Malevitch Movements

Of these movements we can cite the Russian Construtivismo, mainly for its radicalidade, since until then no movement in the evolution of the art modernatinha been a so inserted expression in a concrete revolutionary reality, or had placed so explicit the social function of the art as a questopoltica. The Construtivismo foiuma artistic expression with strong influence of marxismoe was closely on to the process revolucionrioiniciado in the URSSe in Germany. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) They had had other movements of importance, as the Dadasmo, in the period, also stirred up for the technological context of the time. But oConstrutivismo would come to be one of the movements of bigger significao graphical naconceituao of design, since different of the Dadasmo and the Surrealismo, mainly influenced for publications and discoveries of Freud (to brasilrender, 2009), the Construtivismotraava a definitive line as bridge between the industry and the daqual graphical media it was served. Line this that literally was employed in the movimentoconstrutivista. Using itself also characteristics of the movements Futuristase Cubistas, for the assembly of its sober structure. The term ' ' art construtivista' ' introduced for the first one they vezem 1917, for Malevitch, perfectly described the character of the movimentoesttico-politician initiated in Russia from 1919.

(WIKIPDIA) It denied one ' ' art pura' ' looked for to abolish the idea of that aarte is a special element of the creation human being, separate of the daily world. Aarte, inspired for the new conquests of the new Laboring State, would have to seinspirar in the new perspectives opened for the machine and being industrializaoservindo the social objectives and the construction of a socialist world. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) Being in favor of geometric forms, of simplicity and daclareza, the Construtivismo appears to give new a sensible one of order in design, using itself of a rational job of material in order to find soluespara communication problems.