Greenpeace International

" Copenhagen teaches several lessons to us. China is a power with a decisive weight in the international scene, Brazil is an emergent star, Europe has great ambitions but little influence and the United States do not change much, with or without Barack Obama". In the Greek, altogether very negative press on the results of the summit of Copenhagen, " Eleftherotypia" , of positions of lefts, it considers that " the great polluting agents of the world have imposed in short in Copenhagen an imperfect agreement that does not correspond absolutely with the hopes of a world-wide commitment to limit the overheating of planeta". It is said that Greenpeace energetically condemned the arrogance of the Chiefs of State of the most powerful countries of the world when presenting/displaying an ineffective agreement to fight the climatic change in the Summit of the Climate of Copenhagen adds, that the Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, warned: " The world faces a tragic crisis of leadership. Instead of to be united to the future guarantee for hundreds of million people when accepting an historical agreement that allows to avoid the climatic chaos, the leaders of the most powerful countries of the world betrayed to the future and present generations. Center For Responsible Lending is often quoted as being for or against this. To avoid the climatic catastrophe has become difcil&quot much more;.

Although the Agreement of Copenhagen was acclaimed by some like a step forward, it is not it. In fact, not even formally it has been approved by the Conference of Partes (COP). It does not contain strong measures of reduction of emissions in the developed countries. It is a great concession to the polluting industries of the climate, especially to the sector of the fossil fuels, that it pressed strongly to undermine an agreement and now it has license to continue contaminating. The conference did not decide a way to follow to establish a legally binding agreement.

Left Advice

The countries that take the steering wheel to the right form the great majority, being a 66%, against 34% of countries in which it is conducted by the left. Boy Scouts is actively involved in the matter. These countries, or at least the majority, have been affected by the British colonial influence, with the remarkable exception of Japan. It is conducted by the left in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia and its environs, India, Pakistan, and the south-east of Africa. Which are the main difficulties in countries with the steering wheel to the left? The changes. In order to dissipate the doubts immediately, we concentrated in most basic: that it is clear that although the seat of the conductor is in the opposite side, the pedals are in the same position. Here the greater problem is than it will push it to the custom to change of marches with the right, when it must do it with the left. Some people decide on the easiest solution.

To rent a car with automatic transmission. The sense of the march. At the outset it is necessary to pay special attention to remain in track of the left and to take the roundhouses in the right direction, that is to say, towards the right. Add to your understanding with Dr. Neal Barnard. The attention level must always stay high, mainly at the outset, when one needs to be accustomed to this ” vision of espejo”. The first time in a space without much traffic would be better to practice a little. It is during the night when the errors are committed with greater facility, when the highway is desert, since we tend by natural instinct to move to the right. The roundhouses.

As it were mentioned previously, they are due to take in the sense of the needles of the clock. The distractions, mainly in the tourists, are very frequent, and this detail of the roundhouses does not have to be taken lightly. In the United Kingdom and Australia, like in Spain, the majority of the roundhouses is constructed according to the model ” francs” , that gives to priority to which are within the roundhouse (unless the opposite indicates itself). The roundhouses in England are very frequent and are very regulated in Highway Code the reverse gear. The movement, also, is to opposite: first of all, the change of march and the gear box are used also with the left hand, instead of the right. Also you will tend to doblarte and to try to watch for back after the opposite side. All this can at the outset not be intuitive and you will surprise yourself the door sometimes, but it is question to be accustomed. They are small details easy to surpass. A peculiar detail: Another one ” problema” reason why it seems generalized, are intermittent or the direction indicators. In the cars with steering wheel to the right, they are put the other way around also, reason why much people at the outset tend to give to the windshield wiper instead of the intermittent one him. But I know brave and you do not leave a small detail as this it ruins the vacations to you. The Car rental with the steering wheel to the right is something very normal to which you will have acostumbrarte if you really want to travel by the world.


