The Behaviour

Globalization advocates argue that it creates opportunity for socially and ecologically sustainable development, especially for the less developed regions so far. Specifically, management increasingly more must analyze how how globalization is influencing the behaviour the company and consider as discussed, that large organizations are not the only ones that have opted for the global Via, also is increasing the number of small businesses that do. Globalization is the recognition by organizations, that organizations must have a global approach and not a local approach, also can this be defined in many ways, depending on that level you want to scan, one can speak of globalization worldwide, of a country, specific industries, companies, up to a political and economic model. Toimae in mind that worldwide, globalization refers to the growing interdependence among countries, as reflected in international flows of goods, services, capital and knowledge. At the national level, refers to the magnitude of the relationship between a nation’s economy and the rest of the country. It is a process of international or global growth in the financial, industrial, commercial capital, resources, human, political and of any type of interchangeable activity between countries.

Globalization has transformed the way in which businesses carry out their organizations their operations, but above all, it has had a very important impact in the same organization, so the profile of its members is different. Be considered finally that globalization has led to the creation of large corporations in certain industrial sectors, making that small and medium-sized enterprises are sold to these corporations. Another one of the phenomena that has its origin in the globalization, is the integration of the companies, it is companies that are successfully developed in important markets * sources:. Chair of managerial topics program management for quality and productivity, Faces UC. Original author and source of the article.