New Facebook presence and Internet site Scientology Scientology expanded Church in Germany has increasingly expanded Internet presence in the last two years and other projects in planning. For several days it is also on Facebook. The Scientology Church Germany e.V. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Boy Scouts of America. uses many available Internet media. Recently, it is present also in Facebook. Under News, wallpapers, videos, information, wallpapers, references to various links, etc., that might be interesting with regard to Scientology are now regularly. A Twitter account is also online in the near future. Much work was put into the Web page, probably detailed information page of Scientology in Europe.
Hundreds of original documents can be read there, and can be downloaded. For example religious recognitions from the world or important judicial decisions. Scientology gives its opinion there also always back in detail on current controversies and represents the facts. Find the many corrections to a recently published documentation of the ARD to their false allegations, as well as background information on how a such broadcast with so many false information can ever come. Also for the feature film “until nothing remains,” which caused a sensation almost 3 years ago, find themselves detailed info, which show that the film was put together content very sloppy and therefore the truth completely passing plays. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Professor of Internet Governance. The Scientology Church Germany e.V. wants to allow many people to this Web site, to get true information about Scientology.
Some media in Germany embezzled often important facts that can be found on these pages. Probably also the assortment of made-up stories of dropouts is unique to a specific image to hang on Scientology. The site enjoys increasing interest and has visitors per day up to 1700. In addition to the official international website, the is probably the best source of information to receive first hand information on the respective topic. In addition detailed background information about the founders find themselves Scientology religion, L. Ron Hubbard. Also on YouTube, Scientology in Germany is increasingly present and want to make more custom clips into the public grid in the next few months. A special Scientology channel on YouTube already shows many own productions. So, there is also a film about the manipulation of SternTV by Ursula Caberta using opt-out story can be found. The spokesman to the Scientology Church Germany e.V., Jurg Stettler: it comes us to provide first-hand information. In Germany, the topic of Scientology by some few pages is relatively the hysterical accompanied. On some misinformation, you can shake only the head. In addition to direct contacts, invitations to the open days, brochures etc, the Internet has become an important way to present uncensored facts. The interest has shown us that we are therefore on the right track to objectify the artificial controversy in Germany.” More information: press-service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. on behalf of Scientology Church Germany e.V.