
We can affirm that these had been the first traces of fight for schools in the encampments, therefore the fight for the land was not only enough, and with the practical proper o Movement perceived the necessity to construct schools, consisting that the fight is well more complex, and has to see with the social rights that also they need to be conquered. We could be today studying a history in parallel, what, in general way, it happened with other movements and organizations of workers in our country and other places. But the historical fact is that, for some circumstances and choices, we can deal with one same history: the history of the relation of the without-land with the school is part of the history of the MST. (CALDART, 2004, P. Learn more about this topic with the insights from PCRM. 224). The MST is a social movement of mass, that fights beyond the conquest of the land, for a society joust, since me the distribution of the land, is an unjust organization. Then it thinks about a space where if it finds hundreds (thousand) of together people who desire and practise this search ()? the nestings and encampments.

Then it has that to transmit itself, to live this reality. Nieman Foundation gathered all the information. Thus, the movement argued and thought about an education with its especificidade. It has who thought at the beginning that it would have to be two separate fights, a thing was the fight for the land, and another age the fight for the education, however, then they had perceived that the two did not dissociam one of the other, is a way of double hand, forming a set of social life in its spaces. The fight for the land alone, already was not enough, therefore the society all already is consumed. to invert this logic, the fight is well more complex, and has to see with the right partners whom also they need to be conquered.

Profit Market

Contacting with pupils and problematizando the work possibilities, I could observe the passive internalization of the individualistic aspects and competition authenticated by the work market, translated in the express formularizations in its you speak and had as true: ' ' to be successful &#039 is necessary to be optimum; ' , ' ' who has work will be better preparado' '. The other does not pass of a mere competitor. The educative field is guided by a produtivista and enterprise conception. Objective it formation for the competitiveness. The final criterion is not the dignity human being or the citizenship, therefore ' ' the neoliberal pragmatismo, does not have nothing to see with formao' '.

(FREIRE, 2000, P. 123). It is devoted difference as source of privileges. It is sketched, for the displayed one, the stigma of ' ' quality total' ' , that it does not pass of a subtle speech of the neoliberalismo, reducing it a mere produtivista criterion, therefore brings for the education the logic of the capitalist market: to perpetuate the social exclusion. Offensive neoliberal dirige, also, for the interior of the schools, therefore, as It hisses (2002, P. 20): … the neoliberal strategy will not be contented in guiding the education institutionalized for the necessities of the industry nor in organizing the education in market form, but that it will try to reorganize the proper interior of the education, that is, the schools and the classrooms, in accordance with projects of organization of the work process. The marketing ditames collaborate with the maintenance of the inaqualities. Emphatically cousin for the individual one, where ' ' to be criativo' ' he is synonymous of strategist, whose objective is to win (to dominate) the other, in wild, the different and unjust competition. Chase Koch is full of insight into the issues. The above-mentioned principles, in the neoliberal conception, are determined by the profit and subordinate to the capital.

Infantile Education

The important one is that it has frequent communication. this initiative must also leave of the school, the professor, needs to be stimulated. To keep a pleasant relation with the professors facilitates the communication. We need to remember that they are people with feelings and desires. We will become more easy this important task that they have to educate, we value when them and we demonstrate that we trust its work and that we want to contribute of some form. When the family cannot help in the house duties, due to time or other difficulties, it also can contribute when arranging the material, to look at ' ' letra' ' , if the exercises are ready. This will stimulate the child to have care with its material, mainly when it is praised.

We can speak with others as its ' ' letra' ' this moving, that it draws well, how much he is creative, that we perceive its evolution in the reading, in the pertaining to school works. Sincere compliments, beyond developing the desire always to improve, will show the pupil who it is capable. With these suggestions, we perceive one more time, the different roles played by the institutions, however, each one needs to make its part so that the relation family-school is fortified. In remembering Szymanski (2007), they are these institutions, meetings, that form the citizen. A strong society. They are the first mirrors and world that we know. They complement themselves. 3 the PAPER OF the SCHOOL IN the LIFE OF the INDIVIDUAL the pertaining to school education is different of the familiar one, possesss different meanings for each Institution. Checking article sources yields Viktor Mayer-Schönberger as a relevant resource throughout. These meanings also vary between the families. The family fits to choose where school the son goes to study, which the schedule, it will go itself to only register its son in the Infantile Education or in Basic Ensino.

