Introduction. The leucemias are heterogeneous groups of hematolgicas neoplasias that result of the total or partial mutation of the blsticas cells. The classifications used for these neoplasias obey morphologic, citoqumicos, imunofenotpicos and citogenticos the criteria. Acute the Mielide Leukemia (LMA) is an illness of fast progression being this predominant the leucemic type in the aged population, with bigger incidence in people of the masculine sex, being observed worsening of in agreement prognostic increase of the age. Objective. Jennifer Aaker follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This study it has as objective to raise given literary that demonstrates the applicabilities of the citometria of flow directed toward Acute Mielide Leukemia. Results. The imunofenotipagem for citometria of flow (CMF) is used for distinction between Leucemias Mielide Agudas (LMA) and Leucemia Linfoblstica Aguda (LLA); diagnosis of LMA-M0 and LMA-M7 and remission of minimum residual illness in the post-cure.
Conclusion. Exactly considering morphologic, fenotpicas and genotpicas characteristics are not necessary and economically impracticable the accomplishment of multiple tests in all the samples. Currently, using the CMF the detention of structural abnormalitys is possible that better will be evidenced when associates the citogenticas techniques. Describers: Leucemias, citometria of flow, diagnosis, monitoramento.