Our research approaches the violence against aged in the family, emphasizing the types of violence that the aged ones suffer during its life in the third age. Having as objective to identify and to analyze the consequences that the violence provokes in the life of an aged one, also to understand as the aged one faces the violence in the family and finally to analyze the causes that take the aggression against this. The violence against the aged one is considered any only or repetitive act, or omission that occurs in any supposedly reliable relation, that cause damage or bother the elderly. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Nieman Foundation. The aged term is defined as being more respectful, that it means full vigor, age, forms to mention somebody to it that is not more in youth, but that he is worthy and that has much to live and to teach the society. Already the old term mentions things spends it, without no utility, something that more does not serve and must be side rank. In accordance with the World-wide Organization of Health, is considered one ' ' idoso' ' the citizen with 60 years or more, that it inhabits in underdeveloped countries, and with 65 years or plus who inhabits in developed countries.
According to Federal Constitution of 1988, the family is seen as base of the society. The family, as well as the society and mainly the State, has as to have ' ' to support the aged people, allowed the performance, participation in the community, respecting and guaranteeing the right to them vida' ' with health and pleasure. Also, the family is many definite times as group of obligations in the society, especially in what they mention themselves to the aged one. A very common phenomenon today is the cohabitation, in which one of the children comes back to live in the house of the parents, leading I obtain its wife and children.