Czechs Million

The European Union struggles in a deep contradiction before immigration. On the one hand, the European Commission publishes studies that indicate the urgent necessity of foreigners to compensate the unstoppable one aging of the population. On the other, they are the speeches of the presidents of France and Italy that use as the cultural differences to promote attitudes xenophobes and to confuse to the public opinion at moments of economic crisis. The Commission finishes approving in June a document with a more realistic and right approach of immigration: In the context of a Europe that ages, the potential contribution of immigration to the economic effectiveness of the EU is important. The reality is that the European live years more and more and is difficult to guarantee its pensions and to assume its expenses in health and residences of welcome. According to reliable studies of the Commission, precise Europe between 50 million and 110 million immigrants until 2060. It needs A.

Miss: the population of the EU in age to work will have descended in 50 million people, even if a level of net immigration similar to the historical levels stays, and will descend in 110 million if that net immigration does not stay. For the Commission, this evolution would demand a greater public cost. The arrivals of immigrants to the European Union, from 2002, approach two million people per year. The positive impact of immigration has been analyzed by the ministers of Finances and is beyond all doubt its contribution in the growth of a population in continuous reduction. The economic success of Spain, the United Kingdom and Ireland of the last years is inexplicable without immigration. In Spain, more than half of the growth in 2007 it was due to the immigrants.

In the United Kingdom, more with a million Poles, Czechs and of other countries of the East they covered the deficit with manpower. What it is precise to develop they are projects of cooperation with the origin countries and to facilitate its insertion in the labor market by means of the necessary formation for the positions that are to occupy. This, after reviewing the fundamental question of this process: the European Union needs raw materials to maintain its level of development and quality of life that come in a seventy by one hundred of those countries of origin of the immigrants. That in one go labor prices, transports and conditions of the citizens of those countries in the elaboration and commerce of those vital raw materials are reviewed. That is the heel of Aquilles of the unjust exposition of the problem by the governors of that Europe of the human merchants that colonized and operated the material wealth and of those countries that today are forced to give back the visits to us that we did during centuries the European emigrants to them. Jose Carlos Garci’a Fajardo Professor Emrito of the University of Alcala of Madrid (UCM) Director of the CCS fajardoccs@