Coast Years

This phenomenon occurred initially in developed countries, but, more recently it is in the developing countries that the aging of the population has occurred of accented form more. In Brazil, the number of aged (60 years of age) passed of 3 million in 1960, for 7 million in 1975 and 14 million in 2002 (an increase of 500% in forty years) and is esteem that it will reach 32 million in 2020. In countries as Belgium, for example, one hundred years had been necessary so that the aged population folded of size. (MF Rasps Coast, 2003). According to Coast (2003), the time of occupation in the stream bed with aged it is bigger when comparing with other etrias bands. In parallel to the modifications observed in the population pyramid, proper illnesses of the aging gain greater expression in the set of the society. One of the results of this dynamics is an increasing demand for health services. By the way, this is one of the current challenges: scarcity of resources for an increasing demand.

The aged one consumes more services of health, the hospital internments are more frequent and the time of occupation of the stream bed bigger when is compared with other etrias bands. In general, the illnesses of the aged ones are chronic and multiple, last per some years and demand constant accompaniment, permanent cares, continuous medication and periodic examinations (COAST, 2003). In what it refers to used medicines, mainly of continuous use, they can also contribute for the development of the UP. While sedative and analgesic they harm mobility, the agent hipotensores reduce the sanguine flow and perfuso to tissular, become them susceptveis the pressure (FERNANDES, 2000). One of the done greaters of the humanity is known that the quality of life is basic for an adequate health when the subject is aged therefore without a doubt, was the magnifying of the life time, that if made to follow of a substantial improvement of the parameters of health of the populations, despite these conquests are far from if distributing of equitable form in the different countries and partner-economic contexts.