
new ways of doing things, able to learn from others and take their learning to benefit your organization, Furthermore, are able to give way to its creativity, innovation, imagine and visualize opportunities where others see difficulties, can beat established paradigms with creative ideas, original and revolutionary that allow their actions to be effective and productivealso, are up to date with the knowledge of the progress of administrative science with latest technological advances, using them in an appropriate manner to enhance their personal development and their equipment; characterized by being honest, ethical and seek to permanently keep with respect the moral principles of their social group, fulfilling its responsibility to all this is added, that are fully identified with its responsibility, which gives way to its credibility, is manifested reliability and confidence in their performance, interactions, accomplishments. New managerial leaders, are definitely, characterized for being visionaries, be prepared to see beyond the present, projecting into the future, toward the more ambitious and stimulating visions of what you want to happen, so very well specified and detailed in the vision of the organization. Well integrates its human resource, forming teams of cohesive work, prepared, motivated towards achieving the established goals. The new leadership constantly dealing with Orient and show to their directed the best way of doing things, helps them in their training, giving you the possibility to generate changes, new openings arising from new challenges, which require new attitudes, creating and training increasing the competences of the different people that make up the departments, administrative units of the organizational structure of the present. A managerial leader who knows how to influence, share, take advantage optimally human capital, talent of the workers of the company.

Usually in addition, channeling energies, emotions and potentialities of the members of his team, as provide what participants of the program, as well as students from the school of administration, all this, seeking to create the best climate of support, affection and responsibility, that the modern managerial leader, may lead to a positive organizational climate is fully identified that depends alsoan attitude positive before the cultural diversity and the globalization of markets and societies in order to be effective in all its rooms, know how to interpret the effects of contingent variables, the intervention of the State, for example, in the Venezuelan case, where there is an interest to instill a socialism that the country has never lived it. The modern leader stimulates known social and organizational cultures, evaluates, scope, impact generated by multiculturalism. Is to the day of the advances of the new administrative tools and all of its specialty – area theme knows how to handle their emotions, their persuasion, emotional intelligence, recognition, performance, performance of its workers, prevents impulsiveness to take care of the climate of his team, skillfully employs the largest capacity of the human being, properly listening to messages, concerns, suggestions of their partners and after processing the informationIt transmits it clearly and in detail; know determine the opportunity to talk about and manage the time that use to do so, avoiding falling into extreme passivity. The new managerial leader is a guarantor of achievement, success, safeguarding the rights of the worker, a certainty of success for the company that has given him the opportunity to play its role, more if it meets all the characteristics, conditions that have been identified.


If you don’t have any friend designer who collaborate with your cause, the easiest and most economic option you have to create your web page is to use a design platform that already integrates different web templates to choose from. Insurance find a good platform that has developed itself to charitable associations and non profit web design templates as yours. You will only have to choose the one you like and fill it with your content. 3. Complete your website with your most important point of your nonprofit website content is content that you offer to those who visit. What matters most to you is that your readers know what is your cause, which is what supports your web site, and who wish to participate and be part of it. Generally speaking, the page of NGOs exposed in the Home name, the cause defending, why should people join them, how to collaborate how do donations-, etc.

in the rest of pages tend to develop the Organization’s history, include real, have a section of contact, etc. 4 testimonials. Get ready to receive donations the goal of your website is receiving donations from visitors to support your cause and help those who need it. In order to receive donations on your site, the tool that can facilitate more things is PayPal, since through the incorporation of buttons make donation your visits can easily send you your help for your organization. One option is to develop the section on donations as if were an e-commerce application. If you don’t know how to create a web page with separate e-ecommerce, possibly you can find the necessary feature for this service in your web design platform. To remove the difficulty to this task, just a question do you expect?

Pakua International League

The school organization nonprofit founded by master Rogelio Magliacano, the Pa-Kua international school or International League of Pa-Kua is an institution with global relevance. Master Roger MagliacanoEl teacher depositary responsible Rogelio Magliacano has been dedicated to the study of martial arts and healing arts from an early age. He won his belt black high graduation in different martial styles that studied before they are ready to start learning of Pa-Kua with master Chinese I Chan Ming. After a hard work of learning, the teacher I Chan Ming appointed him as his successor and responsible for guarding and continue with the transmission of the Pa-Kua knowledge globally and openly, putting at disposal of who cares for his study. Founded in 1976, after the return of East of the Maestro Magliacano, the Pa-Kua school has developed in Argentina, Brazil, United States, Spain, England, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Israel, Germany, Italy and many others. As a legacy of more than 30 years of teaching hundreds of people formed professionally and were trained in the Pa-Kua art and continue forward with his work.

