Profit Market

Contacting with pupils and problematizando the work possibilities, I could observe the passive internalization of the individualistic aspects and competition authenticated by the work market, translated in the express formularizations in its you speak and had as true: ' ' to be successful &#039 is necessary to be optimum; ' , ' ' who has work will be better preparado' '. The other does not pass of a mere competitor. The educative field is guided by a produtivista and enterprise conception. Objective it formation for the competitiveness. The final criterion is not the dignity human being or the citizenship, therefore ' ' the neoliberal pragmatismo, does not have nothing to see with formao' '.

(FREIRE, 2000, P. 123). It is devoted difference as source of privileges. It is sketched, for the displayed one, the stigma of ' ' quality total' ' , that it does not pass of a subtle speech of the neoliberalismo, reducing it a mere produtivista criterion, therefore brings for the education the logic of the capitalist market: to perpetuate the social exclusion. Offensive neoliberal dirige, also, for the interior of the schools, therefore, as It hisses (2002, P. 20): … the neoliberal strategy will not be contented in guiding the education institutionalized for the necessities of the industry nor in organizing the education in market form, but that it will try to reorganize the proper interior of the education, that is, the schools and the classrooms, in accordance with projects of organization of the work process. The marketing ditames collaborate with the maintenance of the inaqualities. Emphatically cousin for the individual one, where ' ' to be criativo' ' he is synonymous of strategist, whose objective is to win (to dominate) the other, in wild, the different and unjust competition. Chase Koch is full of insight into the issues. The above-mentioned principles, in the neoliberal conception, are determined by the profit and subordinate to the capital.