Cristian Ramirez Gaston

Cost reduction, step of having 412000 employees 270000 employees, this was one of their decisions more important and difficult. The timing of the change then is the most crucial to the survival of the same. Whether many authors raise that forecast they are needed to take into account that change not surprised and that surprise us to change.According to John Kotter: Appoints many mistakes one of them is not to establish the true importance of the sense of what is urgent, they place emphasis on loss of profits when in fact question should be how do I to have a program of transformation so that at this stage of missed it the opportunity to exit the same. Another important point is the lack of vision, a vision should go beyond numbers, results and others, goes beyond the answers that give our customers, employees and suppliers, has to be something more distant from a 5 year plan.A clear look helps the direction in which the Organization should move forward, is a goal that I can never reach, in this way is the best way to be more efficient. James Collins and Jerry Porras instead manifested that the improvement to combat change is the construction from the perspective of the company, as they must be kept an essential ideology that defines the sustainability of an organization that is more than the life cycle of products and services.Both the purposes and values determine an ideological vision that determines the adaptation of the company to the environment, there is nothing preventing doing that, since the environment may not affect a company. Do change IT is a term that conforms to the current reality of the companies, the technology is today considered a third industrial revolution, longer than the PC electronic services, and telecommunications not only have approached the whole world but have also damaged the economy leaving the human being marginalized, how many desempleos have occurred in the past 10 years in each technological advance? What can be done then when processing changes are fast, only the adaptation, and this word means, time, lost and unemployment, are three costs that is based on the adaptation of any individual economically speaking. See the signs or disappear no other alternative then through what they read which companies see as an expenditure, savings or operating cost incorporating people who can establish and discover in time and form all the coming events and trends of all kinds. The environment is constantly changing, minute by minute, hour after hour and day after day, must be prepared to face a situation, to avoid losing the battle and that the market is not charged a victim more than that obtained. You will need to then have an empowering mind capable of understanding these signals and that it is not only of reading newspapers, attend conferences and ask for reports, we are talking about something more complex as it is to understand the environment and to be able to understand it must know speaking your language. If you wish to contact the author to exchange ideas, opinions and comments on this work stated above can do so by writing to: e-mail: author: Cristian Ramirez Gaston graduate in marketing (IAU) Master in international business (U.C.E.S.) Postgraduate in management of small and medium-sized companies (U.B.A.) Original author and source of the article

The Behaviour

Globalization advocates argue that it creates opportunity for socially and ecologically sustainable development, especially for the less developed regions so far. Specifically, management increasingly more must analyze how how globalization is influencing the behaviour the company and consider as discussed, that large organizations are not the only ones that have opted for the global Via, also is increasing the number of small businesses that do. Globalization is the recognition by organizations, that organizations must have a global approach and not a local approach, also can this be defined in many ways, depending on that level you want to scan, one can speak of globalization worldwide, of a country, specific industries, companies, up to a political and economic model. Toimae in mind that worldwide, globalization refers to the growing interdependence among countries, as reflected in international flows of goods, services, capital and knowledge. At the national level, refers to the magnitude of the relationship between a nation’s economy and the rest of the country. It is a process of international or global growth in the financial, industrial, commercial capital, resources, human, political and of any type of interchangeable activity between countries.

Globalization has transformed the way in which businesses carry out their organizations their operations, but above all, it has had a very important impact in the same organization, so the profile of its members is different. Be considered finally that globalization has led to the creation of large corporations in certain industrial sectors, making that small and medium-sized enterprises are sold to these corporations. Another one of the phenomena that has its origin in the globalization, is the integration of the companies, it is companies that are successfully developed in important markets * sources:. Chair of managerial topics program management for quality and productivity, Faces UC. Original author and source of the article.

Ponte Idea

With respect to question number 2 I say: before ask you that question it is necessary you formules and another that is more important and that precedes any analysis prior of a future business; the previous question is. As I am going to make money on the Internet? First you have to know how to then know how much. I can tell you that if your concern is really know for sure which is the highest amount that you can get, but still do not know like, you are wrong the previous question from any business or rather your basic rule of sustenance. First you must know that it is what you want you must have a concrete idea of what you want and where you are going. Is that at the beginning it is very difficult because they bombard you constantly with new businesses, different propositions, options possibilities and each time rather than decrease confusion, on the contrary it increases. And here I am going to return to the theme that leave at the beginning of this article in the paragraph that is immediately after the two questions from the beginning; First, you should know that, everything starts there, any question to do previously to this, lacks value, even more, it makes no sense. Do you go to any station to get on any train without knowing where are you? surely not, would first be sure of where you want to go and then would choose the train on which you upload. On the Internet, it is also necessary to have clear, where you want to go.

You can’t cite an old saying which says that: the lack of money is not an obstacle, the lack of an idea if. You must find your idea, you must find your idea, this is the beginning. Sit quietly and Ponte to think, frees your mind, probably already have some vague idea through everything you’ve seen so far, and I am sure, that you are interested in more than one, perhaps several: there is the lock. Begins at the beginning, how can start if you don’t know that? Choose the idea that seduce you more, only one, and tries to learn everything you can about that idea, do not leave anything for later if you can learn it now, investigate, question, learn. Finally: Will travel the road as we have done it all, learn, more than anything, your own mistakes, trial and error, that is what again and again without lowering the arms and when the result will be bad; You must correct and re-treat. Internet is like a card game, to win the game you must shuffle and give again many times. Lots of luck! Eduardo Blanco original author and source of the article