Currently the institution is in charge of his most advanced disciple master Nicolas Dario Moyano appointed by Maestro Magliacano in 2006 with the title of master holder upper Responsable.El master custodian responsible for the Pa-Kua Rogelio Magliacano knowledge died in March 2007. His love, thoughts and knowledge remain alive in the hearts of the Pa-Kua students around the world. Arte Marcial is the martial art par excellence. It consists of a psycho-physical learning to increase security in oneself overcoming fears that immobilized us in our daily projects.The student develops in a healthy environment, learning alongside their peers and without competition.From different techniques, including personal defense, simulations of attack that are resolved through the use of blows of hands and feet, torsions and levers, lances, application of techniques from the ground and Chinese points.This work is completed with physical stretching exercises and strengthening the body looking for progress class to class.

Atkins Diet Protein

The truth about the Atkins Diet probably heard talk about this diet to lose weight and prevent weight. However despite the acquired fame, we need to know its benefits but interested also its consequences unfavourable. which person not in having the spectacular body of a famous Hollywood star? Sometimes we do not repair in harmful diet and do anything that is fashionable to lose weight, although seriously affect health. Be fat often is consequence of a life sedentary, lack of time for physical activity or fast food (usually caloric). These factors seriously affect health and hinder the stability of our weight.Physical condition deteriorates, however the greatest problems is the emotional and mental deterioration that we can lead to low self-esteem and consequently to depression.

People in the desire to lose weight and prevent weight rely on products that indiscriminately promise almost magical results, which not only provide no solution but that some in the majority of cases seriously resent our body. We must take care in our election and in all cases with medical supervision. Diet doctor Robert Atkins (its creator) became famous in 1972, being quite effective and successful. Based on that carbohydrates are the main reason for weight gain. It is said that to reduce the intake of items such as sugar, cellulose and starch, will be lost several kilos.

According to Dr. Atkins avoiding eating potatoes, pastas, grains, vegetable starch and sugar, transforms the metabolism and body functions as a true fat burner. However approves all matter rich in protein and fat intake, especially recommends the consumption of animal protein. Although this diet has many fans and has been successful in some cases, another similar amount of people subjected it to severe criticism. This is due to that this diet meals contain insignificant amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. It raises cholesterol. In addition for being based on consumption animal protein, vegetarians have difficulties to adopt it. The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization nonprofit, whose mission is to improve the health of the population decreasing cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular accidents. To fulfill its mission the AHA has different programs focused on the prevention, food and education. This association is of the view that a high protein diet is not sufficient to avoid weight, in addition to causing a nutritional deficiency and other problems associated with cholesterol (heart failure) in the long term. Finally, critics believe that eating meat and other products of high protein can lead to osteoporosis, the colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. We must be informed of guaranteed sources when choosing a diet to lose weight and avoid excessive weight, taking into account the contribution of nutrients essential to our body and moderate consumption of fats. Do not forget the importance of balance in any case mental, emotional and physical.


Article 21st.-freedom of action-the conciliator leads the conciliation hearing with freedom of action, following the principles laid down in this law. Article 22nd-conciliators requirements.-be accredited at a conciliation centre and trained in negotiation techniques and alternative means of dispute resolution is required to be conciliatory. Article 23rd.-disability, disqualification and abstention from conciliators.-are the causes of impairment, disqualification and abstention laid down in the code of Civil procedure applicable to conciliators. Article Extrajudicial conciliation centres 24th.-conciliation-centers of conciliation centres are entities purporting to exercise conciliatory function of accordance with this Act. Conciliation centres may constitute legal persons of public or private law nonprofit, having among its purposes the conciliatory role.

