The Law Of Attraction And The Instructions Of A Course In Miracles

There is a phrase that I like a lot, and that perhaps summarizes the meaning of the law of attraction: what I focus on what, tends to grow that we say this? If we want to attract abundance, but we spent the day talking about the crisis, since it will be very difficult, we have plenty of something other than more crises. Until there, more less, we all understand how it works, it seems wonderful, and we want to put it into practice soon. But, there is always a but, there are deep thoughts that we will have to tackle, beliefs which are in our unconscious, and that they will be a barrier, when it comes to realize our wishes. Tarot is often very useful to show us those beliefs, or obstacles, which we cannot see, precisely because they are in the unconscious. A system of practice which gives me excellent results when it comes to erase those negative programming, are the instructions of a course in miracles. The first assertion, it seems fantastic, and an unspeakable wisdom: anything from what I see, means nothing, try to repeat it, it will give you a feeling of awesome peace, nothing I see means anything because? because it says the course that everything we see has a value assigned by someone, for example, you know that a door is a door, because someone taught him you, nothing more. We have tried, and case closed. These schedules must delete them when practicing the law of attraction, we must find a method or system that allows us to reach as far as possible, and the course in miracles is one of the most perfect roads I know.

I remember on one occasion, having attended a woman, whose name I reserve for obvious reasons, which was engaged in the business, was remarkable, and an expert in the law of attraction, to the point that oriented and motivated others, but was locked in themes of love, it could not be applied there, which generated you more anger and violence. We work hard, the tarot, my old friend, it was showing me the knots that we should undo, and you finally achieved that the law worked. I have given all the value that has for me this is the second sentence. Think about it, good and bad, are two concepts that ruin you life, so that the law of attraction works for you, you will have to leave behind, old ideas, that is the key for this to work. If we do not encourage us to change old beliefs, we will continue tied to the threads of fate, I tell you just as Galileo: equal tour. Original author and source of the article.

Only A Miracle

This story fits a dramatic reality, experienced in the early days of the month of June 1989 and they are recorded in medical history N 191487 of the national hospital Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo of EsSalud of Chiclayo. The clash around 9 the night of Sunday 04 of June l998 on the Km.689 of the Panamerican Highway, the VW driving towards Chiclayo where he worked as gynecologist was head-on by a jeep driven by drunken and drug addicts. The rescue was hooked in between twisted irons, with embedded in my abdomen, with the windshield shattered in my face Board and rudder, the lights were turned off, grew the cries everywhere then everything was silent, not lost the knowledge and I started to scream. My daughters!, my daughters!, he saw nothing, a strong pain shook my whole body, rudder pressure me choked, saw how the blood escaped by my broken femur, knew that he could die in minutes, closed my eyes and chose the easiest: let the shock Hjpovolemlco I would lead to death; but the cries of my Karinita returned me the value Pope, papito!, – screaming – it hurts Me, replied, and gave value to my already turned off voice; suddenly several trucks were stationed around the incident and people gave 3 unleash their solidarity and their misery, while some approached to help others looted the WV, stealing suitcases, money and gifts that my Natalie had received that day. Because it met its first anilo of saw. those lights allowed me to discover with horror that inert on the floor of the VW and its little body covered with blood and ground my adored Natalie de el Pilar was without tare, I screamed like crazy, crying and I stretched my hand prisoner and not reached it, a tall, burly gentleman approached won it with tenderness, he cleared it among their clothesmade him a cross on the forehead and kissed her, I looked, I pleaded, I screamed and I cried and I cried my little girl was dead! The good man was Marcial Jauregui, professional chauffeur of the Vulcan one rescued all my Seres queridos (my eternal gratitude for Marcial).

The Pharisee

The Pharisees considered themselves healthy of all spiritual ailment and Jesus alludes to the commentary; they are not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. Likewise Jesus was justifying his conduct. A doctor does not repair in contagion to go visit the body sick, much less had to be repaired in trespass artificial borders, created most of the times a dry religious life of the Pharisee. The one who came to save, which was to heal the souls, had to go to where this same evil to cure him. Behaviour merciful of Jesus overturned in charity was a Picot edge to the Pharisees.

