Senator of the Empire

Joaquin Aurlio Barreto Nabuco de Arajo, Joaquin Nabuco as he was known, was born in the Street of Aterro of the Boa Vista (current Street of Empress Tereza Cristina), in Recife-Pernambuco, the 19 of August of 1849. He was son of the Council member and Senator of the Empire, Jose Toms Nabuco de Arajo, a rich jurist and bahian politician, who if consolidated in Recife, and of Benign Ana of S Barreto. Joaquin Nabuco if opposed in vehement way the slavery, against which it in such a way fought by means of activities politics and how much of its writings. It made campaign against the slavery in the House of representatives of 1878, and established Brazilian the Anti-Slavery Society. It was to a large extent responsible for the abolition of the slavery in 1888, and after the falling of trees of the Brazilian monarchy it left of the public life for some time. He was baptized in the Handle, having as godfathers you of the Device Massangana, Pink Joaquin Aurlio Pear tree of Carvalho and Ana Hawk of Oak. With the death of the godmother, he was to live in Rio De Janeiro with the parents, where he made the primary course and secondary.

It wrote, in 1869, the book the slavery, in which it defended, in a jury, a black slave who assassinates its Sir, workmanship who remained unknown up to 1988, when Joaquin Nabuco was published by the Foundation, in Recife. In 1872, the Device vendeu Would saw that it inherited of its godmother and with the sales, passed one year in the Europe, making contacts with intellectuals and politicians and if preparing for futuroJoaquim Nabuco attended a course Humanities in the College Peter II and Right, being that the three first years he made in So Paulo, concluding these courses in Recife. He had 21 years when he formed himself.