Foundation Live

We were super shared in common in the mountain and today we created between the survivors the Foundation Live. We are campaigning of donation of organs concerning all the South frame and want to transmit it for all the rest of the world. Very we are been thankful to the life, to the boys who could not leave there by a thing of the destiny that wanted that they died and that others were saved. It succeeded as us in the avalanche. Those that was alongside mine died and I incredibly after feeling and being present at the death managed to be saved. The avalanche was most terrible than it happened to us.

First camos us of an airplane, he was then worse at the outset died of cold, with 30 degrees below cero, without snow equipment, to 4000 meters of height, with a shirt, a pair of mocasines, trousers and nothing else. The cold was suddenly terrible, later to the 10 days we found out that they had suspended the search and that they had condemned to us to die us to all in the mountain. At the outset he was very impressive, I I did not understand like my family, my parents, the Uruguayan government, how us it left left to die us to so many so young boys with so many desire to live. Nevertheless later, the avalanche came to us that was the worse thing than it happened to us. I spent 3 days without shoes, without averages, with the feet in the snow without being able to sleep a second because she needed to masajear the feet permanently to me because if they do not gangrenaban themselves to me.

Those 3 days and 3 nights were a hell difficult to explain really terrible. She was one behind another one. At Boy Scouts of America you will find additional information. And we said if God wants to us to kill that us once and for all mate but that it does not make us suffer more. But I believe that avalanche was important because it united very many to the group.


The life sometimes becomes exactly which your you do not wish, he is very strange as during our life we took opposite directions completely and we arrived at the place that we did not have to arrive. Suddenly a day we woke up and we watched around and we felt so lost that we do not know for where taking nor by where beginning to leave there, our acts most of our adolescence are acts very erratic and guided by impulses without guide, this stage this loaded of emotion but also of sufferings and errors that we will perhaps load of by life. And although this to wake up in the dark it would always seem eternal exists the possibility of obtaining your appraised dream and to arrive at where really you wish, the conscience of your acts is your only weapon, there is not much place in the life to let itself perhaps guide by current tendencies or opinions that joint parties entirely and with this I do not talk about to which your soul and heart do not think that he is correct or opportune. Boy Scouts of America may also support this cause. To betray your I am she takes what you to the abyss, and although this treason is often not calculated or conscious the actions that take with himself are real and certainly they transformed your life. All we have passed through stages like these, the miracle is to consciously be able to guide your destiny where your seras really happy, there is nothing prevents east gift because your life is only and private, simple and absolute, full of empty everything and estara of everything if you did not manage to fill it than for you it is the good, the love and the greatness. To have the opportunity to obtain it is your only exit and only depends on you and your actions. Original author and source of the article.

Digital Publicity

The digital publicity has become a revolution in the last years, and recent studies suggest the use of carteleria digital delay is increased three times more in the next years in spite of the economic recession. The increase in the use of this type of narrowcast (unlike broadcast or broadcasting) must to a large extent to the fall of the costs of the technology LCD and plasma that have lowered the prices. And the cost of the digital publicity is cheaper than the conventional methods (like written signaling, announcements of press, etc.) The uses of carteleria digital are every time majors with outdoors located screens LCD almost everywhere, including carteleria digital outside, thanks to the use of closets it stops LCD or closets for plasma. These are some of the uses of carteleria digital: – Points of public information – to obtain the news and information – Internal Information – corporative messages, of health and security, the news, etc – Publicity in general and creation of marks – To influence in the behavior of the client and to improve the experience of the client – Aesthetic Entertainment and For an effective campaign of digital publicity, three things are only needed: – A digital campaign – that can include, photographies, videos, music, voice and text and can be so simple or as complex as it is necessary. Many companies that often make carteleria digital treat and sell digital campaigns with their products, although it is necessary to indicate the majority of these types in agreements often are simple presentations in Power Point that can do, literally, anyone. You are far better for creating a simple campaign same or if it wants something more lavish then is better to pay a publicity agency that creates one for you. – Device of screen – the basic options are really LCD or shapes and although there are advantages and disadvantages in both systems (like the image and the quality of recording), these have been reduced drastically with the advance of the technology.

