The era of Rudyard Kipling – "The West is West, East is East, and together they do not come together" – has passed. And today there is hardly a man of Western culture and traditions, who at least once have not tried the Chinese green tea, or not experienced imagine that acupressure relieves headaches better antispasmodics. East – this is Nature. West – the civilization, and, technocratic civilization, so dirtied the planet, that person is not in the literal sense enough air and water. But it would be desirable to live! And if possible, without pills, injections, oxygen masks … What the West has only recently and with great suspicion in the East is known for millennia, has different names and direction, but a single point – the existence of natural and human development in harmony with nature.
Ayurveda (in Sanskrit – "science of life and longevity") – an ancient Indian system of knowledge, aimed at preserving health and extending life. Ancient sages have described the laws of human existence, anticipating the many discoveries in the millennium ahead. Ayurvedic healing techniques based on principles of integrity and harmony between man and nature, tested and perfected over the centuries. For example, in Ayurveda, there are several kinds of massage – as the impact on the internal organs from the skin. Someone who is highly developed sense of touch, sensitive to the techniques of Ayurveda, such as oil massage or Marma therapy, that is, the traditional Ayurvedic method of stimulating the vital points on the surface of the skin.