Earth Consciousness

Adam at this time with great sadness watching what was happening to his people, and entrusted him to the country. In It has a glimmer hope that if the Earth to change the laws of the Overmind (God), which came into effect after the second revolution of human consciousness (isolation of human consciousness from the information field of consciousness of the universe), then humanity will be able to change their mind and go the way of building happiness. Click Center For Responsible Lending to learn more. Adam naively believes that the return of a person lost faith in a miracle can bring people back to the worship of the laws of the Overmind (God) and send them on the way comprehension of love and kindness. Perhaps check out Greg Williamson for more information. Already due to this, according to Adam, the people will change the vibration of the formula of consciousness so that they themselves were able to defeat the "virus of Darkness", restoring the purity of the consciousness of our souls, generated to build up in the material world of happiness. He wants to make sure that the rights, and this is decided on its own experiment, without coordinating it with the Overmind (God).

Using the keys to the plan of creation, Adam is brought before the people of Israel as the son of God – Jesus. What came out of it – many good, though not quite significantly, it is known. The perception of a miracle and could not change the minds of the people of Israel and send it to creation of happiness. .


The ship sailed from Britain in clear weather. But soon began a violent storm. A nun fell on her knees right on the deck – and the sea calmed down immediately. Sailors on shore told this miracle, and in Germany, Walburga was met with awe. Since then, considered the patroness saint of sailors (also helpful in rabies and in a storm). Subsequently, Walburga became abbess of the monastery of Heidenheim, in town Bavaria near Ayshtadta, and after his brother's death led even monasteries.

Her virtues and many miracles have brought her fame. Check with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger to learn more. Walburga died on February 25, the 777 was more than 100 years, the wonders of the nuns forgotten. But here's a new bishop Ayshtadta decides to restore the monastery and church. Working desecrated the grave of the abbess, and one night it was a terrible shadow Bishop … Soon – namely May 1 – the remains of the nuns moved to Ayshtadt, putting in void one of the rocks. And from the top of the rock to flow healing oil helps against many diseases.

Walburga was canonized, was canonized. Later, her remains were taken to different cities in Germany, and the days when it happened, devoted to it (February 25, Oct. 12, 24 September). But the big day over. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Eliot Lauer by clicking through. Walburga – the first of May. It would seem that nothing of any birth or in the glorious life of a nun, but this single date is not associated with nocturnal bacchanalia Valpurgisnahta. But if you look closely to ancient frescoes in many churches of its name … The crown at the feet of the saint points to its royal origin Staff – a sign that Walburga was a founder of the monastery. But there are other characters. Walburga painted on the backdrop of the old lime trees and hills. Lipa – sacred trees of pagan fertility goddess Frigg, the mountains, especially single – the abode of Holden, as well as outposts of the dead. Next to the often Walburga depicted a dog. In the biography of the saint is no mention of the dogs there. But the German and Scandinavian pagan goddesses is the most common 'helper'. Y Frigg were dogs in the Netherlands Nehalennia too. And one of the Goddesses and the name – 'the mother a poodle. " In addition, the image of a dog is associated with fertility and health. To be a good harvest, the ancient Germans 'fed' the mysterious chicken dog vindhaunda. A triangular mirror in the hands of nuns in Some murals? Legend has it that at the end of April in the forests of peasants saw a girl running away from hunters with a mirror in her hand, which showed the future. The farmer, who helped her hide in a pile of grain in the morning he saw that his rye turned into gold. Hunters – winter, fleeing girl – spring. Direct link to the pagan legends, and no relation to Christian saints. So once again pagan and Christian patterns woven into one fabric, and celebration of evil was given the name the righteous.

Great Patriotic War

Fighting female snipers, scouts, women, female anti-aircraft gunner … But in their armor was not much. During the Great Patriotic War, Alexander Mitrofanovna Raschupkina repeated action of the legendary "trooper-girls' Nadezhda Durova, who in 1806 under the male name entered the military service, and then fought with the army of Napoleon. About a year Raschupkina Alexander vainly knocked at doors of military enlistment offices with a request to send it to the front. BSA: the source for more info. In 1942, shortly postrigshis in men's clothes again, Alex came to the draft board and take advantage of the confusion reigning there with the documents yet signed up to the front under the name of Alexander Raschupkina. In Moscow Alexander, Alexander graduated from the courses of drivers, and then, under Stalingrad, a two-month courses of driver-mechanics of the tank. Girl fighting in the 62nd Army under General Chuikov. Surprisingly, almost three years, or the tank crew, which had fought Raschupkina or other fellow soldiers do not suspected that under the guise of 'Sasha-tomboy' hides a woman.

The mystery was opened in February 1945, when tankers were fighting already in Poland. During one of these tank Raschupkinoy stumbled into an ambush, was hit, caught fire. Alexander received a severe wound. Rushed to the aid of a mechanic from a nearby tank, became the bandage. It was he who recognized a girl Sasha. Then there were the hospitals, demobilization, meeting with her husband, who also survived in the terrible meat grinder and also returned from the war crippled. Together they have lived another 30 years.

Rio De Janeiro

At the beginning of century XIX, the coffee arrived at Rio De Janeiro. The activity gained impulse with the arrival of D. Joo VI and its cut, in 1808. In virtue of the order of inoccupation of some houses, to shelter the just-fond ones, many producers had left for its country properties. Thus, the cafeicultura took account of of the state of Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo lands of the Valley of the Paraba, inaugurating a new economic cycle, from 1825. In 1850, Brazil already was world-wide the producing greater of coffee, with 40% of the total, arriving 80% at the beginning of century XX. Implanted with the minimum of knowledge of the culture, in regions that later if would become inadequate for the culture, the cafeicultura in the south center of Brazil started to have problems in 1870, when a great frost reached the plantations provoking incalculable damages.

