Water Vapor

5. t websites. Adhesion 10 days after application to the surface of the Thermo-SIM acquires the strength of concrete (holding power – 1,4 N / mm). 6. Water vapor permeability important distinguishing feature Thermo-SIM – a good water vapor permeability – the walls covered with Thermo-SIM, breathe." Thermo-SIM has a very small diffusion resistance. Mixture Thermo-SIM can be easily and efficiently carry out the sealing and insulation of the holes in the walls, slopes of windows, interpanel seams, the ends of panel buildings, various openings for utility systems, etc. The solution creates the preconditions for long-term conservation and functional reliability of structures.

Thermo-SIM is also ideal for filling holes in the lining of communications for sealing voids in the installation of window units, the ends of prefabricated houses and stripped disadvantages of traditionally used insulating styrofoam insert, semi-rigid fiberglass or mineral wool. 7. manufacture of Performance 4 people per shift, plasterers at a layer thickness 2.5 cm – 120-180 sq.m. Thanks to the ease of operation, Thermo-SIM saves working time, does not require a special sensitivity, high mechanization, and a special organization of . Technology for creating warming layer similar production work usually plaster compositions that much easier, faster and cheaper compared with the works on warming plaster systems based on mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Drawing no work surface is carried out manually ordinary trowel. High adaptability to work with Thermo-SIM allows you to reduce construction time.

When working with foam and mineral wool have to wait until the heater on a cement glue solution to grips with the working surface (48-60 hours), then lost a lot of time on fixing insulation boards to the wall with dowels, and then have to wait until the glue dries recessed into the reinforcing mesh, applied to the heater. 8. versatile Thermo-SIM has good adhesion and can be combined with all the wall materials-stone, brick, limestone, pumice stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, aerated concrete, cement, plaster, plasterboard, and iron. Thermo-SIM creates a foundation monolith, thus preventing air pockets between the layers of the wall where there is a possibility of accumulation of moisture. Thermo-SIM, caused by single or multiwall, can be used as leveling and insulating ground plaster for all common types of walls (both internal and external) as the repair of old buildings and the construction of new ones. Possible to obtain effectively insulated surfaces with significant irregularities, where impossible or difficult to use foam or mineral wool. 9. environmental safety Environmentally friendly raw materials used ensures complete security of Thermo-SIM to humans and the environment. Thermo-SIM in a large number contains natural inorganic substances. Thermo-SIM does not contain asbestos, and polystyrene (EPS), as well as any toxic substance. 10. Freedom Front decoration Thermo-SIM offers complete freedom for the original architectural and colors on the facade, including some architectural details. The outer layer of Thermo-SIM is a protective, vlagoottalkivayuschim layer and simultaneously finish, provides the strength of the facade, which will not crack under the exposure to cold and heat. On the outer layer of the Thermo-SIM you can use decorative facade tiles, marble crumb, and paints. Decorative layer creates a beautiful textured surface of the building. 11. technical specifications Appearance Dry Powder Packaging Paper kraft-bag 9kg Operating temperature +5 C consumption of 9 kg / m of dry powder at a thickness of 2.5 cm Ready to paint in 48 hours after the coefficient of thermal conductivity 0.064 kkal / martyr C Water Absorption Power Clutch 1.4 N / mm Fire Class F1 (A1) Weight 320 lb / ft Shelf 1,5 years from date of manufacture


Can be laid without the use of adhesives, fixing skirting around the perimeter only. Disadvantages. Carpeting on the basis of foam placed on the entire surface of the floor from baseboard to baseboard, because Rubber has a tendency to stick to the floor surface, and therefore the probability of moving coating without damaging the bases is very small. One word – carpet with this type of foundation is laid one time. Can not be laid on parquet floor, if not expected restoration of the floor surface, because after removal of the coating can remain * * whitish spots. Cause occurrence of these spots is the moisture that falls to the floor as a result of wet cleaning, and not always evaporating, leading to peeling clearcoat. 5-7 years after the installation of carpeting in the foam-based process begins Drying of latex – and rubber starts to crumble. The consequence is the emergence of indentation * tracks * on the surface.

It should be noted that the design life of coatings according to the manufacturers is 5-7 years, but these Data for Europe. In our country, covering exploited, as a rule, until the abrasion. It must be remembered that this type of foundation is very easily damaged during shipment and transportation, so the cuts of coverage must be very carefully packed. With 90 years of popularity-based coatings on foamed in Europe began to decline due to environmental considerations. Currently, such a substrate in coatings for home use successfully replaces artificial felt, and in contract (office) styles – carpet tiles (for pvc or bitumen-based) or a carpet on a textile backing.

