Additional Earnings Limit

What documents do you need for your pension facts to the pension every working person in this country is looking forward to retirement and that although the pension is a theme which many people due to the recent changes of the Government on the latest information are. Alone answered the question can be then not exactly after the correct retirement age of many workers. The retirement age the rule of old-age pension is paid on the basis of the statutory German pension insurance (GRV). There is entitlement to this pension if the employee has reached the age-limit rule and has completed a qualifying period of five years (gem. 35 social security code). This wait has its legal basis in 50 para 1 S.

1 social security code and can be fulfilled by calendar months with contributory periods or by substitute periods. This latency is the amount of time an insured person to a certain extent in the pension insurance must be insured to obtain entitlement to the old-age pension. Simply have a Workers at least five years pension have been to have a claim to a pension. On the amount of the statutory pension, this has however no influence because it is based on the number off of years of work and the wages received. This age is dependent on the year of birth and the month of birth of the employee. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Center For Responsible Lending on most websites. A person who was born in 1947 has as to serve age 65 and one month working time before it reaches the statutory retirement age. This time extended respectively a month with each following year of birth. When workers who were born from the year 1958 is here the statutory retirement age of 66 years. From this year a peculiarity of the retirement age but, there here now only have 10 instead of 11 months up to the retirement age of 67 years are calculated previously.