Bariatric Surgery

Obesity, like any disease, indicates that the person is not in harmony. A stone in the inner balance manifests itself in the body as a warning to the filing attention. Immediately, the person looking for a magic solution to alleviate their distress, and may resort to methods harmful to your health. This is how you create a big business around. Greg Williamson is likely to agree. Many people profit from the disease, offering huge costs useless solutions, ensuring that they will get miraculous results without effort. The reality is that all treatments for weight loss requires commitment and dedication on the part of the patient and the patient is not going to heal from the overnight.

The obese patient resorted to drugs and all kinds of products that claim misleading as outstanding control appetite, insoles for shoes, belts and reducing creams, etc. Sometimes these products generate a large effect on the psychological level: autosuggestion, by which the patient immediately begins to control their way of feeding or changing patterns of exercise, being able to obtain some results. Of course, we should not award achievements in? Miracle product?, But the very obese. Currently, surgery for obesity are seen as the new magic solutions. The obese mistakenly believe that, when operated, their problems will magically disappear and you can lose weight without effort. But we must remember that this procedure is only a supplement to a broad study which will involve psychologists (and psychiatrists, if necessary), physicians and clinical nutritionists. As obesity is a multifactorial disease, its treatment can not be dimensioned only to the completion of any diet or exercise plan. Abstract: Although effective in most patients, and will require the acceptance of post-surgical medical treatment.

Many of the complications resulting failure to respond to the recommendations of the specialist. Talk to your doctor.

Welfare Association

This phenomenon, only too well know to yawn attacks, feeling of fatigue, listlessness and headaches. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Boy Scouts of America on most websites. Temperatures will rise again longer, the days and the nature turns on with all his strength from its winter sleep. We also pleased not this yawn attacks, this feeling of fatigue, this lack of motivation and the headaches were long awaited and actually there. The metabolic and hormonal chaos in our brain are responsible for the fact. “The light and temperature stimuli in the spring activate again leisurely production of the happiness hormone” serotonin, however is the sleep hormone “melatonin by the dark yet very active winter months. That makes difficult to create the body. Therefore, melatonin States dismantle by Sun, much fresh air, exercise and vitamin-rich diet.

Are you really just Fruhjahrsmude”? Especially especially single parents with smaller children suffer mothers health often in particular. Harold Ford Jr usually is spot on. You are around the clock in use, you can the own needs hardly respond, because the needs of the family take precedence. Continuous and multiple charges so pure! No rest, no force gathering possible. But if the symptoms persist, please consult urgently your doctor before a Burnout, a fatigue syndrome, a psychosomatic disorder, or even a depression gaining power over you. So, you have the opportunity to do something for yourself and your health such as in the framework of a three-week parent-child treatment. A team of doctors, psychologists, teachers and physiotherapists cares about you and your children.

About the Spa + Reha GmbH the cure + Reha GmbH is a non-profit subsidiary of the joint Welfare Association of Baden-Wurttemberg, which operates nationwide different stationary health facilities. It focuses in the field family-based prevention and rehabilitation. The cure + Reha GmbH comprises 11 companies and employs approximately 550 people.

Healing Miracles

Taking any decision, the person selects the appropriate script for further developments of his life. If a decision is made in a calm state of mind, no doubt, and the commission are necessary and sufficient Action for its implementation, this decision (the choice of the script) will certainly generate a whole chain of events that quickly translate into the material world. Some events may also enter into life, and by refraining from solutions (stereotypes, dogmas, principles, attitudes, etc.) that prevent these events materialize. For example, the natural condition of the body is its normal functioning or health status. Their thoughts, over the years transformed into an installation, we are often in breach of this nature. One of the misconceptions is the belief in the ability of drugs to cure disease and, hence, the inability of the body to cope with the disease.

Yes, tablets are powerful, they affect the processes occurring in the body. Learn more on the subject from David Delrahim. But the body has in its reserves enormous opportunities for troubleshooting. In our bodies as they are all diseases, there are also all the medications from these diseases. And since we are their choice (the decision set) have the opportunity to engage one or another scenario of events, then we obtain the result. By choosing not body reserves, but the power of drugs, we have to disable the first and depends only on the latter. In most of the diseases that choice works. Medicine is far stepped forward, many media are very effective and the choice is often justified. Side effects of medication, relapse, and then that are treated in the main symptoms, we are not considering.

