Additional Earnings Limit

What documents do you need for your pension facts to the pension every working person in this country is looking forward to retirement and that although the pension is a theme which many people due to the recent changes of the Government on the latest information are. Alone answered the question can be then not exactly after the correct retirement age of many workers. The retirement age the rule of old-age pension is paid on the basis of the statutory German pension insurance (GRV). There is entitlement to this pension if the employee has reached the age-limit rule and has completed a qualifying period of five years (gem. 35 social security code). This wait has its legal basis in 50 para 1 S.

1 social security code and can be fulfilled by calendar months with contributory periods or by substitute periods. This latency is the amount of time an insured person to a certain extent in the pension insurance must be insured to obtain entitlement to the old-age pension. Simply have a Workers at least five years pension have been to have a claim to a pension. On the amount of the statutory pension, this has however no influence because it is based on the number off of years of work and the wages received. This age is dependent on the year of birth and the month of birth of the employee. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Center For Responsible Lending on most websites. A person who was born in 1947 has as to serve age 65 and one month working time before it reaches the statutory retirement age. This time extended respectively a month with each following year of birth. When workers who were born from the year 1958 is here the statutory retirement age of 66 years. From this year a peculiarity of the retirement age but, there here now only have 10 instead of 11 months up to the retirement age of 67 years are calculated previously.

Germans Fear Private Oldage Poverty

As well as the AFA AG is the majority, the Germans convinced that the State pension will not be sufficient. Overall, 77 percent of the respondents worried about, whether the State can later pay the pension make. Gavin Baker contributes greatly to this topic. Nearly two-thirds of respondents indicated even that fear of poverty in old age. This is from a representative survey of the opinion Research Institute YouGov on behalf of the German Fund Federation BVI out, which was released yesterday. The AFA AG recommends to provide now. I can advise everyone to complete a private old-age provision already in young years.

Because more is started, the monthly contributions are less. Unit-linked products are my tip to create tangible assets, achieve the best return in the long term and are especially secure against Government access,”says Stefan Granel, the AFA Board in Berlin. More than 20 years, the renowned independent financial services encourages clients concepts for private old-age provision, individually tailored to the needs of each individual be. Who privately want to provide for old age should think necessarily long term. When the pension is not about quick profits to achieve “, so Stefan Granel. The AFA AG therefore opts for long-term investments and focus money was awarded by the financial magazine best pension for their AA top-value rates to pension with the predicate. It cost transparency also played a significant role. About AFA AG: The general financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG) is an independent financial sales with seat in Berlin and Cottbus.

The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are trained according to the recognized directives. In addition, they are registered in the EU register of brokers and work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Agent of AFA conducted approximately 500,000 individual consultations within the last ten years. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 young entrepreneurs. New office locations are in very Germany planned.

Credit Without Schufa

Many German citizens have ever recorded a credit. Young people use to pay a loan often to a condo. A loan for a car purchase is included in some cases. The “credit for free use” represents a special form of credit. Because if you get such a loan, leaving himself; a what the money is used.

Only a few people really have idea of the numerous forms of loans. Due to this fact, the relevant information on the World Wide Web will be provided. If you use the Internet as a source of information, one must deal with the various expressions. In the texts (which are engaged in the credits), you read something about a loan without Schufa frequently. Apart from this, one finds many texts concerning pre-financing credit.

Because not every interested person acquainted with the various technical terms, the most important technical terms are explained now. Many people have in recent years for a Available credit is decided. This special credit is a so-called cash advance. Many experts advise but rather to the inclusion of a purchase credit. Here the loan over a simple bank transfer are paid on each account. However, if you want to build a House, the construction financing loan represents the most attractive form of credit. Usually paid this credit depending on the construction progress. The paper credit of value of represents a special form of credit, by the way. A security in the form of securities is required in establishing a value paper credit. Or are you interested more for a pre-financing loan perhaps?. One can get this credit only if you will get a larger financial sum in the near future. Of course it must be the upcoming payment. You will read something on credit without Schufa also frequently on the Internet. But what is a form of credit. It falls in the granting of this credit Credit check away. Of course, the application is strictly confidential by such a credit. If you opted for the inclusion of a credit without Schufa, you should use the Internet as an information source. On some websites, frequently asked questions (about the credit without Schufa) are listed and answered. Lena Marie

