Green Alternative

Contamination by bacteria can damage the milk – does its taste is bitter, but the drink itself sticky. Today’s technologies are designed to reduce the initial bacterial components in pasteurized milk to very low levels. However, in raw milk can contain various bacteria, trapped in the udder cows for milking equipment and in other ways … Electricity —- almost nothing cheap, productive and environmentally friendly power plant. Russian scientists are adopting innovation that can substitute chadyaschimi combined heat and power. This is a generator that requires virtually no fuel and pays 80 percent of energy.

And let his name is difficult to pronounce, not the essence of this changes. Unusually loud construction of uncomplicated plexus pipes, steel frame and blast resistance of concrete – the so-called expansion engine generator power. Simply put, if the current situation it is not eternal engine, then his brother. The basis of this unit is simple and brilliant idea: almost out of thin air to produce electricity. The idea of the production of so-called ‘green’ energy came up with the Russian scientist, Academician Millionshchikov in 1948. In the West, such facilities have long been working, but first appeared in Russia only in 1994 …

—- Mitvol intends to create a new public environmental movement Rosprirodnadzor deputy head Oleg Mitvol with the environmental organization “Green Alternative” intends to take part in the creation of a new nationwide public environmental movement. ‘I was approached by a group of Russian environmentalists with proposal to create a public ecological movement. In the near future will be negotiated to form a movement. I hope that at the end of December 2008, the beginning of January 2009 we will be able to formalize ‘, – said Oleg Mitvol RIA Novosti … —- 150 pilot whales ashore Australia Tasmania At least 150 pilot whales ashore the island of Tasmania in southern Australia, said on Sunday Agence France Presse. Flocks pilot whales began arriving at the beach near the northwest coast of Tasmania last week. On the beach Anton (Anthony s Beach) on the island of Stanley, which is located near the mainland, killing 54 of mammals. A few days New schools have continued to cast ashore in the area of Tasmania and die.