1st Place 2009

Wurzburg, 09.03.2009 the major soft GmbH wins with GateOnDemand.com in the category of ‘DMS’ the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009 the Initiative Mittelstand. Under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology, different solutions were evaluated by a 60-member jury of scientists, journalists and professionals. In total over 2,000 companies for the INNO-VATIONSPREIS-IT applied when the Initiative Mittelstand 2009. The Initiative Mittelstand the decisions of the jury on March 05, 2009 at CeBIT in a solemn award ceremony announced: 1st place for the innovative document management solution, GateOnDemand.com, legally compliant and secure documents tenverwaltung and archiving on a rental basis as software-as-a-service (SaS) for the small middle class makes affordable. The completely Web-based GateOnDemand.com can be introduced without any investment quickly and very flexibly and integrates via standard interfaces un complicated in existing systems. All the necessary functions such as Full text and meta data detection and research, worldwide access without necessary installation on the client etc. are usable without additional costs and with renowned partners such as ABBYY and Oracle realized in modern IT architecture. More information about GateOnDemand.com and the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009, see innovationspreis/2009/kategoriesieger/dms.html. Others including David Delrahim, offer their opinions as well. Convince yourself of GateOnDemand.com and simply request your free demo account at demo.