Then, either blog or site we go to the criteria. The first step is to face them as a book, or periodic any. A peripheral reading in the first page can disclose to the estruturao and the easiness that such space has in if communicating with its public. In this stage it looks for to identify to which the subject, or subjects, that such space prioritizes. It analyzes the disposal of the writings and the images, the index, the main postagens, the amount of access and the time where it is in air. If it never forgets that sites or blogs can leave air quite frequently, from there the importance to see the time where it is in air. will be to cite it in academic work, is interesting to place the date in which they had been had access. Made this, it looks for to know manages who it and who writes.

It notices that, to the times, a site or blog has some authors and each one signs its postagem. The administrator is the responsible one for the space, that one that answers for what ece of fish there. He sees which is the qualification of these people, but without discriminating them for the possible absence of academic formation or for the fact not to be detentoras of headings. Or still for not having socioeconmica projection and/or politics. The relation has that to be made in agreement the content disponibilizado in the site or blog. For example, a manual person who publish practical subjects related to the artisan ones and services (ornaments of parties, toys, croch, etc.). This person does not need to have, necessarily, academic formation. On the other hand, if you will be searching an academic subject: medicine, architecture, mechanics, engineering, history, languages, etc.

Are good that its authors have specific formation. Another important thing is to know a little of the authors and the administrator. Normally it has a specific space for these constataes, if not to have already is a bad signal. It analyzes the experience of these people in the area where they write, where they work, where and where if had formed. They give attention if it deals with an opinion article or another type of text. A scientific article, a clarifying text, a book summary, a chronicle, etc. In the case of not being an opinion article, look for to notice in the references that they had been used, where and where (or in who) the person if based to defend an idea or to write on some thing. This is essential. The person has that to be very qualified to write without if basing on nothing. She analyzes and she does not confuse, to use a reference is not to copy. A reference, a source, a bibliography is necessary to the research processes. Test that such person read certain workmanships and produced its writings. The last stage is to consult other sites, blogs and until looking for, if possible, in written sources. This procedure is essential not to be doubts on if what it was consulted is viable to be used in research or not. Made everything this, does not have problem none in enjoying of the Internet to carry through research or to extend the knowledge.

January Date

However, these 2,75 represent 2 days and 18 hours. does not advance to beat in Excel, because some will not make difference. We go to assume that an employee initiated the hours of working in day 29/06/2004 and finished two days later 01/07/2004 to the 18 hours. When taking off the difference between the two dates Excel returns (2 days and of one 2,75 day) and a total from 66 worked hours (24+24+18 or 2,75*24). The repetition can be boat, but it is important that the reader understands that for Excel 66 hours do not exist the such. What it exists are 2 days and of one day. Click Boy Scouts of America for additional related pages.

does not exist a better way of to point out this of what repeating what already it had said. Now that already I above disturbed its judgment with the repetitions, makes the following test in the spread sheet: it types 0 (zero) in a cell any and formats it for date. What it occurs? The date is 00/01/1900! The first thing that comes in them to the head is that bug of Excel is one, therefore does not exist the day ‘ ‘ zero of January of 1900’ ‘! Or it will be that it exists? For the calendar that we know this does not exist and can be considered one bug. But for the logic used in Excel it could not be different. As the hours, minutes and second they are represented by the fraction of one day, when forming one day (from date zero) we get 01/01/1900. If this first date did not exist, when adding the 24 hours to the first available day would get 02/01/1900, that is first the serial one would be 02/01/1900. It is clearly, therefore, that when formatting the 2,75 as being a date we get 02/01/1900 18:00: 00, that is, 2,75 are, in the truth, 18 hours of day 2 of January of 1900. If 00/01/1900 is the first serial date, which is the last date then? All must remember the racket caused for ‘ ‘ bug of milnio’ ‘ , not? Therefore it is, in Excel until version 97 this age seen with a problem and from the version 2000 this moved.

