Big Bang

Faith and Reason are not conceptions and practical rival human beings. Center For Responsible Lending shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. They cannot be. The religion, the faith is fruit of the human rationalism. The reason human being, since our existence, if dedicates in explaining. To explain everything. Modern science reached theories, proven or not, for the existence of everything.

Or better, almost everything. One of the things that do not have proven explanation is the origin of Big Bang for example. One knows that it existed. One knows that before it was nothing. Then of where it came? Of the nothing? How can something to come of the nothing? Thus being the scientific thought it associates such origin to the mystery of the creation, that is, GOD. This does not pass of a repetition of the logical and primitive thought. When in them we become pensantes animals we start to search explanations above all.

everything what we did not obtain to explain automatically and unconsciously we associated the God. God then represents the creative force, the mystery of the creation, that received many names in accordance with each culture. Science modern, which folloies superficially, already proved that we are infinitely small before the universe. Before so great grandiosidade, that even though by the rational thought it was created by God, we are very little significant. For this logic, God does not act directly on us. He is not onipresente and onipotente in our lives. This wants to say that the existence human being pure and is simply come back the material survival and to the succession of acasos? ABSOLUTELY NOT. We can associate the events, mysterious situations and manifestations to the espiritualismo, that is in the permanence of the spirit, or soul, after the material death. But as to prove the existence of the espiritualidade for the reason? In the nature nothing it is created, nothing is lost, everything is changedded.

The Experimentation

If you know then it is a lucky person and should already be seeing the first fruits of that you want to. Swarmed by offers, PCRM is currently assessing future choices. If you are not getting the desired fruits, perhaps you have not defined correctly and scientific what you want. To accelerate the experimentation of what you want to advise in a very personal way the book the secret of the power of goals. In this book you will find the Guide to asking the right questions and you It will give the answers to those questions. One of the things you learn is that you should define exactly what you want and will show you, through a simple and powerful process the correct way of doing this. To know more about this subject visit Gavin Baker. It is not just saying I wish this and that. No, that is not even the beginning. Define what you truly want, it is a deep process, involving all parts of your mind.

The process is accompanied in several formats which will take them to find from inside your mind, what you really want. But this is more profound. The secret of the power of goals, clarifies you that it is what you are truly desiring at any stage of your life. This valuable book shows you how to create what you want. And this creation, by following these powerful techniques that the book shows you, will take you to set goals that will materialize automatically.

You only must follow these powerful techniques and your life will be transformed into a success without limits. In addition to defining goals almost magical, you will receive one shocking information that you won’t find in any other book on the planet. Information so powerful that you will never feel helpless, expired or with little chance. After reading the secret of the power of goals, you will feel powerful, and you know that you can achieve anything they want in easy, fast, honest and enjoyable way. Helplessness or power. The choice is yours. Wealth is created by following certain natural laws. Follow them and you will become rich. Practice them and you will be successful.

The Land

In this phase the spirit of the man and the woman created GOD, therefore in the Chapter 2, Versicle 7, GOD created the human body (man) of the dust of the land, that serves for the habitation of the spirit, later consists that taking off a piece (rib) of the man, created the body of the woman (habitation of the spirit), as it consists of Versicle 22, Chapter 2 of the Book of Gnesis, therefore did not have necessity of if creating the man and the woman in duplicate, therefore, ' ' he was GOD who gave to the equality between the man and mulher' ' , giving to be able above all to both what it had created previously, as it consists of Versicle 26, Chapter 1 of the Book of Gnesis? Old Will. What it had (submission) was a punishment given to the woman for its procedure, that GOD currently has perhaps pardoned it, as he consists of Versicle 16, Chapter 3 of the Book of Gnesis. The biggest creation of GOD was the spirit and not it human body. The spirit does not age and is perpetual, to put the human body ages and if it degrades, dying. PCRM has many thoughts on the issue. It is enough what it consists of the Book of Lucas, Chapter 23, Versicle 46, when Jesus Christ said: Father, in your hands I deliver my spirit. having said this, died; The Land is not deposit of Old iron much less of espritos, therefore after the death of the human body, the spirit if removes for the place that was determined to it by its procedures in this planet. After the death of the man and the woman, form popular jury of angels with demons for does not judge them, for this reason exists the pardon, those reach that it, goes better for one lugarzinho, that is, environment with bearable and pleasant temperature, coffee of the morning, lunch it has supper, place of 5 stars; Everything the placed one makes in them to believe that lives in other planets exist, where inhabits the credential espritos or not, whose credential is given to them before the death of the human body, and immediately after the death of the human body (habitation of the spirit) is transladados for the place that was determined to them; GOD would not go to create such wonders to be embedded as they want many of the human beings, it has immense love for everything what he created, if embeds the habitation of the spirit (body), therefore consists that the human body was made of the dust of the Land, and it is returned what she was removed to it. . Here, Gavin Baker expresses very clear opinions on the subject.