After this crisis and with the recovery of the market, transferred to all search it ideal regions for the culture of the coffee, extending themselves for the country. 2.3.1CICLO OF the COFFEE In agreement BRAZIL Brum (2005, p 131), in elapsing of more than four hundred years the Brazilian economy functioned predominantly as reflected of the external interests, reacting to the stimulatons come of it are. This orientation for the exterior lead the implantation of the cultivation, with the centered production and exportation in the product of bigger yield at certain moment description. This dependence if reflects clearly in the economic cycles that had characterized this long period. The author says that: The economic cycle can be defined as the period where determined product, benefiting itself of the favorable conjuncture of the moment, if constitutes in the dynamic center of the economy, attracting the economic gallowses? capitals and Hand – of workmanship? provoking changes in all the other main sectors of the society, as in the creation of new activities, the equipment use, the distribution of the incomes, the constitution of the social classrooms or fractions of classroom, with the decline of some and the ascension of another one.

Malevitch Movements

Of these movements we can cite the Russian Construtivismo, mainly for its radicalidade, since until then no movement in the evolution of the art modernatinha been a so inserted expression in a concrete revolutionary reality, or had placed so explicit the social function of the art as a questopoltica. The Construtivismo foiuma artistic expression with strong influence of marxismoe was closely on to the process revolucionrioiniciado in the URSSe in Germany. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) They had had other movements of importance, as the Dadasmo, in the period, also stirred up for the technological context of the time. But oConstrutivismo would come to be one of the movements of bigger significao graphical naconceituao of design, since different of the Dadasmo and the Surrealismo, mainly influenced for publications and discoveries of Freud (to brasilrender, 2009), the Construtivismotraava a definitive line as bridge between the industry and the daqual graphical media it was served. Line this that literally was employed in the movimentoconstrutivista. Using itself also characteristics of the movements Futuristase Cubistas, for the assembly of its sober structure. The term ' ' art construtivista' ' introduced for the first one they vezem 1917, for Malevitch, perfectly described the character of the movimentoesttico-politician initiated in Russia from 1919.

(WIKIPDIA) It denied one ' ' art pura' ' looked for to abolish the idea of that aarte is a special element of the creation human being, separate of the daily world. Aarte, inspired for the new conquests of the new Laboring State, would have to seinspirar in the new perspectives opened for the machine and being industrializaoservindo the social objectives and the construction of a socialist world. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) Being in favor of geometric forms, of simplicity and daclareza, the Construtivismo appears to give new a sensible one of order in design, using itself of a rational job of material in order to find soluespara communication problems.

Senator of the Empire

Joaquin Aurlio Barreto Nabuco de Arajo, Joaquin Nabuco as he was known, was born in the Street of Aterro of the Boa Vista (current Street of Empress Tereza Cristina), in Recife-Pernambuco, the 19 of August of 1849. He was son of the Council member and Senator of the Empire, Jose Toms Nabuco de Arajo, a rich jurist and bahian politician, who if consolidated in Recife, and of Benign Ana of S Barreto. Joaquin Nabuco if opposed in vehement way the slavery, against which it in such a way fought by means of activities politics and how much of its writings. It made campaign against the slavery in the House of representatives of 1878, and established Brazilian the Anti-Slavery Society. It was to a large extent responsible for the abolition of the slavery in 1888, and after the falling of trees of the Brazilian monarchy it left of the public life for some time. He was baptized in the Handle, having as godfathers you of the Device Massangana, Pink Joaquin Aurlio Pear tree of Carvalho and Ana Hawk of Oak. With the death of the godmother, he was to live in Rio De Janeiro with the parents, where he made the primary course and secondary.

It wrote, in 1869, the book the slavery, in which it defended, in a jury, a black slave who assassinates its Sir, workmanship who remained unknown up to 1988, when Joaquin Nabuco was published by the Foundation, in Recife. In 1872, the Device vendeu Would saw that it inherited of its godmother and with the sales, passed one year in the Europe, making contacts with intellectuals and politicians and if preparing for futuroJoaquim Nabuco attended a course Humanities in the College Peter II and Right, being that the three first years he made in So Paulo, concluding these courses in Recife. He had 21 years when he formed himself.

Soviet Union

He pays no attention and the fact that writing about this John the Evangelist: "But because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth. Because you say: "I'm rich, rich, and in no way have need of; and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable, and poor and blind and naked. " That's Overmind (God) refers to those who are trying to please everyone but to any available for themselves through to get the power, even if it is a path of violence, deception and betrayal. But let's get to the last stage of the narrative history of the Earth, corresponding to the period of time when it is already quite close to the beginning of the Apocalypse. The souls of men in Europe and the Soviet Union, which, after the world wars past the main stage of purification, is gaining the power of the Queen of Heaven (God). She, though it is for many still and quietly begins to introduce new means of influence on people's minds, facilitating its purification of the "virus of Darkness" that can summon mankind to love and cause them to collective action "earthly" love – the vaccine, which over time will give the final recovery of the consciousness of people from the "virus of Darkness." First This is manifested in the beginning unification of Europe, the disintegration of the ussr, the fall of Satan's centuries-old regime of giving people the freedom of thought, movement and expression.