Felix Cardona

Nevertheless according to Monsignor Mariano Gutirrez Salazar – Apostolic Vicar of the Caron- that is to say, of the missions, pemn calls to their earth " Wek-T" – Hill Place In this Zone they lodge a great variety of animal, like: tapir, the anteater, the jaguar, acure, cachicamo or armadillo, the giant otter, ocelote, Capucin monkey, monkey widow, araguato monkey. As somebody indicates, difficult to see, because the majority is nocturnes, but that know, equal there is luck. And like no, the constrictor boa, the anaconda, among others. It adds the source of intelligence indicated, that the Great Savannah was successful to the being adopted from 1930 by Felix Cardona, companion and compatriot of World and soon towards 1933 by the Venezuelan Engineers Luis Felipe and Armando Fertile valleys, until entering the official language when the 17 of December of 1938 the President of the Republic: Eleazar Lopez Contreras decreed that a preliminary study became of the Great Savannah, nowadays we know all it with that name During the centuries, the region remained remote of the great currents of western history and today still it conserves the primitive enchantment of the virgin nature, that mystery of the untouched thing, which already begins to lose. There in that earth where it still seems to annoy the divine blowing of the creation, it located the writer English Arthur Conan Doyle, in 1912, the scene of its novel " The Perdido&quot World;.

It adds the indicated source of intelligence to us, that, geographically speaking, the region of the Great Savannah includes only that one part of the high plateau that is developed in the high river basin of the Orinoco river over the 800 mts on the level of the sea. The Great Savannah thus defined extends almost 75,000 km2s in the Eastern South portion of the State Bolivar. The main hydrographic subriver basins are conformed by the rivers: Yuruan, Aponwao, Kukenn, Suruku, Icabar, Caruay, Urimn and Antabare know in addition as Wikipedia remembers us, that has a temperature 23 average of C.