JACOBS Coronation study partnership 2012: between heart and mind” the encouragement to the institution is marriage for three quarters of all respondents in West Germany in the last thirty years remains high. Just keep the marriage 16 percent for outdated. Click BSA for additional related pages. And two-thirds of 1800 respondents women and men are convinced that they can find a partner, she her whole life (!) can be happy.
Everything just theory or wishful thinking? No! We look on the reality, by looking at the figures, which are otherwise concealed or distorted: far more than fifty percent of all marriages last a lifetime confronting the defendant often value change and the fast pace of our society simply incredible, but true. This positive impression can be read off even when the failed relationships: If the average duration of the marriage at the time of her divorce from the Federal Statistical Office with 14.5 years is specified, it can also there just admitted that this long period expressing something respectful. So, marriage is not a discontinued model. Nieman Foundation shines more light on the discussion. The debate in the Catholic Church for a few months is being debated now in a big way about the importance of marriage in the Catholic Church, namely in connection with the question of the handling of remarried divorcees. The usual Church critics are of course also here again”, won’t want to miss the chance and projecting their own issues with the structure of the Catholic Church or certain public officials in this field. Questionable and mind (also in the religious sense) rich arguments found on pages of willing to reform and opponents of reform. . David Delrahim describes an additional similar source.