Miracles in the Old Will: Atravessia of the Red Sea Has thousand of years behind, the peace men already lived deeply great miracles, that in the current days even intrigue in them very, for the form of as God if it revealed for its people, to protect the man, God interviu miraculously in the great atravessia of the people of Israel for the red sea, at that time the Israelis had a conception of that the sea was a manifestation of the evil, therefore believed that in the end of waters of the sea, she gave if in a great and true precipice, they did not have the knowledge the notion that the world was round and thought that was square ' ' appearing there the expression ' ' in the four cantos of mundo' ' believed that this squared world was supported by enormous columns. In the great episode of the atravessia of the red sea (Former 14,1-31), when God if revealed ordering a strong wind to blow against waters of the sea allowing that they confided, forming then gigantic lateral water columns, thus allowing in this way to give ticket to the people of Israel, It of one only extermina time, arrasa the Egyptians, therefore allow that the army of the Fara with its modern covered carts of war adentre to the open sea and in one to blink of eyes commands that the waters if close, finishing of time with the arrogance and the great power dogrande and feared Fara. God all destroyed the evil in an only action, sank the evil in the proper evil, the Fara drank then of its proper poison. We can imagine as easily today Christian, that such episode is without doubts a great miracle, a divine, celestial manifestation. The great scientists try in the current days to unmask, to give explanations for this great ministry, but they do not arrive the place some, with the same precision of what with the Biblical stories they arrive. .