In case that the center of conciliation services are onerous, the remuneration shall be paid by who requested conciliation, unless otherwise agreed, that must be recorded in the relevant minutes. Article 25o-training of conciliators.-conciliation centres are responsible for the training of conciliators and that comply with the principles laid down in article 2 of this law. Article 26.-authorization and Supervision.-the Ministry of Justice is responsible for the authorisation of operation, registration and supervision of the centres of conciliation, and may suspend or deprive of its conciliatory faculty, when these do not comply with the principles or legal objectives referred to in this law, or engage in ethical misconduct. Article 27th.-requirements-the institutions that request the approval of centres must attach to its request duly signed by its legal representative, the following: 1.-documents proving the existence of the institution. 2. Documents evidencing the representation.

3. Rules of the Centre. 4 List of conciliators. Finally the Extrajudicial conciliation is a chance for two or more parties setting out its claims, and can if they come to an agreement, put an end to their differences and reconcile. If so agreed, will be on a record that has value of res judicata, the document is an executive title. Put an end to conflicts between individuals, legal communities, it is important, help them reconcile is more, to avoid lengthy judicial processes, which ultimately are expensive for both parties. Promote a culture of peace, it is what is sought with Extrajudicial conciliation already knows it impossible to sue, without conciliar, since 2001, in Peru.


What we make to be successful in our daily one? What the winners make through the power of God? ' ' Jac made a vote, saying: If God will be with me, and to keep me in this trip who I make, and to give bread to eat, and vestments to me to dress; I in peace to become the house of my father, Mr. me will be for God; this rock that I have rank for column will be house of God; of everything how much to give to me, to certainly I will give the tenth you. ' ' Gnesis 28:20 – the 22 concerns to decide in the day the day are sufficiently common, exterior and interior problems also: family, illness, money, love What the Christian observes front to these situations? 1) It auto-evaluates itself, before any another attitude. Before looking at for the others, he looks at well of close for itself exactly, brother and evaluates with all its sincerity. He prays the God and he has asked for the agreement through the Truth, that is, that It grants the necessary revelation to it through the Sacred Holy Writs, therefore they they say of all our problems and point the pertinent actions stops to solve them. Jac tapeou the father who was blind, deceiving it, passed for its Esa brother and received the blessing from the primogeniture.

Jac stole the blessing that was of its proper brother! What age of Esa was for Jac and vice versa. Jac needed to run away not to be died. In the desert, desperate, alone, run away, it reclined its head in a rock! Jac was next to its mother whereas Esa was next to its father. Jac made a vote the God, although alone and sleeping with its head in a rock (Jesus, the angular rock), it dreamed of angels going up and I descend.

Like Making Solar Paddles

How to make solar paddles? or, it is difficult to construct solar paddles? , they are questions that can one get to become after knowing the high price the new photovoltaic panels. He is better to buy used solar paddles. Both possibilities, the one of construction and the one of the panels of second hand are good options. The decision lightly does not have to be taken because on her the efficient and lasting operation of an installation of photovoltaic panels depends. Next I briefly detail to my analysis of both possibilities through the search and study of the options available in Internet. To buy used solar paddles.

This seems the option most logical after to discard the purchase of new panels. There is a great variety of prices, marks and qualities that it makes possible to choose most appropriate to our needs. It is very good that this ample range of supply exists, but on the other hand can present/display a certain complication. It is necessary to know the foundations technical the solar generation of energy to do a good one election and buys. Letting itself is due to avoid take by an excellent price without rigorously verifying the state of operation of the panels.

Construction of solar paddles. It can seem rare, but to construct photovoltaic panels it is not needed to be technician. These devices are surprising simple and exist many manuals, guides and instructions available for their construction. The great advantage is that a panel done in house is constructed with new pieces to a price much more under which the one of a used panel. The disadvantage is obvious, desire and something of time are needed to undertake this work. My decision. I prefer new products, especially concerning electrical devices, due to that and to the low involved costs I was decided to construct my own photovoltaic panels. It would now like me to share the result of my search, wishing that this information is useful for those who wants to change to the clean energies and to reduce significantly their expenses of power supplying. In the Link that I put down it finds a good summary of that it is in my opinion the best existing option as far as own construction of systems of photovoltaic panels. She is a professional guide with videos step by step designed so that any person can follow the instructions, without concerning the lack of technical knowledge or the level of English.