Non Professionals Website

Points to keep in mind when working the texts to be published on a web site. It is not oriented to computer or web designers, but just the rest of professionals. It is an aid to facilitate communication between the web designer and the person in charge of information on the site. Is incredible the amount of responses I got to simple question what is a website? and what a web page?. But that is another project what is a website for us? In this work we will see a web page (pw) as an interactive visual medium and the web as a set of pages, search engines, directories among other elements related to the communication, by now only visual and auditory. Dr. Neal Barnard insists that this is the case. We try to explain a pw as a medium of publication, although it is much more than that, this article I write destined to general public not engineers or web creators. A pw is basically a set of organized texts, static images and dynamic (videos), links (buttons, at the same time hyperlinks, etc.) , sounds. To our generation is still difficult to read on screen, much tired the view, simply not accustomed is not sequential.

Eight out of every ten people told me that they prefer to print documents to study from the screen. Internet is cheaper and comes to all sides so we use, but correctly. Now we’ll turn defects into virtues to the attention of the user, this is the elements most important. source of information. We started developing a website knowing that it is very easy for our customer to lose the interest of what lee and quickly find another page with the same content. Either quickly answer that you can capture to our prey using interactive elements, animations and movement are not so sure. Before that nothing like good strategist have to know in depth our customer, the recipients of our communication.

Berlin AFA

AFA AG: Health Minister Daniel Bahr ensures now privately the age before already today, every second pension under Hartz IV level is Health Minister Daniel Bahr exactly how many sets thousand AFA customers now on the private provision of retirement protection and care. “So he expressed the world TALK show Germany acute” last Wednesday highly critical to the State pension plan: I would a private screening much more trust than one State where you never know what happens to the money that politicians manage. ” The experience showed also, so Bahr, that for example, in the Netherlands the nursing care insurance simply be abolished. The AFA AG shares the experiences and concerns of Health Minister Bahr. Consistently, the AFA AG advises its customers since more than 20 years on the basis of a free, independent and individual advice on private savings. I can advise everyone to complete a private old-age provision already in young years. Because the more is started, the the monthly contributions are low. Unit-linked products are my tip to create tangible assets, achieve the best return in the long term and are especially secure against Government access,”says Stefan Granel, the AFA Board in Berlin.

Shortly before the interview with Minister Daniel Bahr, up-to-date figures on the retirement savings out were given by the German pension insurance. After that, already today, half of all pensioners in Germany was getting less than Hartz IV. According to the statistics amounted to 2012 almost every second pension to less than 700 euros. The new retirees that do even for less than 55 percent. The social associations right to sound the alarm and again warn of an impending poverty in old age. The proportion of pensions under 700 euros for old age pensioners in the West with 73 percent is particularly high.

In the autumn of 2012, the federal employment agency counted well 812 000 mini Jobber over 65 years. More than 128 000 of them were older than 74. End of 2003 only 595 433 seniors had a mini job. It is for the President of the social Association VdK, Ulrike Mascher,: If so many “Pensioners exert a job to supplement their retirement income, then this is a clear proof that the old-age poverty continues to grow.” About AFA AG: The general financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG) is an independent financial sales with seat in Berlin and Cottbus. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are trained according to the recognized directives. In addition, they are registered in the EU register of brokers and work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Agent of AFA conducted approximately 500,000 individual consultations within the last ten years. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.

Average Care

The customer needed a traceable method, to form an opinion. Here are some facts: Average care time 5 years becomes the situation of every fourth services it concerns more than 50der care to 80% of women received pensions after care level 1 or widow’s pensions are modest in the average often women aged living alone / multi-generation houses are the exception in the costing of care risk is to consider a double financial management for the case, that is a partner in the home and the other at home is the Social Services Department for the cost of care in template, are children (even children) play then together asked personal risk care risk assessment to the cashier not only financial support, but social and living economic facts, as well as personal preferences a role. At the same time, it can go to a dignified life design and the preservation of the life’s work. In case of need, children are used to pay the care costs. This risk is underestimated.

Here, demography is very personal. Low risk: item No. revenue are so high that this alone also “Maintenance costs (pensions, rental income, interest income at least 3,000 euros monthly)’s own House is large enough for an Eastern European nurse and disabled family members can realistically permanently maintain high risk: If the above facts are not given General at women in situations of collectives nursing care level O” (when dementia/Alzheimer’s disease occurs in the family) financial burden of the age care earlier women have educated children first and then maintained parents or in-laws. It was that you need less money at the last stage of life and that the family-based care is provided. To a certain extent, this is shouldered even today by the family. But if a partner is already deceased, it is even more difficult.