Does perhaps the Pharisees did something to attract the tax collectors and sinners? These, away from spiritual conviction and without preparation to the laws how change their behavior if no one approached them to show them a different way or prepare them ultimately to comply with the law? The Pharisee was not able to do so because his attitude was superb, inhumane and anti-pedagogical. When Jesus says; I want mercy and not sacrifice, alluded to the words of the Prophet Oseas in which Dios proclaims, through the Prophet, who prefers mercy to sacrifice. The Prophet Hosea says Word of God; what I ask of you is love and not sacrifice, knowledge of God and not Jesus holocausts was harshly criticizing materialism Pharisee. The sacrifice is worth the spirit that led, not by the materiality of the rite. Sincerity and not arrogance. Love and not contempt. The Pharisees in the eyes of God were whitened sepulchres.

Jesus makes them see that his work is spiritual mercy. Because I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners this third statement will prove to be an irony against the Pharisees, who were considered amply fair. Call tax collectors and sinners to a realm that only considered theirs, it is an irony to the Pharisees, who would have to bear the phrase of Jesus; Anyone who likewise exalts will be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted. The Bible says that to be called, Matthew got up and followed him. He left everything, money, home, possessions to follow Jesus. It also followed him with sincerity of heart. Jesus is what he sees in man, their feelings, not what has, or what you have. You could possibly be as Matthew or possibly beam echo little case to the call of Jesus to follow him. You just have to feel in your heart the impulse to follow him and let yourself be carried away by its current. Jesus himself says; If I call you my door, and I open you cenare with you and you with me. God makes you call so you open your heart and receive it, it will give you to change a banquet without require you sacrifice; only love you enough you.

Paiva Netto

In this verse the Apostle is teaching us to resist Satan and not fear it. Ah! that fight! How is it going to be that? Already the Christ says: every day his bad ya basta. () Who endureth to the end shall be saved (Gospel of Jesus, according to San Mateo, 6: 34 and 10: 22). Fight for Jesus on Earth is to have the greatest joy, and ending, San Pedro offers us his vows and final greetings: 10 but the God of all grace, who, in Christ, called you to his eternal glory in Jesus Christ, after having suffered a little while, the same os perfects, confirmed, fortificara, and strengthen. Suffer for Jesus, on Earth, is to have the greatest joy; those who weep today, tomorrow will be happy, he comforts the divine friend in his Gospel the Apostles and disciples. 11 To him be the glory and the Empire, for everything, always. Amen.

12. Through Silvano, your faithful brother, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying This is the true grace of God wherein ye are firm. 13. The Church that is in Babylon, chosen together with you, and Marcos, my son, greet you. In terms of Marcos, the Secretary of the Apostol San Pedro, where the second Gospel, recorded words, examples, and struggles of the divine master, because the Gospel is Jesus is, it is not those who strive to portray him. He means good news, and who brought her God really was the Chief son of all of us. The four evangelists were only privileged reporters.

And, with these words, the big fisherman of Galilee ends his message: 14 greets one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with all of you who are in Christ Jesus. Amen. God is present! Viva Jesus, the Christ statesman, that already comes in our hearts forever! Thank you for everyone’s attention. Until the next meeting. _ * The meaning of Los Siete scourges, mentioned in the revelation of Christ, either as their relationship with the institution of deacons, episode of the facts of the Apostles of Jesus, found in previous editions of the magazine Jesus is reaching No. 51, from the edition No. 46, in the Editorial and revelation sessions. * M collection spiritual guidelines of the Religion of God, of the writer Paiva Netto, can be acquired by tel.: 3358-6869. * M the world revolution of souls, that the Religion of God, Religion of Universal love, preached from their initial stroke, his Lector, Alziro Zarur through, and that, to that title of Zarur, Paiva Netto added light. * 4 DA Department administrative of the Legion of good will.