The main result is achieved: a cold place, his head does not hurt, the temperature drops, etc. In the case of 'simple' all diseases and occurs. This creates the illusion effectiveness of drugs and makes us forget about their own ability to heal. What is the situation in the case of 'complex' diseases, diseases that seriously undermine the efficiency of the body and even lead to his death? Established stereotypes lead to the same settings, decisions: only drugs can help. But in this case, drugs are not so effective, yet not all the discoveries made in medicine. And the result in most cases it is sad. But in rare cases, people with serious illnesses have come to a disappointing conclusion that the drugs do not help that we should accept the circumstances and let things go, how it goes. However, this is the 'sad' conclusions adopted by the calm, judiciously, without a shadow of doubt and makes a revolution in the human mind, and then in the body. What's happening? Person knowingly refuses to inefficient installation – the disease can be cured only remedy, and thus Free natural setting, which is incorporated in any organism – to seek health and repair itself in case of emergency. In the mind can not be two mutually exclusive settings. Waive one turn the other (in this case was originally planted). In addition, resigned to the inevitable swift end, people just refuse from most of his life setting, gradually leading to an imbalance in the shower, and then in the body and created the disease. The cumulative effect of this that's out of their once adopted unreasonable, but vitally important decisions, leads to the 'miracle cure'. Depth-out of the usual cliches of thinking that created the tension, imbalance, and then the disease causes the rate of recovery and the complexity of the disease, which can handle the body.


The precaution is kept quite low by modern medicine. But other symptoms increased. How collective unconscious-level mass phenomena are launched, expressed profound and apparently also in “Individual and mass fate” by Jane Roberts. I’ll spare you me, therefore, to explain this “phenomena” as such. Depression have different individual meanings and causes, which are located in the mental psychological field in individual cases. What could an explanation be found in addition with regard to collective imbalances would like to draw attention to that this epidemic as a mass phenomenon? You should find out whether there is an approach that is valid equally for all types of depression. If we examine the clinical picture as such, the accompanying mood particularly striking.

Invertedness, sadness, withdrawal of external activities, lack of belief in yourself, hopelessness, futility, etc. are also Appearances, especially suggesting that is the deep meaning of life in question. What is the deep meaning of life? In the attachment to our soul to the fulfillment of our deepest longings and innermost goals to reach, and with joy, happiness, to experience closeness and love. Many people resign because they have lost access to this being fulfilled. Regardless of individual powerlessness and inability to produce this met his again, we can look now compared the State – citizen: what kind of attitude to life and be true satisfied its citizens represents the State leadership? What values are you? What is long outdated? Where is the real spirit of optimism? How real is the idea of freedom represent? How much is it about power? What faint creates in the people? Is the whole system permeable and clear? Ruled on the people involved? Really everyone gets the same chance? Which fueled fears among the people? Where do I exerted too much control? What impact has the excess bureaucracy? Where resigned the citizens? Where he feels no longer addressed? What turns away he? Where does futility for him? Where does he give his responsibility? Where is he no longer cheered up, his fate, his luck to bring his personal passion in his life and the whole thing? Where no longer he finds faith in itself and state his choice and form of Government and the representatives of the people? To answer all these questions and more. We can’t set it at a legislative session. We need to look further.

And in every conceivable direction. If you would like to know more about Chase Koch, then click here. It’s like in the great, so on a small scale. It is time for changes. The break in the major is required. We can only stimulate this therapist and offered our help to the individual. Are you depressed? Get back with your soul, your originating connect and lead in ease! Each of you is the whole. More information, see also the Initial article of mine – “even a long existing depression can quickly be resolved”. Ralph-Dietmar Stief, holistic therapist

Disabled People

Mobile assistance for elderly and disabled people with the latest of technical advances, must no longer waive elderly or disabled people in most cases own mobility. For example no restriction of their quality of life and the shopping at the supermarket means stairs or steps for these people or the excursion in the surrounding needs are also no pipe dream. No matter how many levels has a staircase, there is a solution: can be remedied by installing a stairlift here most optimally. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Neal Barnard. This device will be mounted if necessary to deal with at least two floors of the normal staircase. The stair lift can be controlled via a normal remote control or by a lever, located mostly in the armrest. The stair lift for disabled and elderly people corresponds to the need for security related and can be each adapted to the individual needs of the individual. The simple and needs-based Handling, making this mobile life help the indispensable companion for overcoming stairs and steps. Independence for the mobility in the open air, the electric car: many manufacturers who offer mobille life assistance for elderly or disabled persons, have a means of transport for the stay in the open air in the program. Here, there is a wide range of electric vehicles, which meet the individual needs and requirements. Whether purchases are to be made, or an excursion to the surroundings and nature indicates that electric car is equipped for this best features. Because it meets the technical security standards and associated quality control, thus also the operation of the electric car is usually lightweight and easy to handle.

Miracle Christmas Spices

From A like aniseed to Z like cinnamon if it is cold outside, a well-known since childhood scent spreads in kitchens and offices. It smells like gingerbread and cookie. The essential oils of spices, which find their application in this country especially during the Christmas season are cause of this seductive smells. As the online portal for auctions reported, ensure these spices not only for the unique taste and smell of the food, but as it were have a health-promoting effect. Particularly in the case of digestive or respiratory problems, the spices of Christmas kitchen show a positive effect. Clove, coriander, nutmeg, allspice and cinnamon, promote digestion and soothe the stomach and intestines. Cardamom also considered a remedy in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and there applied for lung disorders.