In addition, the maintenance time due to modern medicine is much longer than in the past. Before the Landgericht, an elderly gentleman had filed a lawsuit: his private long-term care insurance should be for fixed costs and to the maintenance of his wife While he is in the nursing home. The Court rejects. The private care pension together with the statutory care pensions and all old-age pensions were used for the payment of the home stay.

Tariff Insurance

This please keep in mind, that an improvement in performance due to a new risk assessment, and the insurer can also refuse the Exchange. For the Tariffs (BM1 and BM2 in this case) of the insured of the BestMed are still option rights in the tariffs. In the insurance conditions (clamp 50052656 B 194 (10.10) BDK50134) DKV is said to: 2. option right of easier exchange within the BestMed tariff system 2.1 has started the insurance according to a tariff of the BestMed tariff system for an insured person up to age 55 years, you can the insurance for this person once either to January 1 of the fourth insurance year or expected on 1 January of the sixth year of insurance from the first beginning of the insurance in the BestMed tariff system on the following conditions in a more powerful favored Tariff of the BestMed tariff system to a make) of the request for conversion is with one of our request forms a request for conversion to the 6th year of insurance health questions to; It can be made at the earliest two months ago one of the dates referred to in sentence 1, he must however latest one month prior to the selected date of the conversion There are available. We assume the timely application for conversion. (b) in the case of a conversion at the beginning of the fourth insurance year we waive new risk premiums at the beginning of the 6th year of insurance we can if there is an increased risk for the incoming part of insurance coverage (more power) risk (see article 12 par.

3 and 4) demand of maximum 100% contribution share attributable to the increased output. (c) the agreement of performance foreclosure we can do. (d) for ongoing claims is provided from conversion date according to the then applicable tariffs without waiting. (e) the contribution payable by the conversion date to depends on the then attained age of the insured person, taking into account any acquired Anrechnungsbetrage1. Your insurance protection thus started 1 or 2 01 01 2009 in the BestMed, so such switching 01 01 2012 offered. Please note the very short period of time of submission. This conversion without risk premiums can only in the Be November 2011. This won’t.

is the conversion right forfeited. Check therefore very accurately and in a timely manner whether and at what rate you want to change only this is so useful to solve. What is with the legal right to tariff change? It remains fully, regardless of the above options in the BestMed. Read what it means exactly and how it works in my blog post “Change of tariffs pursuant to 204 SG instead of termination in post adjustment in private health insurance”. This law insured persons of BS5 BS9 should pay special attention to tariffs and deal with a possible change of the tariff or the company. Will my fare quickly more expensive when it is closed? Such a statement not to meet is so sweeping and so neither wrong nor right. The calculation of the insurer and the question is crucial how carefully / optimistic was calculated. Through a collective closure must not occur to higher increases. But exactly this for some companies has happened in the past. The Statement “that happened because no new customers added” but also nonsense. Reasons depend and the like reserves here varied and in particular by the development of costs.

State Insurance

The age and State of health of the car insured does not matter when a change of tariffs within the private health insurance. Only if the new car tariff includes higher power ratings than the previous, the car insurer may request a re-examination of the health. This only refers to the range of additional services of the new car price. A PKV tariff change is possible at any time within one year of insurance. Tips for a PKV tariff change: PKV insured persons suffering from a chronic disease, or are in an ongoing treatment, should definitely sure sure that the achievements to date in the full amount maintained at PKV tariff changing. First of all, PKV tariff switching in a car base or PKV-standard tariff of for their private health insurance should be avoided. These tariffs are the latest possible solution to a change of tariffs within the existing private health insurance.

First if all alternatives to a contribution reduction without loss of medical Power quality are checked. Distance should be taken first by an increase in the deductible in the respective car fare. The consulting and implementation to a change of car tariffs should be performed by a qualified insurance consultant. Privamed 24 is on the area of the private health insurance specialist insurance advisers. Insurance consultant are obliged honorary consultant and only their clients to. This is prohibited by law to accept commissions from the insurance industry. Privamed24 guaranteed his clients for a PKV change of tariffs to achieve the best possible solution for the respective car insurer.