Turkish Language

In Turkey, the official language is Turkish (Turk dili, briefly: Turkce) and applies it to the Turkic languages. This language, in such a way as we used to have formed in the mid-twentieth century and is the south-western Turkic language. Except Turkey, it can be seen in some areas of the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean region. Until the mid-nineteenth century in Ottoman Turkey, there was a literary language, It is based on Persian and Arabic borrowing. It was only later, formed a literary language Turkish. However, were not lost verses on drevneturetskom language, written in the thirteenth century. It is they who are the first surviving letters, basis of the modern Turkish language. But the Arabic alphabet remained, right up to 1928, from which Turkey moved to the Latin alphabet.

Familiar to us, the literary Turkish language, was formed quite late in the 30-50gody XX century, and it is based includes the urban dialect of Ankara, Istanbul and Cyprus dialects. For a long time Turkey has been fragmented into many fiefdoms, united only in the XV century. It is these rulers, feudal lords sought to transfer as much as possible the number of books in Turkish language. Translators were educated people, who came from the Persian trade caravans, and the rest of the Turkish rulers. Especial popularity enjoyed the commentary on the Koran, translated into Turkish language is so simple that they could completely understand anyone who can read, man. But the Turkish language were also translated books on medicine and history different countries.

The Era

The dependence on the language of the media, having an electronic basis, emphasizes Castells, leads to a far-reaching consequences for the characteristics, organization and goals of political processes, politicians and political institutions. Ultimately, the power held by the network media is second only to the power flow, as embodied in the structure and language of these networks' 7. The main contradiction (and hence the driving force behind the development of) the emerging new society based on network structures, is a contradiction between the globalization of the world and identity (identity) of a specific community. In our view, should also be noted the dual role of network structures on the one hand to create, independent community and culture, but at the same time, they can create low-quality information and symbolic samples. Soon begins to show the "third" methodological crisis in sociology, who is considered the main cause of many theories, concepts and approaches which, in fact, failed to give, to describe and explain holistic picture of society. However, some researchers have expressed the following views, saying the crisis of social sciences in general: "There is no problem in multiparadigmality or absence of a single paradigm. 'Dislocation in heads "of researchers, experts, 'innovators', 'Dukes'. Pragmatists may be guided by quite well with the existing order of theoretical models.

"8" No great innovation does not mean the end of the social Science. The era gave way to the era of translations of manuals and technical manuals. 'Dukes' republic' changed 'management guru'. "9 In our opinion a promising direction in the development of sociology is to use not completely uncovered layers of meaning of symbolic interactionism, explains dramatically increased the flow of information prepodnosimoy media, through the formation of symbolic representations, creating a very peculiar picture of the world, profitable, above all political, economic and other elites.


‘ On the other hand, the truth of an express proposal a fact, in the case of the moral judgments does not have nothing that is equivalent to the affirmation of that determined one been of things ‘ ‘. A normative consensus, forming in conditions of free and universal participation in the context of a practical speech, establishes a valid norm (or it confirms its validity). ‘ validade’ of a moral norm it means that ‘ merece’ the universal recognition in virtue of its capacity of, by means of the reason only, to get the assent of the will of those to who if dirige.’ ‘ (HABERMAS 2007, P. 65-66) Good i, what we have is the proposal of a side that points with respect to the fact that ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ of the other the moral judgment that does not have the same possibility, however would fit a clarification concerning this proposal here that in one of its aspects could be abrangncia of an experience given and crystallized in a result of what ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ that is, something that infects or makes possible a relation that would characterize as a citizen its circumstance, a dualidade that clama a unit, what he is or that where the proper proposal still points or the fact and, how much to the moral judgment, that does not point with respect to what it is, however only perhaps, for what it could be, that is, the presumption or still the estimated one and we have a difficult shock considered for Habermas, reason and will here and could ask what it characterizes the reason? Or still, the reason in its affirmation is will or construction on a foundation or a structure of will? Better it would be to place, what it would constitute the reason? Would be the proposal an intrinsic characteristic of the same one, that is, the reason? The reason in its constitution is not affirmed in proposals, as if it looks at for this, however when we arrive at the validity of something we are ahead of the quandary, affirmation and negation where in accordance with this, the reason, will subordinate or to the will not having become – a recognition that perhaps can say with this word, something that it was known and that necessary to pass again for the same process of knowing, that is, to recognize is to know two times so that if directs for what it could be characterized as the fact that constitutes what perhaps it gives cohesion to the assigned person as universal.