The Use Of Waterproofing Materials

Foundation – it is very important and significant part of any structure, quality and strength which greatly affects the strength and duration of use of the building. It should be noted also that the reconstruction of the basement – some of the most costly and time consuming. Thus, the timeliness and waterproofing of the foundation of literacy can save much time and money, which makes it very important aspect of any construction work. Effective waterproofing of the foundation requires, first, use a good waterproofing material, and, secondly, the quality of workers. Accordingly, it is very important in this case to apply to highly specialists. We can distinguish the following approaches to basement waterproofing – penetrating, , and powdered waterproofing. Undoubtedly, the most effective penetrating waterproofing. Penetrating, or penetrating waterproofing involves a special method of penetration of the working of a work surface, which greatly increases its water-repellent properties. The choice of method of waterproofing foundation depends on many different factors: the specificity of the forthcoming operation, construction materials, characteristics of the soil and so on.

Requirements Base

Self-leveling floors – solid, reliable, wear-resistant coating, widely used in both industrial buildings and in indoor public facilities. It has many advantages, among which the solidity (No seams), moisture resistance, impact resistance, resistance to temperature changes. Simplicity and ease of cleaning liquid floor allows their use in rooms facing higher hygiene Requirements: in hospitals, dispensaries, beauty salons, etc. The rich colors of the composition and use of color chips can create not only functional, but beautiful and exclusive coverage. However, in order to floor fillers served long and pleasing to the eye to its attractive appearance, you must comply strictly with the technology of their placement. Work on the device filling the floor divided into several stages. Preparation founding of the first stage is to prepare the base, which can be virtually any: concrete floor, cement and sand screed, anhydrite or magnesite, tiles, wooden floor.

In each case, require their work in preparation – surface degreasing, stripping, sanding, priming. Most often the device self-leveling floor is carried out on the concrete base, so the main attention will be devoted to him. Requirements for the concrete base to concrete foundation presented a number of requirements. Its compressive strength must be at least 20 MPa, tensile strength – not less than 1,5 MPa. Humidity of the concrete base must be no more than 4% or you may be separation of the polymer. In the case where the base lies on the ground, the device must be high quality waterproofing. When carrying out a very important temperature-humidity regime.

Fashionable Finish

Design space, as well as any other branch of modern fashion, is in constant dynamics. It is very difficult to guess what will be popular this season. But recent trends dare say that the millennium will mark the return to the style of Soviet times, the period of 'old school' (old school) will be incredibly popular. Let us try to ignore the contemporary decor and design review of the sixties and seventies. Lack of technological progress in the construction and finishing strongly affected the general state of the fashion of the time. Conditionally distinguished ascetic modest style, color and the predominance of pre-emptive use of natural products. Because the dearth of wallpaper, but also because of their prices, the basic material in the repair of the premises is paint, the foundation of any finishing.

Distempers, which include dry powders, paints (pigment), a solution of wood glue and Ground chalk, used for the walls in rooms that do not have high humidity – children's and family rooms, and bedrooms. Paint colors are made up of dry paint, stir in the drying oil (natural, semi-subsistence aksol or artificial). Issued in the form of a paste (you want to grow in the varnish) or prepared or ready for use formulations. Oil paint should be used for decoration with high humidity – bath rooms, kitchens and doors and windows. Synthetic (water-based) paints. Have high performance properties.

Paints, water-resistant, durable, with good decorative qualities. Used for painting the walls of kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms. Enamel paint is prepared from dry pigments, pounded in oil varnishes. After drying, these paints offer a smooth, glossy, beautiful surface. Enamel paint recommended for painting the kitchen furniture, built-in cabinets, doors and windows. In addition to the paint in the repair of apartments often uses a number of tile materials that can give a sense of comfort and design style. Polystyrene tiles – facing material with resistance to hot and cold water and mild acids and alkalis. Are available in different colors – white, yellow, green, blue, etc. Recommended for the walls of bathrooms and kitchens, wall sections. Ceramic glazed tiles. Issued and rectangular in shape, usually white. Used for walls, bathroom walls and areas in kitchen. Ceramic tiles. Are manufactured with smooth, rough or uneven surfaces, different colors, square, hexagonal or octagonal shape. Used for finishing floors and lavatories. Fiberboard, covered with water-resistant enamels are used for wall covering, bathroom and sections of walls in the kitchen. With modern flooring materials proposes to use the beautiful in the aesthetic and operationally different parquet or carpet components. But this, as they say, fashion trends, but before all used linoleum. Linoleum – roll material for flooring in the living room, kitchen, sanitary node. Produced in different colors (monochrome and color). Floors covered with linoleum hygienic, well washed, have a beautiful face surface. Living room is better to use solid color linoleum in the kitchen and dignity. nodes – color. Based on the linoleum tiles are also available in synthetic, having similar characteristics. Many argue that all these materials are remnants of the time, because today's repair, renovation apartments has gone far in its development, a high-tech is a lot of synthetic chemicals, has an excellent aesthetic and performance qualities. On the other hand, given the materials used, and sow per day, not only as an indicator of style in design works, but with a simple (not expensive) decor and home improvements. After all, we should not forget that all new – it is well forgotten old.