Anis provides equally remedy for cough, because it is an expectorant in the bronchi. A healthy level is important in any case. Nutmeg, as well as Cinnamon can be harmful when consumed in large quantities. Tests of the State Office of consumer protection and food safety (LAVES) certify the safety of regarding harmful substances Christmas sweets like gingerbread and cinnamon stars, however. The only danger posed by the excessive consumption of these treats, lies in the calories. Boy Scouts of America is likely to increase your knowledge. The spices make these treats–good smell and taste, seduce but to increased consumption, which is often manifested after the Christmas season at the hips.

Wingwave – The Miracle Cure Against Panic And Stress?

Fear lectures with presentations, Burnout, panic attacks and psychological problems can be resolved quickly and easily by Wingwave almost miraculously nothing is so persistent as fears that have been ignored for years, maintained or even tolerated. Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . Eventually the moment comes and the fear independent to a full-blown issue that takes any ability to act. Juices and pills can no longer work and therefore you must fight the fear there where it is – in the brain. This is the domain of the Wingwave(R) coaching. Is Wingwave a panacea against panic and stress? u0085. an almost immediate help with learning difficulties? u0085. an elegant method to mobilize the own mental powers? If we believe our clients agree then all 3 statements, says Sandra Willis, a management coach, who also relies on unusual but effective methods. I never thought that it is so easily and quickly.

Now, I stand before the audience and present without fear. Before “the Wingwave sessions had I not been able.” I can now get much better. It’s even fun. “And I can use it really well to graduating.” These and other reactions Willis sounds like individual coaching where Wingwave was used. What is the – Wingwave? Wingwave is a method to the networking of both hemispheres of the brain. “” It seems that memories are onerous blockades ” often in the right brain hemisphere encapsulate” while we reach with our language only the left half of the brain.Now to achieve the blockade, we so need to activate both hemispheres of the brain and move to cooperate.

Waiting is done by wingwave. Now that would help only little of course, we need to work also at the right point in just blocking perception. It often happens, that certain mine, reminder or a certain belief block us this is another memory, a different belief.

Insoles Walking Miracle

Go like on Moss with Gehwunder deposits in all sizes insoles Gehwunder as on Moss from the Sanitatshaus Kruger GmbH in Taufkirchen / Vils in the material used for the insole is to a Polyofinschaumstoff, short PE called this PE-foam closed cell located and offers therefore no possibility of growth for mushrooms and the like. The PE-foam is free of toxic substances of any kind and is CFC-free foam. The material used for the insole is a Polyofinschaumstoff, called PE (material used in ice hockey helmets inside as Stossdampfendes.) This polyethylene foam is closed cell and therefore does not provide growth way for mushrooms and the like. Without hesitation Nieman Foundation explained all about the problem. The PE-foam is free of toxic substances of any kind and is CFC-free foam. The PE foam adapts specifically even each foot despite the deformation by heat and body weight. resource.

The footbed provides a good support of the foot, and is extremely lightweight. There is a physiological advice about skin compatibility. The lamination of the Terry fabric is carried out by heating of the PE foam (flame lamination), so, no glue is used. PE-blocks are easy to dispose of. These insoles can be washed laundry detergent me at 30 in the laundry bag! Her Christian Kruger

Phobias And Fears

Phobias are divided into 3 types: simple, social and agoraphobia. People with simple phobias experience a deadly fear of a specific object, place or situation. Social phobia – is when people avoid situations where many people, such as parties, because they are afraid to do anything to myself not to compromise. A victim suffering from agoraphobia are complex phenomenon based on fear of unfamiliar places. 'Status of phobias does not progress – says Ross. – Usually, people have phobias appear in connection with those things or places they had never afraid.

" But still, what it is – a phobia? In the classic sense of phobia – it's unreasonable, involuntary, inappropriate fear response, which usually leads to avoidance of everyday places, objects or situations' – explains Ross. However, in the true sense of phobia – a fear of fear itself. 'Phobia – a fear his own impulses – says Ross. – It is a fear to panic and lose control. Basically it is the fear of oneself and loss of control '. 'Phobic always know that their fear does not correspond to the situation – says Ross.

– For example, if you fly on an airplane during a storm and are afraid – this is a normal reaction. However, if your boss says you should go for a couple of weeks on a business trip, and you immediately start worry that the plane you will have a panic attack, it does not fit the situation – a phobia is always irrational. " Looks like it. what are you experienced? If yes, then here are some useful tips for inappropriate behavior for those who are daily faced with the problem. Switch the negative thoughts to positive. 'In a state of phobias in humans there are unpleasant thoughts, and terrible pictures in the imagination, which in turn trigger physical symptoms – explains Dr. Manuel D. Zane, founder and director of the clinic for the treatment of phobias in the Medical Center Hospital in

