Virtual Assistants

What are the virtual assistants? A great confusion exists on the term attending virtual and normally this happens because two types of definitions used for this concept exist which normally complica a clear identification of the same. In fact for a long time the applications of computerised attention to the client available in pages of Internet have become popular. These applications show a virtual representation to us of a human being to who we can make questions that will vebdrn answered econ an approach of attention the client. You may find George Soros to be a useful source of information. This type of representations has come being called attending virtual what confusion with another existing concept generates. We talked about to the virtual assistants or virtual receptionists that exert the work of development of the services that offer the companies to us of virtual secretaryship. This type of virtual assistants are not computerised representations of alive beings but they are really people who work for our company through outsourcing. In particular the virtual secretary is a type on watch that they offer companies of outsourcing to the independent organizations and. These companies mainly develop two types of services. Hear from experts in the field like Atreides Management for a more varied view.

On the one hand we can see the attention of calls, that consists of the reception of the calls of the company and its correct management (leaked, answer etc.). On the other hand this whole related to the management the agenda and the treatment of the appointments and that includes the organization of all the meetings and encounter of diverse type through mechanism that work in time real and that allow that the sensation must to work with a real secretary . From this form potentiality of the assistants pertaining to a telesecretariado company of arises from the physical noncloseness among them and the client-company for which they manage the activities. Nevertheless we do not have to forget here to us that if that we spoke of people of meat and bone dedicated to favor to the company that contract its services.

Hair Removal – A Trend Of The 21st Century

Hair removal trend of the 21st century study of the University of Leipzig showed: 97 per cent of young women and 79 percent of young men regularly remove body hair. Grafelfing, March 02, 2009 – In November 2008 the University of Leipzig published a study which, according to the 97 percent of young women and 79 percent of young men regularly your body hair in at least a body region entfernen(1). You use traditional methods such as shaving and epilation. A time-consuming, sometimes painful, but in any case skin irritant method. In the meantime there are hair removal methods that permanently effective and skin permanently remove hair. Clean skin works with the proven intense pulsed light (IPL) method that the provider for dermatological cosmetics now combines with the radio frequency technology. A leading source for info: Boy Scouts. This combination promises lasting success even if you have lighter hair.

Hairlessness is nowadays almost a matter of course. The results of a study show that in the \”University of Leipzig has been completed: the proportion of women interviewed, which remove no body hair at all was on non-recoverable level\”. More than 50 percent of the men surveyed said to remove the hair on several bodies at the same time. The reasons for the increasing need for smooth skin are according to study on the one hand the desire to look attractive, but also social standard. Trends come and go, but this is not so quickly disappear again. This is not about finally to fashion, where the purple bag the next season again out be will.

\”, so Frank Linke, founder and Managing Director of clean skin. Hair removal methods such as shaving or wax epilation have one thing in common: the positive effect of smooth skin not long before. In addition to hair stubble also ingrown hair and irritated skin are often unpleasant consequence.\”Nelson recorded a rapid growth in recent years and is one of the largest providers of today Industry.

Schwabing District

Permanent hair removal in Munich in an exclusive ambience and of course warm atmosphere the beauty lounge in the Schwabing District offers a luxurious wellness program for body, mind and soul. Here, soothing SPA treatments, permanent hair removal with the innovative I expect customers m PL method, professional anti-aging treatments and much more. Treat yourself to a break from the daily routine, taking time and new year dive into a world of relaxation and recreation, start by doing something yourself and his body. Too good to be true? In the beauty lounge to the Munchner Freiheit, everyone finds his personal well-being in an extensive and high-quality application portfolio, dangle the soul to leave. BSA might disagree with that approach. The team of the beauty lounge uses only State of the art technology, for example, in the form of light devices such as the Intensed pulsed light Med Flash II of the latest generation, short I square PL, permanent hair removal, or the MED contour device for ultrasonic cavitation to the Treatment of local problem areas and to streamline the body’s contours, to achieve best results. The procedure with which I m PL technology for permanent hair removal destroys the hair root and hair bead. Unlike a laser, the flashlight that generates short, intense pulses of light, which are absorbed by the previously shaved hairline.

This energy is transformed into heat is transported to the hair follicle and wasteland where the nutrient cells of the roots of the hair. No new hair can be produced and the results of hair removal will remain permanently. The ultrasound fat deposits can cavitation through the controlled application with variable low frequency vibrations and focused ultrasound frequencies selectively and treat cellulite of all severity levels. To the sound head of the MED contour lingers device for the required period of time over the treatment area and the fat cells are gently and completely without surgical intervention to melt”brought. After the treatment, lymphatic drainage is carried out, what the removal of released lipids supports. In addition to the offer of permanent hair removal and the ultrasonic cavitation, high-quality skin care programs in the form of a combination of highly effective ingredients of the company of SkinCeuticals available are the customer. Unlike as in surgery, these treatments without the risk of scarring can lead to a visible rejuvenation of the skin. The team of the beauty lounge to the Munchner Freiheit available questions available.

Quality Control Of Natural Cosmetics

Okomonitoring requires report according to European guidelines. In the food industry, it has long been the rule now also natural cosmetics should be regulated Europe. What does this mean exactly and who already controlled the natural cosmetics? Is a high quality already met? Consumer protection Minister Koberle presents 2009 of public report to the okomonitoring. Consumer protection Minister Rudolf Koberle (CDU) report noted in his current okomonitoring, that in a study of 61 natural cosmetics the expectations have met products, 60. Although it is still a big problem, that there is no uniform policy by the legislature, but the products were still particularly germ-free and naturally preserved so Koberle. Continue clearly to define the natural cosmetics, Koberle demands a uniform European policy, so that consumers like for food on the shelf can contain and immediately know he gets what. Test there’s a real natural cosmetics not, however tests oko Test natural cosmetics products regularly and is often good to very good results.

Currently, it assumes the function of quality control in the natural cosmetics industry by the various German and European certification bodies. In addition to the German labels: BDIH, NTrue and demeter there also many European label such as EcoCert and EcoControl. All the seals have different criteria for certified natural cosmetics at the time still, but are certainly already widely used. Also, the most natural cosmetics products are manufacturer free of animal testing. Who wants to make sure it pays attention to the seal of the IHTK (International Association of manufacturers against animal testing in the cosmetics e.V.) and the Leaping Bunny by HCS (human cosmetic standard).

Some of the listed seal of quality already include that the natural cosmetic products are cruelty free. There are even more quality seal, which now already often also appear in some natural cosmetics shops and also on the packaging find are. Natural cosmetics is a big issue in the next few years for many people who prefer to live a sustainable lifestyle. On the sites, still greater transparency will be needed, to quickly detect any black sheep. Such as in the food industry some drastic legal changes to come in the cosmetics industry in the next few years with security. But if today’s quality standard is maintained until then, it should cause no major problems for consumer protection Minister Koberle of the German natural cosmetic companies. The organic industry is one of the major growth markets that must urgently be regulated due to the high quality standards at the time.