Rio De Janeiro

At the beginning of century XIX, the coffee arrived at Rio De Janeiro. The activity gained impulse with the arrival of D. Joo VI and its cut, in 1808. In virtue of the order of inoccupation of some houses, to shelter the just-fond ones, many producers had left for its country properties. Thus, the cafeicultura took account of of the state of Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo lands of the Valley of the Paraba, inaugurating a new economic cycle, from 1825. In 1850, Brazil already was world-wide the producing greater of coffee, with 40% of the total, arriving 80% at the beginning of century XX. Implanted with the minimum of knowledge of the culture, in regions that later if would become inadequate for the culture, the cafeicultura in the south center of Brazil started to have problems in 1870, when a great frost reached the plantations provoking incalculable damages.

After this crisis and with the recovery of the market, transferred to all search it ideal regions for the culture of the coffee, extending themselves for the country. 2.3.1CICLO OF the COFFEE In agreement BRAZIL Brum (2005, p 131), in elapsing of more than four hundred years the Brazilian economy functioned predominantly as reflected of the external interests, reacting to the stimulatons come of it are. This orientation for the exterior lead the implantation of the cultivation, with the centered production and exportation in the product of bigger yield at certain moment description. This dependence if reflects clearly in the economic cycles that had characterized this long period. The author says that: The economic cycle can be defined as the period where determined product, benefiting itself of the favorable conjuncture of the moment, if constitutes in the dynamic center of the economy, attracting the economic gallowses? capitals and Hand – of workmanship? provoking changes in all the other main sectors of the society, as in the creation of new activities, the equipment use, the distribution of the incomes, the constitution of the social classrooms or fractions of classroom, with the decline of some and the ascension of another one.