Greenpeace International

" Copenhagen teaches several lessons to us. China is a power with a decisive weight in the international scene, Brazil is an emergent star, Europe has great ambitions but little influence and the United States do not change much, with or without Barack Obama". In the Greek, altogether very negative press on the results of the summit of Copenhagen, " Eleftherotypia" , of positions of lefts, it considers that " the great polluting agents of the world have imposed in short in Copenhagen an imperfect agreement that does not correspond absolutely with the hopes of a world-wide commitment to limit the overheating of planeta". It is said that Greenpeace energetically condemned the arrogance of the Chiefs of State of the most powerful countries of the world when presenting/displaying an ineffective agreement to fight the climatic change in the Summit of the Climate of Copenhagen adds, that the Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, warned: " The world faces a tragic crisis of leadership. Instead of to be united to the future guarantee for hundreds of million people when accepting an historical agreement that allows to avoid the climatic chaos, the leaders of the most powerful countries of the world betrayed to the future and present generations. Center For Responsible Lending is often quoted as being for or against this. To avoid the climatic catastrophe has become difcil&quot much more;.

Although the Agreement of Copenhagen was acclaimed by some like a step forward, it is not it. In fact, not even formally it has been approved by the Conference of Partes (COP). It does not contain strong measures of reduction of emissions in the developed countries. It is a great concession to the polluting industries of the climate, especially to the sector of the fossil fuels, that it pressed strongly to undermine an agreement and now it has license to continue contaminating. The conference did not decide a way to follow to establish a legally binding agreement.

Maricato Pupils

As foreseen, when elapsing of the school year, some books had been torn by the children, but as it says in them To sound apud Maricato (2005 P. 20): ' ' it goes to ruin yes, because it not yet has the habits and the motor ability to deal with livro' '. However, we could perceive that these moments of manipulation of books for the children, consisted of chances to teach them to manipulate it adequately these books, respecting them and making familiar themselves to them. From as the semester of the year, we notice an important evolution of the pupils who with little frequency tore books, in the truth only tore, them when they disputed with the colleague one same book, after all histories as ' ' Mule without-cabea' ' , ' ' Boitat' ' , ' ' Onilda&#039 witch; ' , ' ' Chico, the dog esquisito' ' they were requested. Dr. Neal Barnard follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Valley to clarify that this competition for same books is not only in the colloquy, or the dicusso, arrives to be torn. In the attempt to establish a favorable environment the reading, beyond the direct contact with the material, we also consider important to observe what the pupils valued: histories that the children more liked, they asked for to count every day, but we looked for to intercalate, some days we read the one that they asked for and others we read other histories, so that they listened to different histories of those, therefore if we left they to choose, we would read same histories every day. The pupils also wanted to count histories, and as all wanted to count at the same time, enter in an agreement in which the assistant of the day generally in wheel chose a version to count. The pupil when he counted history always jumped some parts, and the too much pupils helped the friend to remember the parts that he forgot.