Some cartelerias digitalises apply technology of touch screen, but this is only adapted for the interactive campaigns, like the used ones in the kioscos of information.

Zenon Meters

then, which was not seen in the experience. It is seen in the things, it is seen as if they were pure and physical, without no class of abstractions. American Diabetes Association describes an additional similar source. Because we have already realised it repeated times, then in the reason the experience of those abstractions forms. In fact these abstractions that seem, impossible in the reality, are not it, are possible with technology and a major knowledge about the reality of cosas." To " which is an O-Man a woman. She crosses three meters in the greater possible time. Dividing of a point " B " and granting the turtle which is " C " an advantage of two meters. Even with all this advantage, the turtle cannot win to " To " .

thus it is but quick of the all the turtles open pie by the scientists. If this seems evident to us what follows I hope that it is it. Gentlemen pay attention students to the following thing. The reason " C " it advances two meters. According to Zenon, the reason " C " not sera reached about " To " because of the advantage. In the experience, we can do that what Zenon Says to us is true.

Thus: you imagine a triangle rectangle. Soon we added its legs and there are the hypotenuse. Now we apply this, to the idea of Zenon. " To " and " C " they estan in the starting point of the adjacent leg. " To " it grants an advantage to him to " C " . when " To " it wishes to advance we prohibited it elevating it with a hook, four meters. In line vertical. To if " C " seguira advancing towards full stop of the adjacent leg. When " C " this a three centimetres to arrive at the goal. Which measures eight meters.

Real Economic Society

In 1817 it is admitted like partner of number of the Real Economic Society, that later conferred the title to him of Partner of Merit. The presbtero Felix Varela Morals was one of the disciples of the Seminary San Car it and San Ambrosio. There it received classes of Agustn father Horseman (1762-1835), the precursor of the Cuban philosophy and the one that the front of transition between the traditional escolasticismo and the philosophical reform established with its ideals, that I continue Varela later, cradle mainly in the cartesian rationalism. This illustrious thinker he owns the merit as well of to have been one of the first representatives of the independentistas ideas and abolicionistas in Cuba. Their Christian devotion, its inexhaustible kindness, its clear talent and its vigorous personality plot a new course in the education and the destinies of Cuba. For that reason, the years between 1811 and 1830, can receive denomination of period of Varela. Light and Horseman said that Varela was the man who taught to think to us first.

We can add: Light I teach to us to know, and Mart, on the basis of that tradition, and to its genius, to act. On these foundations Fidel Castro it has taught to us, and it continues teaching to us, to win. To think, to know and to act based on interests of more poor men and of all the humanity. Development: The pedagogical ideas. One affirms of Varela, that initial period (1881-1822), of the formation of his educative theory to teach to the students from the first years, will become the essential law of education that praised. Within the values that were to develop was the precaution, the gratitude, the benevolence, the charity, the conmiseracin, the prudence, the joy, justice, the strength. Varela outlined better their educative-instructive system and centered their interest in moral formation of youth.

Czechs Million

The European Union struggles in a deep contradiction before immigration. On the one hand, the European Commission publishes studies that indicate the urgent necessity of foreigners to compensate the unstoppable one aging of the population. On the other, they are the speeches of the presidents of France and Italy that use as the cultural differences to promote attitudes xenophobes and to confuse to the public opinion at moments of economic crisis. The Commission finishes approving in June a document with a more realistic and right approach of immigration: In the context of a Europe that ages, the potential contribution of immigration to the economic effectiveness of the EU is important. The reality is that the European live years more and more and is difficult to guarantee its pensions and to assume its expenses in health and residences of welcome. According to reliable studies of the Commission, precise Europe between 50 million and 110 million immigrants until 2060. It needs A.

