“The Mobile Man

‘The mobile man’ is the current theme week 2011 of the ARD from May 22 to 27. The mobile man”is the current theme week 2011 of the ARD from May 22 to 27. The ARD would like to reach with this theme week that Germany for one week and ideally also on mobility thinks, talks, discussed and in some places has perhaps even consequences for their own way of life”(web.ard.de/themenwoche_2011). Mobility is a vital principle and called for people not only while commuting to work, and while traveling. Mobility in terms of mobility is expression of an independent lifestyle in the age for elderly and sick people.

MobilesLEBEN”is the name of the magazine of the Association of Board of Trustees bone health for over 20 years In laienverstandlicher way in the respective title topics explains the disease process of osteoporosis, risk factors listed, explains diagnosis and treatment options and tips for given a bone-friendly lifestyle with bone-healthy nutrition and exercise. As authors in the MobilenLEBEN, including internationally renowned experts from the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board of the Board of Trustees bone health e.V. are represented. A copy of the view can be found on the homepage “a free specimen copy can be requested of the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. keyword with a DIN-A-4-envelope with a 1.45 euro: MobilesLEBEN” Leipziger str. 6 74889 Sinsheim, the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is the oldest national nonprofit that thematically deals with the bone health and taking care of osteoporosis patients. The year 2011 is a special year for us.

We are proud to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Since 1986 we are the point of contact for stakeholders and interested parties and take care of a heart for patients under the motto”that current scientific and medical knowledge in patient-friendly language in flyers, Brochures and magazine to present MobilesLEBEN to a wide audience.

German Shepherd Dogs

German Shepherd Dog – containers for graphical one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Dogs of this breed absolyubtno original. They are not only very elegant and refined, but very smart intelligent and faithful. Animals of this breed have fairly solid nervous system; they cheerful and clever have good flair and with legkostyu amenable learning when than irrespective level difficulties process itself. German Shepherd Dog rather on the rise, hardy, loyal and extremely quiet. Just because of these qualities, the German Shepherd Dog is indispensable to protect, as a guide in law enforcement, rescue services and a large number of other organizations. Black German Shepherd is particularly playful in what would be in whatever age she was not. She loves people, especially children, and fun games.

Dogs of this breed in need of long walks. German Shepherd dog is so loyal to their service, that returns to the work that she trusted. It is easy to recover his strength. A good German Shepherd is capable of a long time to be in work and every free minute rational use for the rest. It was at work, she feels resilient. Entrusting the German Shepherd service, you will see how the devotion and joy, she will fulfill it. If your house has kids – the dogs of this particular breed will be named excellent friends and parents – the irreplaceable assistant. After all, with such a dog you will go without fear of their child for a walk (in the first place, so the dog does not ‘fall through’ suddenly somewhere ahead, sweeping all before its path; but it will never give offense to his master).

German Shepherd Dog breed is very smart about it there is much evidence and not only in the canine literature. Not for nothing are the best guide is German Shepherds. Unlike dogs, some decorative rocks, a German Shepherd never flogged (unless, of course, she got used to home and slightly older infants) and perfectly orient on district. If the walk your child to get lost, a true friend always tells him the way home. Is it worth it to talk about the kindness of these dogs? Everyone knows the facts, when an adult dog that has its nursing puppies, ‘hosted in semyu’zabludivshegosya kitten (and in some cases even a pig) and fed as a child. But not many have noticed that 90% of cases, these were just a doting mother – German Shepherd Dogs. There is a lot to talk about the huge number of advantages enjoyed by dog breed German shepherd, still did not describe them all, and not to reveal the multifaceted image of these exciting four-legged friends. You need only look into their eyes, and you themselves will understand, without any words.

Office Supplies

Staff meet the needs as it has at all nothing to do, that an employee would be not loyal. Or that someone has bad intentions against the company. Was completely unaware that just a crime carried out, take one or the other employee likes to Office supplies for personal use with home. The point of view of the employee is clear: the company just ordered these Office articles, if they are running out, and anyway, the company has yet enough. What should you pay money for it if one has this office supplies but in front of the own? Maybe hiking really even completely unconscious in their own pockets some pins you don’t know. Purely legal point of view, but each is pens, each pencil and everything else more or less accidentally into the private hands of the employee about a theft, and may lead to the warning or even to terminate without notice.

It thinks no employee, but when Office supplies from the enterprise in the privately owned passes. From the perspective of the enterprise, the theft of office supplies is no trivial offence. Involves a ruthless action the companies it acquires. Remedy it, if employees may order. Subconsciously, the employees are held of the theft. The Office supplies for home via an Office order, is ideal. Because the employees can benefit from the low prices from the Internet, the online shop makes even more sales, so also a win for the corporate side of the seller, and the company, the employees are working, be sure that the employee thefts are less. For all pages an absolute profit.