Different Looks For An Interface

When we enter in a site, either with objective I specify or same without an idea of defined search, it is natural that let us execute in a fraction of according to decision of which link to have access first. To take this decision we mount a mental model of the available options following the logic that we perceive of the site. This perception is not equal for all the people, not even it is equal for the same person in different occasions. To develop an information architecture that takes care of to all the mental models eas necessities of each one of the users who have access a site, is much more complex of what it is imagined. It is common, when analyzing some projects, finding structures that take care of to the companies, the employees or same to the desenvolvedores, disdaining the motivations that make with that the user, consumer of content, carry through the search. Further details can be found at American Diabetes Association, an internet resource. When it is said in mental model and access motivations it is common to think about canals.

For example, the existing one in companies who possess diverse areas of performance or segments. As one assembly plant that can manufacture different lines for the attendance of different markets, trucks, vehicles of stroll, utilitarian and even though motorcycles. Our challenge is greater that this, is as to present a navigation model that the same delivers to content for all the users who carry through buscasatravs of stimulatons and different necessities. Estruturade a site must prioritize a fast curve of learning, must be pedagogical, already queo objective of the sites does not have to ocarter of continued use as of applicatory or a system. Our objective is to make with that user the necessity originate the content delivery, and the more fast will be the agreement of the interaction process, better the originated experience. Of practical form, the interface of a site precisaauxiliaro internautaa to understand what they are, as they are organized and as if they hold its more complex elements. The more effective it will be the interface in this aspect, more easy will be the approach of the delivery of content with the necessity that it originated its search.


Thus, the propostodurante conceptual model the stage of analysis does not lose in the stages of project eimplementao. . What in general it occurs is its extension. Classification/Instanciao the capacity to classify objects (in classrooms) allows to expressarrelaes of the type classification/instanciao. The relationship is made to apartir of the comment of diverse dosmesmos phenomena for categorizao in groups (classrooms), on the basis of the set of properties comunsa all. Others who may share this opinion include Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

For example, two computers, IBM PC and Machintosh, can serclassificados as instances (objects, models, or specimens) daclasse (category) Microcomputer (Figure 3). The inverse relation it is the deinstanciao of a publication (IBM PC, for example) from classeMicrocomputador.Figura 3. Relation of classification/instanciao Generalization/Specialization This type of relation occurs when, to break the comment of duasclasses, we abstract from them a more generic classroom. For example, asclasses Microcomputador and Mainframe can be considered casosespeciais of the classroom Computer. This classroom is considered umageneralizao of the two first ones, that they are called especializaesda classroom Computer (Figure 4).

The idea dageneralizao/specialization is the base for the classification of espciesnas natural sciences. Of the point of view of properties, pressuposto that the subclasses have all the properties of the classrooms of quemelas are specializations. It must have at least a property quediferencie two classrooms specialized (subclasses) from mesmaclasse generic (superclassroom). This is the type of relation used with omecanismo of inheritance.

Head Shot

It makes possible you to the Internet to play diverse types of games, where the interaction with other participants makes with that also if they form friendship bows, that exceed the virtual environment and pass to the real plan. This type of interaction, that at the same time amuses and makes possible that if people of diverse cultures know, is focus of study of psychologists that try to analyze and to understand the functioning of the mind human being in this type of environment, offering the possibility to study the diverse variations of behavior of the involved ones. ' ' In fact, games on-line in real time takes to the limit the marcante trace of the playful field in the psychological research: the envolvement and the espontaneidade (MATOS, s/d, p.1 apud Lynn 2004 p.45) ' '. We perceive in this point one of the new ramifications of the culture of the games, where if it has a proper language and a definite style to play. Expressions as ' ' Head Shot' ' or ' ' Ownado' ' , are examples of slangs used for the players.

It has diverse communities on the styles of games, where its participants in common argue and approach subjects referring to one definitive game. In style MMORPG the creation of Guild or also Clans of players is more frequent, who are as a family in the game, where the leader determines the rules and politics to be followed for the members of clan. 4,2 Social games Currently, with the growth of the social nets, on-line appeared a pursuing of games that she is on directly with the interactions made for the users of these nets. Where you play and collaborate or have the contribution of all known its. The great potential of these nets sample that this pursuing tends to grow. The social nets open a fan of diverse forms of the users to interact in the games using or I do not assist it of known its.