Innovative products might Karlsruhe/Berlin to an export hit, September 2, 2008 – the grand challenges initiative of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) and the information technology society (ITG) shows the engineering research and development. You should contribute according to Professor Wolfgang Karl of the University of Karlsruhe to a long-term job security. Our society faces major challenges: climate change, diminishing energy resources, demographic change, maintaining the mobility. It turns the question what can contribute the engineering to solve these problems and that in the light of technological developments such as the semiconductor technology, increase the bandwidth in communications networks, intelligent sensors or nanotechnology”says Karl newspaper in an interview with the computer. Ambient assisted living (AAL) played a central role. It involves assistance in the fields of health and life, in the transport and automotive technology and service robots. Here you want to These enabling technologies are used and people discreetly support. “This is above all an interdisciplinary task: doctors and psychologists know Yes more than computer scientists about how people can deal with new technologies”, explained Karl compared to the computer newspaper the assistance systems are also according to forecasts by Lupo Pape, in the next few years, a central theme of computer science be managing director of the Berlin-based SemanticEdge.
Hermann Maurer, Professor of computer science at the Technical University of Graz, has coined the term of the ubiquitous computer for it. We will have virtual and personal assistant, who support us privately and professionally. Access useful information will occur with devices which are strongly connected with the people”, as Pape, expert on speech dialog systems, in conversation with NeueNachricht. Cell phones will get in the future about the shape of glasses and with new intuitive interaction the people constantly accompany as personal assistants. Mini devices would have all properties of a powerful computer with functions of a picture phone, a radio and television set, a video and photo apparatus and a global positioning system. It could act as a means of payment, as travel guides and information, booking and communication device. According to estimates of the Association of electrical, electronic and information technologies (VDE) needs an export hit eel products made in Germany “. Due to the great response on the kick-off Conference in January 2008, therefore the VDE and the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) on 3 and 4 February 2009 organize second AAL Congress at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC). At the core are applications, in which the different aspects of the use of the AAL technologies are discussed and evaluated. The understanding of the relationship promotes the development of demand-oriented and market-oriented products.