Tuesday, April 05, 2011, 14: 00-15:30, Brandenburg Gate: theatre performance of the Alliance ‘ SOS for human rights’ against the disregard of the rights of refugee children. Particularly suitable for the image reporting. On the 5th of April 19 years ago, the Federal Republic has signed the UN Convention on the rights of the child. Until today it is however not fully implemented. Their rights are denied in particular refugee children.
With a theatrical action at the Brandenburg Gate, we would draw attention on this situation and call for the implementation of children’s rights for all children and young people. We discuss possible reasons for escape, the fatal escape from crisis regions to Europe and often precarious residence in Germany. “In different languages are the key demands from an appeal to youth without borders” read. Since the withdrawal of reservation of aliens to the children rights Convention in the spring of 2010, the Federal Government, the UN children’s rights in Germany should also for refugee children fully apply. “In practice refugee children and young people are exposed is still multiple discrimination and restrictions in Germany, for example: asylum seekers power law, reduction of social assistance to up to 47 percent under the current subsistence minimum for children in the Hartz IV-related as well as exclusion from the new training package” inadequate medical care according to the asylum seeker performance law restricted access to school, often ban by training and study restriction of freedom of movement inhumane living conditions in collective centres separation from family members, arbitrary age estimates and altermachen of the withdrawal of the reservation of aliens must finally concrete measures follow on political, legislative and administrative level, so that refugee children are exposed to stop bullying and humiliating authorities act. All immigration measures must be precedence over the well-being of the child. At the Theatre action rights are speakers of the SOS campaign for human for interviews available. Press contact: Lucie Haardt, SOS for human rights, E-Mail:, Tel: 030 24 74 97 83, mobile: 0176-75464216, address: GRIPS, Klosterstrasse 68, 10179 Berlin