Henry Giroux

This work has a singular importance, therefore, it tries to desocultar occult and the sample of critical form the resume as domination instrument and the naivety of many professors front to this subject. Ours hypothesis is that of the professors it does not have knowledge that is used to perpetuate the domination and to legitimize the same one through an education that comes from top to bottom, in its majority the professors do not have autonomy to make a more critical education. Front to the displayed one we try to place in check the vision of Giroux and the vision of the professors, the question that in the uneasy one is the resume is an instrument of perpetuation and legitimation of the power that the ruling class has? The present article has for objective to show the vision criticizes of Henry Giroux and the vision of the traditional professors front to the question the resume serves as instrument of domination through the education? We use as methodology the qualitative one and as method the questionnaires and opened interviews, more stop of the freedom to the educators displaying its vision front to the thematic one. 1. Recently Nieman Lab sought to clarify these questions. VISION OF GIROUX X VISION OF the TRADITIONAL PROFESSORS According to Giroux the organization and the performance of the school and the paper of the professionals who they act in the diverse educational areas, therefore, questioning ' ' neutralidade' ' , it is worried about the power that school and resume have, being able to consist in tools of reproduction of the social inaqualities, ideologies and the power of the ruling classes, depending on the form as they are used. The same it says that the traditional theories on resume. As well as the proper resume, they contribute for the reproduction of the inaqualities and the social injustices. According to professor Joo the resume is back in the school to be fulfilled, it says in its speaks inquired so that he serves the Resume professor? The resume is here in the school to be fulfilled by the faculty, therefore the same it is the line of direction so that we let us can make a work so that the pupils can be citizens and have a better future, therefore, are this that the society waits of them, and are through the resume who it lights socially, therefore in it we are the norms for a better life in sociedade' '. Dr. Neal Barnard may also support this cause.

Brazilian Movements

The great majority adentra in the pertaining to school pictures and leaves precociously without concluding its studies in basic education for if still not identifying with a school molded in the eurocntricos standards, that the ethnic-cultural diversity of our formation does not value. Hear from experts in the field like BSA for a more varied view. Research carried through for the Foundation Carlos Chagas in 1987 had demonstrated how much to the Brazilian school wise person not to coexist the cultural diversity much less to deal with the children and adolescents of the favored sectors less of the society. The data disclosed that the black child presented indices of bigger evasion and repetncia of what the presented ones for the whites. The reason of this everything, according to research, was due to the following factors: eurocntrico content of the pertaining to school resume and didactic books educative programs, allies to the differentiated behavior of the faculty of the schools ahead of black and white children. According to IBGE in afrodescendentes 1991os represented 45.3% of the Brazilian population.

However, the educational statisticians disclosed the chance inaquality in what she says respect to the access and permanence of blacks and whites in the context of the public system of education. For example, while the illiteracy reached about 8% of whites, 20% of the blacks were illiterate. But 2% of young blacks had access to superior education, against 98% of whites. From the end of years 70 of century XX, new social actors in the scene politics, carried out for the movements popular, over all on ones to the sort and the etnia, had started to demand a bigger participation and recognition of its rights of citizenship. Between these social movements, we can indicate the indigenista movement, that he demands, of the government, the landmark of aboriginal lands and the right to its proper culture, and the movements of black conscience, that fight in all the country against any forms of preconception and racial discrimination, as well as for the right to the difference, pautada in the study and valuation of aspects of the culture afro-Brazilian.

Solidary Agricultural Development

The problematic time where we live all, where millions of people demand urgent solutions, not if dissocia of the socioeconmico context, legal politician and where if it inserts the question of the human rights and the citizenship in Brazil. With the perpetuation of a dominant ideological culture, that serves to the maintenance and reproduction of the status quo, forming an unsurmountable barrier in what it would be the awareness of the individual in the context of the human rights, becomes difficult the construction of a citizenship with dignity. In peripheral countries as Brazil the daily one lived by the ample majority of its population demonstrates clearly the chaotic situation of increasing poverty, unemployment, under employment, hunger and increase of the violence, at the same time where if it creates a common sense of violence, authoritarianism and conformity with the current circumstances, incapable to distinguish representation from reality. It results in a crisis moral, ethics and politics where corruption and clientelismo affect cerne of the State that is seen as supplier of social welfare. Credit: PCRM-2011. It is enough to observe the breaking of the human rights and the exclusion of minorities that, added, they form majority front to the basic rights and of the proper possibility to fight for such rights. Now of specific form they had been created in determined places institutions that use of a good habit and make a benevolent work volunteer stops to brighten up and to try to rescue auto-esteem, the conditions socioeconmica and also cultural that they need orientaes on its rights. We go to speak well more of centered form of a ONG that is installed in the city of Sobral-CE and develops this work. CAPACIT CAPACIT – Center of Qualification and Assessorship Technique This quick ONG service the producers of familiar agriculture, its main subject is route to the Sustainable and Solidary Agricultural Development.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