Average Care

The customer needed a traceable method, to form an opinion. Here are some facts: Average care time 5 years becomes the situation of every fourth services it concerns more than 50der care to 80% of women received pensions after care level 1 or widow’s pensions are modest in the average often women aged living alone / multi-generation houses are the exception in the costing of care risk is to consider a double financial management for the case, that is a partner in the home and the other at home is the Social Services Department for the cost of care in template, are children (even children) play then together asked personal risk care risk assessment to the cashier not only financial support, but social and living economic facts, as well as personal preferences a role. At the same time, it can go to a dignified life design and the preservation of the life’s work. In case of need, children are used to pay the care costs. This risk is underestimated.

Here, demography is very personal. Low risk: item No. revenue are so high that this alone also “Maintenance costs (pensions, rental income, interest income at least 3,000 euros monthly)’s own House is large enough for an Eastern European nurse and disabled family members can realistically permanently maintain high risk: If the above facts are not given General at women in situations of collectives nursing care level O” (when dementia/Alzheimer’s disease occurs in the family) financial burden of the age care earlier women have educated children first and then maintained parents or in-laws. It was that you need less money at the last stage of life and that the family-based care is provided. To a certain extent, this is shouldered even today by the family. But if a partner is already deceased, it is even more difficult.

In addition, the maintenance time due to modern medicine is much longer than in the past. Before the Landgericht, an elderly gentleman had filed a lawsuit: his private long-term care insurance should be for fixed costs and to the maintenance of his wife While he is in the nursing home. The Court rejects. The private care pension together with the statutory care pensions and all old-age pensions were used for the payment of the home stay.

Physical Activity

If at some moment, one of these factors will be deficient the quality of life of the aged one will be compromised. So that if they can offer these benefits to the aged ones are necessary to generate changes in the social structure so that these people, when having its drawn out lives, can usufruct of one better quality of life. 1.A Physical Activity the physical activity is any corporal movement produced by the esquelticos muscles that result in bigger energy expense of what the rest levels. (CASPERSEN, 1985) As Miranda (2000) the aging is a very heterogeneous process, a time that if constitutes while a reality, mainly in Brazil. Currently, already more than it is proven that the human being needs to live each of a form that not it limit physically. Being that these limitations come being knocked down from the moment where more activity in its daily life has each time. The performance of the regular physical activity favors some answers that collaborate for the healthful aging, since this activity if constitutes while a point importantssimo with respect to quality of life of the aged one.

According to Takahashi (2004 apud SAUCERS et al. 2002): ‘ ‘ (…) with the gradual decline of the physical aptitudes, the impact of the aging and the illnesses, the aged ones tends to go modifying its habits of life and daily routines for activities and little active forms of occupation. The effect associates to the inactivity and I the adaptability are very serious. They can cause a reduction in the performance serious, the motor ability, the capacity of coordination and reaction concentration, generating processes of auto-depreciation, apathy, unreliability, loss of the motivation, social isolation and solido.’ ‘ (TAKAHASHI; 2004) Historically, man always lived of active form, a time that since the primrdios of the humanity it lived as nomadic, surviving of the hunting, fishes and of agriculture.

ABC Customers

Not always the strongest business sales data such as sales are also the most profitable customers or contributions can be judged according to how important they are in terms of specific goals such as customers or markets: A = very important, B = important, ABC analysis C = less important/unimportant allows with a focus of the totality of all items included in the investigation, to separate the essential from the non-essential and so the available property, Human and financial resources specifically to invest in profitable sales activities. An ABC analysis of customers can be created, for example, with a subdivision after solid sales sizes or with a subdivision according to percentages of the proportion of customers on the sales. An ABC assessment list can be created completely for all customers or for individual customer groups. With this ABC classification, the continuous credit monitoring of the A – and B customers can, as well as the Elimination of trivial C customers are based be. The importance of individual customer for the total turnover of the company shows the results of the analysis for ABC clients. This number can change in circumstances from year to year. It is important that based on these results, measures can be taken to secure the demand for the most important A customers increased sales activity.

Still possibly expected revenues could be compensated in particular A customer, in a timely manner through timely measures to increase revenue with B and C customers. Not all companies know their customers are profitable and which customers raise potentially negative effects on the result. The often practiced rating of customers after A -, B -, C – and D sales sizes is a license-rational grid and not suitable as a control instrument: sales of customer says only little is known about the profitability of the customers. It’s often the profitable customers who disproportionately take without loading or clearing services. The weaknesses avoiding the one-dimensional, purely sales-related ABC analysis can be in addition to the assessment scale of contribution margin, expand it. From 9 possible customer classes derive: the AA customers with high turnover and DB share have the highest customer value, the CC customers in contrast, the lowest value of the customer. Further information on detailed customer analysis and calculations: Becker, Jorg, intellectual capital report with customer barometer, 2009, ISBN 978 3 8370 5177 3 Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (www.beckinfo.de)