marionettes of the destination.We feed, through the most varied thoughts,> If God to want are what we hear and we speak. Then it believes: It wants. It wants that we let us exercise and let us place our Faith in the Goodness and about the Amor.Como we can think that the Creator can desire the evil to its creation? If we were created to the image and similarity Of it, why we continue to believe that we are not capable? What we do not have to be able? What It is not inside of us? He is common to hear of the people: If happened something that it showed to me, I would believe miracles. I only believe seeing! miracles that we are producing are harmful. In this direction, then, the explosion of the violence is a miracle.
The banalizao of the love and pain, also is a miracle. The disrespect and the destruction of the planet, also are a miracle. The extinguishing of good values also is a miracle. The miracles are these that we are producing, therefore also are deuses. our thoughts prisoners of the faith in the Evil are creating these miracles. We leave to believe the angels and, consequently, we leave of feeding everything what it can protecting in them, inhaling and to guide. But we never do not leave to believe the devil and its badnesses. We witness the sunrise or its presence, daily, but we do not give to the lesser importance to its light and heat and continue to fear the blackout of the night we finish prisoners to a trunk, as of the slavery at the time, believing that we will be punished.
We beat ourselves and we bleed, we shed infinite tears of suffering and pain. In recent months, Professor of Internet Governance has been very successful. we continue to wait that somebody goes in> trunks and perceive, finally, that the slavery finished. He can leave to believe Animal and to only start to trust its Anjinho. It can leave to use its time being tried to learn if to protect of the envy and the badly-looked at one and to use its time to learn the True Wisdom and to rescue its Poder.A truth are beautiful. What he is not beautiful is illusion. If we truily want to finish with the wars and the evil, we need in them to become welded of the peace Necessarily now we must start to produce the true miracles, that are good beautiful events e. That let us can perceive the darknesses, but let us fix in them in the light. That each one of us can make its part to revert the dense and heavy crust that encircles our lives, projecting each time better thoughts. not more to use our force in the construction and in the destruction. Already it is hour of, definitively, leaving the comfortable position of victims and assuming our true identity as co-creators of the universe.