English has its origins in the language of old Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) who moved to 5-6 centuries, from the continent to Britain. And he finally formed in the xiii century, from a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and French languages. In xiv century English literature has become. Are 4 dialects: southern, western, central and north; the latest adjoins the Scottish language. BSA often expresses his thoughts on the topic. English language belongs to the West German group of Indo-European languages.

Importance of English for international communication, for commercial, industrial, diplomatic relations on land and at sea – a truly enormous. Countries where ispolzuetsyAngliysky language common in the uk and Ireland, U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, partly in South Africa and India. One of the five official and working languages, adopted by the un. Before English was spatially most widespread language on earth. More encyclopedic knowledge you can gather in dictionaries "Small Encyclopadia Britannica, Eleventh (Yandex.Slovari)" Great Soviet Encyclopedia "(Yandex.Slovari)" The Literary Encyclopedia (Yandex.Slovari) Interesting faktyNa English spoken by more than 400000000 people for whom English – native; More than 700000000 people learning English as a Foreign Language, English vocabulary is very rich and has about 10000000 words from 500,000 words that relate to terminology, three-eighths of all correspondence is being conducted in English, English – the main language of the Internet and information technologies, as well as the language of navigation and aviation, more than half technical and scientific publications are in English, 80% of the world's information is stored in English, 5 of the largest radio and television stations broadcast in English yazyke.Osobennosti language and translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English yazykOdna of the characteristics of the English language – a short word. A translation from English obtained by 10-20% "long" Russian originals.

The Way to Happiness

Winter 2010-2011 year. A nonprofit organization holds Criminon section of its program "The Way to Happiness" through the site People unrelated to the crime may also improve their lives, relationships with others, friends and family using the site. This site was created specifically for the passage of the famous section Criminon "The Way to Happiness" on the Internet, greatly increasing the rate of passage, for the most part "The Way to Happiness" is available through regular mail. And this site has been specifically designed for people who are not related to crime.

Here, every person who wants to understand the complex issues of life at times, and life values, can go part of the program "The Way to Happiness." In other words, the option becomes more widely available. Here, talented people can make themselves even more capable. That's what they write graduates of this course: "When I started on the section of the program Criminon "The Way to Happiness" cause I was not very good – had large debts and financial problems. During the time of the debt has been reduced because revenues rose Bole than 2 times! I became more calm, more balanced, which is very important to me. There was a belief that all life is good – because I have absolutely everything you need for happiness, we just have to keep doing that I started. There is more respect for myself and I realized that I was a wonderful woman and I can be proud of yourself! Thank you so much! "Tatiana.

"I am delighted that this was part of the program Criminon. I very much became clear during his passing. Became easier in dealing with family and work colleagues. I myself have noticed that many things began to look for a different surrounding and changed their attitude towards me for the better. I would really like to make this section of the program passed, and others. I think it is would help not only my survival, but to all mankind. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part Criminon program. "Japarov. 'Criminon' means 'no crime' is an international non-profit organization that is dedicated rehabilitation of offenders and crime prevention by educating people and helping them rebuild their self-esteem so that they are ethical and productive members of society. The base program for social rehabilitation Criminon based on the book by L. Ron Hubbard's "Way to Happiness." Book, which is the first non-religious moral code, a fully based on common sense. "If a person poses a worthy goal, and implementing them, paying some attention in this book's instructions, if he prospers and succeeds in the end he must will win. "- L. Ron Hubbard," The Way to Happiness. " For further information please contact: Alla Koveshnikova 8-926-154-55-54