Mexico will leave fortified this crisis of public health and the airdrop platform at new levels of thought will be these days of reflection when being in house to help to cut the chain of transmission of the mortal disease. It is said that the regiomontano average is arrogant and presumptuous and that measure the success by the type of car, marries or school to where the children go, product of his tesonero work. When being in house we must value the time of quality that we give the family and not so many the material goods.
As what it serves to work whether in a contagion of influenza you will finish being richest and arrogant of the pantheon? ” It is that there is niveles” , usually they say those of ” arriba”. In these days we must reflect what the regiomontana society has lost: the pride of our industralists and their seeras industries that to a large extent are into the hands of foreigners and other that could be in the very near future on sale to the best postor. Where they were the industralists who gave luster to our city that got to be the Industrial Capital of Mexico? It is not to be alarmed that of million 600 thousand motorists, the 50 percent leads the week ends under the effects of the alcohol or drugs? At what moment we lost the astonishment capacity before the predatory corruption in the municipality of alcohol Monterrey, transit, police, urban development and in the same office of the mayor? How we contributed to improve the environment if we are unstoppable machines of excessive consumption? How we are educating our children if we corrupt to the transit, we hung ourselves of the light, we went the light in red and we are not nothing courteous at the time of handling and we are arrogant again with the conductor of I displace to whom we sounded the horn to him like patanes? We waste the water, we used the electrical energy in indiscriminate form, eat meat in excess and we showed the Power before humble tellers removing enlarged money portfolios dollars including and a series of credit cards all until the top in that presumptuous and disdainful eagerness that already is icon of our community. We are happy? If we valued the life and the fragile thing of this one before the health contingency; if we love a family heals morally emotional and, it is necessary to reflect what we can make to surpass this contingency of confusion. Because an invisible virus can defeat to us and as mud idols to collapse us to the anything leaving here possessions, family and a prestige of arrogance that don’t mention it served: to only deceive to us same. Humility and arduous work, seem to be formulas to leave this financial crisis and health. In Short. Ronald Reagan did not imagine the bankruptcy of Chrysler in 1981 and less than a President of race he announced black it. Original author and source of the article.