Miss: the population of the EU in age to work will have descended in 50 million people, even if a level of net immigration similar to the historical levels stays, and will descend in 110 million if that net immigration does not stay. For the Commission, this evolution would demand a greater public cost. The arrivals of immigrants to the European Union, from 2002, approach two million people per year. The positive impact of immigration has been analyzed by the ministers of Finances and is beyond all doubt its contribution in the growth of a population in continuous reduction. The economic success of Spain, the United Kingdom and Ireland of the last years is inexplicable without immigration. In Spain, more than half of the growth in 2007 it was due to the immigrants.

In the United Kingdom, more with a million Poles, Czechs and of other countries of the East they covered the deficit with manpower. What it is precise to develop they are projects of cooperation with the origin countries and to facilitate its insertion in the labor market by means of the necessary formation for the positions that are to occupy. This, after reviewing the fundamental question of this process: the European Union needs raw materials to maintain its level of development and quality of life that come in a seventy by one hundred of those countries of origin of the immigrants. That in one go labor prices, transports and conditions of the citizens of those countries in the elaboration and commerce of those vital raw materials are reviewed. That is the heel of Aquilles of the unjust exposition of the problem by the governors of that Europe of the human merchants that colonized and operated the material wealth and of those countries that today are forced to give back the visits to us that we did during centuries the European emigrants to them. Jose Carlos Garci’a Fajardo Professor Emrito of the University of Alcala of Madrid (UCM) Director of the CCS fajardoccs@

Different Movement

How it will walk if it has the closed eyes? How one will move if it closes his mind to the different opportunities and ideas? You must be a specialist in a subject: subject of its emprendimiento. But is so much there outside to know, mainly, to learn to move our company, is not lost it! It abra his mind and it watches! 3. Why to put to me in movement? Somebody moves towards the path of opposite. Because if you do not generate movement in his business, somebody more yes will be moving. It guesses who? Its client! You would buy to a company that always offers the same to him? , without modifying if he wants the presentation or promotion of his products? Until the marks better positioned and internationally recognized, they modify its strategies of seduction so that the client does not become bored and continues being faithful. Pngase in movement now! 4. If it does not have an idea, it looks for it! For a long time it has been thinking about initiating a emprendimiento? For a long time but it has not been knowing what? Since it does not obstruct the calm before beginning his enterprising life. Propngase to find its idea of businesses.

But it is not solely attitude question, draws up small plan of action to find it and ejectelo! 5. If it has an idea, concrtela! It already has his idea of businesses? Then, what is hoping to turn it into a emprendimiento? Now that knows what is what it would like to do like entrepreneur, does not leave idea it loses its force. It does not leave the time makes him lose the forces to you! The emotion of knowing what we want for our lives is a very powerful motor, but with that great emotion we stagnated, thinking.

Industrial Capital

Mexico will leave fortified this crisis of public health and the airdrop platform at new levels of thought will be these days of reflection when being in house to help to cut the chain of transmission of the mortal disease. It is said that the regiomontano average is arrogant and presumptuous and that measure the success by the type of car, marries or school to where the children go, product of his tesonero work. When being in house we must value the time of quality that we give the family and not so many the material goods.