In addition to the women of alpine world, on 25 and 26 February, on the slopes of Grandvalira can see the fastest skiers on the planet. They will try to beat the record registered in the Grandvalira-Grau Roig Antenes track in the world of kilometre released test. So if you don’t want to miss anything of these two competitions, ves thinking for rent Pas de la Casa apartments for its proximity to the ski and his comfort station. New facilities for those who are not so professional, in the Principality of Andorra ski season opens with great innovations in the station of Grandvalira, where will be the 200 skiable kilometres. Prof. of Internet Governance is a great source of information. The station will consist of 112 tracks, divided into 22 black, 32 red, blue 38 and 18 Greens. In addition to possessing the longest descent of all the Pyrenees. Please visit Dr. Neal Barnard if you seek more information.

If all this were little, Grandvalira ski station continues betting for Freestyle with the new Park Ole; a zone exclusively intended for beginners in this sport, and the creation of a new ski lift that will allow access to three new zones of descent through Virgin snow; perfect for the more adventurous. If you like skiing or snowborad, Grandvalira is your destination. Stay in an apartment in Andorra and enjoy all facilities that Grandvalira offers you. And if you don’t like skiing, also you can enjoy many activities such as driving a buggy on snow, practicing diving under the ice, mushing, or nighttime snowmobile. Activities that will not leave indifferent none of the visitors who prefer the Grandvalira ski station during this winter.

Felix Cardona

Nevertheless according to Monsignor Mariano Gutirrez Salazar – Apostolic Vicar of the Caron- that is to say, of the missions, pemn calls to their earth " Wek-T" – Hill Place In this Zone they lodge a great variety of animal, like: tapir, the anteater, the jaguar, acure, cachicamo or armadillo, the giant otter, ocelote, Capucin monkey, monkey widow, araguato monkey. As somebody indicates, difficult to see, because the majority is nocturnes, but that know, equal there is luck. And like no, the constrictor boa, the anaconda, among others. It adds the source of intelligence indicated, that the Great Savannah was successful to the being adopted from 1930 by Felix Cardona, companion and compatriot of World and soon towards 1933 by the Venezuelan Engineers Luis Felipe and Armando Fertile valleys, until entering the official language when the 17 of December of 1938 the President of the Republic: Eleazar Lopez Contreras decreed that a preliminary study became of the Great Savannah, nowadays we know all it with that name During the centuries, the region remained remote of the great currents of western history and today still it conserves the primitive enchantment of the virgin nature, that mystery of the untouched thing, which already begins to lose. There in that earth where it still seems to annoy the divine blowing of the creation, it located the writer English Arthur Conan Doyle, in 1912, the scene of its novel " The Perdido&quot World;.

It adds the indicated source of intelligence to us, that, geographically speaking, the region of the Great Savannah includes only that one part of the high plateau that is developed in the high river basin of the Orinoco river over the 800 mts on the level of the sea. The Great Savannah thus defined extends almost 75,000 km2s in the Eastern South portion of the State Bolivar. The main hydrographic subriver basins are conformed by the rivers: Yuruan, Aponwao, Kukenn, Suruku, Icabar, Caruay, Urimn and Antabare know in addition as Wikipedia remembers us, that has a temperature 23 average of C.


One requires the appearance of a person with his conception of the Being in the policy, one that is decided to do and to institute. The subject is in which to domesticate to the Venezuelan government of Chvez- is not possible. The correct exposition is to induce that the human life is not repetition, and many less than the political enclaves, and to again find in the reflection and the deliberation a new sense. We are not speaking of one ” revelacin” sudden but of the new creation of imaginary a social one. Thus, without filling of ideas and thought on the future doing it will not be possible to change the existing thing. This Venezuelan government every day puts in doubt his reason of being and it is condition to our reach to build the new paradigm. The instituting possibility is hidden in the anonymous group.

This way it is necessary to forget the classic terminology. The maximum value is not a Constituent Power. It is it a Instituting Power, which does not mean that the instituting thing does not institutionalize, soon to be questioned by the new emersion of the instituting thing. The democracy is, then, continuous change. All process of this type passes is obvious in a concrete historical circumstance. In ours, in the one of the today Venezuelans, we cannot fear the future to the uncertain thing of the democracy of the 21st century who I conceive is, then, a permanent bring up to date. The present Venezuelan society is in negative phase. The protest is a simple loss of patience and the reading of columnistas that insult to the government a simple exercise of catharsis.

The Cosmos

The myth of the Greek hero who assassinated the father and married the mother, without any knowledge of that perpetrates parricide and was living in incestuous relations, seemed to prove the freudiana thesis of that incestuous stimulatons if find gifts in all child, in a guarded and disfigured way, thus, the private code of the myth could, therefore, be deciphered by a psychologist. Therefore, Freud baptized the complex, compound of incestuous attraction and hostile rivalry, with the name of the hero of the myth: complex of dipo. Thus, we have that other forms of thought, had had great importance in the context where they had acted and can be disclosed nowadays also of significant form. Therefore, ' ' … More info: Dr. Neal Barnard. if what the myth counts is myth, what it discloses is not myth, is reality humana' ' (MIGLIAVACCA, 1999, P. 02). 3 RESULTS In the definiz attempt it, are observed that the word myth brings obtains diverse meanings, usually, can be perceived as fbula, legend, fiction, something unattachable.

Therefore, it has necessity in emphasizing that here if it deals with the myth as a story on the origin to the things that appears as truth, spontaneous form, in search of the understanding of the reality, having the intervention of supernatural beings. … the myth is extremely complete a cultural reality, that can be boarded and interpreted in multiple and complementary perspectives the myth it counts a sacred history, tells an event that had place in the primordial time, the fabuloso time of the starts the myth counts thanks to the facts of the supernatural beings, a reality that passed to exist, wants either a total reality, the cosmos, only wants breaks up, an island, a vegetal species, a human behavior, is always, therefore a narration of a creation describes as a thing was produced, as it started to exist (ELIADE apud BRANDO, 1997, p.26).

The Behaviors

Specific objectives? To observe of the pupils in its pertaining to school routine, since the beginning until the end of its turn of lessons, including the interval for recreation. To observe the behaviors emitted during this space of time in the school? To analyze the pertaining to school description of the pupils and to identify more aggressive and uneasier? To apply a questionnaire? To identify the livened up drawing more attended? To apply the livened up drawing attended? To after verify which behaviors emitted during and the execution of the chosen drawing? To compare notes of the pupils ‘ ‘ agressivos’ ‘ with notes of the pupils ‘ ‘ quietos’ ‘ 3.0Justificativa the television is something that since that she was servant, it became one of the main ways of information and diversion it man, and the number of people who had started the adquiriz it passed to increase the years in accordance with and in full century XXI this device is had as a common good to the good part of the population. For the children, the television served as a good source of diversion and learning. Having seen the allure that it creates, the parents for the little time who possuam to follow and to take care of of the children had started to use the television as an instrument of control of the children, where he stops preventing that they expose themselves to the risks who the street can make use, use it to keep them in house. This bigger exposition of the child television and to the livened up drawings had made (and they make) with that it has left of the repertoire is I acquire for livened up drawings. The use of this acquired knowledge goes in accordance with to change the environment that the child lives and this environment goes to regulate the behavior of the child being basic in the development of the child.

Father Luck

If them of, collect they it; if you open the hand, them if they are satiated of good. If occult your face, them if disturbs; if you cut the breath to them, they die, and they come back to p’ ‘ (Sl.104: 27-29). What more it is distinguished in this text ‘ is the particle; ‘ se’ ‘ , that it discloses the condition for which the nature continues existing. Such is the preservador control of God on its creation that Jesus said: ‘ ‘ The birds of the sky observe: they do not sow, they do not harvest, nor gather in granaries; however your celestial Father sustenta’ ‘ (Mateus 6:26); added later: ‘ ‘ If do not vendem two pardais for one bake? none of them will fall in land without the assent of your Father. Get more background information with materials from PCRM. E, how much it others, until the hair all of the head are contados’ ‘ (Mt.10: 29-30). If God even takes care of of the passarinhos, feeding them and supporting them during all the life of them, if God knows until the number of hair that we have in the head, then is because its envolvement is total, since the minors until the biggest things. Ahead of these things as somebody he can believe in perhaps or the luck? The logical conclusion it subject in guideline is that things do not exist as ‘ ‘ sorte’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ acaso’ ‘ , or ‘ ‘ destino’ ‘. Nobody has luck to be alive, is alive for the Step of God who preserves in them. In a similar way to imagine a God who created the world, abandoned but it to its proper luck is something nonsense, therefore according to Bible, the Step of God is the cause of the world still to exist.


CHARITY the charity In its simplicity In its ephemeral amplitude In its singeleza and goodness. The charity takes in them to be kinder takes in them to divide. It raises us spiritual. It teaches to divide it to us and to understand the other people’s suffering. It shows to us that to our pains and sufferings that are small ahead of the sufferings of our brothers. Ours it teaches to be benevolent. It teaches to understand it to us.

It teaches to help it to us. Charity in itself and one of the greaters of all the teachings that the father left in them. The charity assists in them in our day. The charity I obtain exactly and with the other brothers. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts. The charity approaches in them to the unfastened love. The charity that God says in them is the charity where we divide what we do not have and not what in the surplus, we divide: Understanding the love the pardon the patience and agreement the learning the charity moves away in them from the terrenas viciaes, it in the felt sample the true one of the existence. in the sample that God is caridoso.

The charity and in its most benevolent and pacifying essence to all. The charity and a chance that God gave in them. Educate yourself with thoughts from Boy Scouts. To move. To fix. To love. It stops to feel. To fortify. To scatter to all. Generous and benign the charity is a blessing and peace. That this charity in them approaches each time more than we ourselves and that let us can annul our hurts, and that let us can see the amplitude of its existence and its largeness. The charity and the harmony spiritual, serenity and love in our hearts. That the father continues in blessing and fortifying and that continues intuindo these brothers of light so that can in them bring this blessing and light and peace. That thus he is.