As what it serves to work whether in a contagion of influenza you will finish being richest and arrogant of the pantheon? ” It is that there is niveles” , usually they say those of ” arriba”. In these days we must reflect what the regiomontana society has lost: the pride of our industralists and their seeras industries that to a large extent are into the hands of foreigners and other that could be in the very near future on sale to the best postor. Where they were the industralists who gave luster to our city that got to be the Industrial Capital of Mexico? It is not to be alarmed that of million 600 thousand motorists, the 50 percent leads the week ends under the effects of the alcohol or drugs? At what moment we lost the astonishment capacity before the predatory corruption in the municipality of alcohol Monterrey, transit, police, urban development and in the same office of the mayor? How we contributed to improve the environment if we are unstoppable machines of excessive consumption? How we are educating our children if we corrupt to the transit, we hung ourselves of the light, we went the light in red and we are not nothing courteous at the time of handling and we are arrogant again with the conductor of I displace to whom we sounded the horn to him like patanes? We waste the water, we used the electrical energy in indiscriminate form, eat meat in excess and we showed the Power before humble tellers removing enlarged money portfolios dollars including and a series of credit cards all until the top in that presumptuous and disdainful eagerness that already is icon of our community. We are happy? If we valued the life and the fragile thing of this one before the health contingency; if we love a family heals morally emotional and, it is necessary to reflect what we can make to surpass this contingency of confusion. Because an invisible virus can defeat to us and as mud idols to collapse us to the anything leaving here possessions, family and a prestige of arrogance that don’t mention it served: to only deceive to us same. Humility and arduous work, seem to be formulas to leave this financial crisis and health. In Short. Ronald Reagan did not imagine the bankruptcy of Chrysler in 1981 and less than a President of race he announced black it. Original author and source of the article.

They Create A Track De Skate In The Echeverri Place

The place Alberto Echeverri not only draws attention for being the unique one that has a poster of sale in its entrance, not even for being a created public space on the initiative of the neighbors. Although it has hammocks, an unexpected field of soccer with wood arcs, a scene so that a band of rock or a group of independent theater occurs to know and until a pair of cement grills, which more wide-awake curiosity are the great inclines for skate that it has in one of his lateral ones. And those showy structures for the common one of people work as point of contact for the fanatics of the table with rueditas. The idea arose from a group of four boys who remained without place to blunt their hobby and decided to locate a circuit luck to skater in the flank that gives to the avenue Don Bosco. Hablamos with the neighbors and said to us that while we maintain the cleaning were no problems this explanation in center leaves the mouth of Maximiliano (26) systems analyst in a located company and one of the ideologists of the project.

At the beginning of year they began to arm the inclines and today already they have five. Made of iron and wood the inclines are black guinea fowl with aerosol. The two greater inclines are stuck one with the other because he is the main one, the two more girls are a flank they use and them for to enter heat, in addition is a species of tribune for to hang itself with skate. Juan (24), that is dedicated to realise charges of a motorcycle above, explains as they obtained to the materials I have a neighbor who is blacksmith and the wood had another one of the boys in its house and thus with a little work in equipment and some favors could finish with his park of diversions although it adds that they would like to have a roller, but they give neither to the materials nor the space us.

Paid Surveys

Wherever you nowadays go, you will see an announcement that offers to pay to him by its opinion in cash. It is a survey or a paid group of opinion, the idea is the same – the companies of market studies want their free opinion and are arranged to give effective and merchandise him so that you pass his time answering his surveys. In this article, we will review the most frequent questions on the paid surveys. What is a paid survey? A paid survey, or survey of investigation of market, is a series of questions that are presented/displayed to an individual or group of people, to see as they perceive and they respond to certain products or services. Each person falls in some type of demographic category (separated segments of population by age, sex, income, etc.), to which certain products are directed. For example, the athletic equipment can be promoted towards young and physically active people, while the luxury cars can be directed towards people with higher income. These surveys in line is offered free of charge like means to understand certain markets better. What is a Focus Group? Focus Group is another type of survey where a group of individuals is invited to discuss certain subject related to the company that sponsors the Focus Group.

You can or not to know the point the discussion and they are realised generally by a moderator who will guide the discussion. These Focus Groups can be realised in physical locations or in line and usually they delay between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The compensation varies from 10 dollars to 250 dollars, depending the subject and the involved time. Why my opinion is so important? The companies spend hundreds of thousands, if new or existing nonmillion dollars in publicity for products and services. These advertising campaigns can sometimes be a complete cost of time and money if the company does not investigate the market that tries to capture.