In the third subcategoria, it is perceived in the units of analysis that the transformation of practical not if of only for the purpose of the work, also involves the conductors of this process. Possible to perceive that the health workers need to incorporate the personal capacity to articulate inherent knowledge, abilities and attitudes the concrete situations of its work. The proposal of the study discloses that the functions of the ACS they exceed the sector health, although the majority of the units of analysis the citizens of the study to disclose to aiming technician understand that the environment is primordial for guarantee of the quality of life of the population and survival of the planet. The second express category the concepts regarding the popular education, health and environment from concepts broken up until elaborated conceptions more, giving the dimension of the popular education as dialogue of all. The health in the approach social politician as right of all, guaranteed in the constitution, resultant of a process cultural partner, involving an ample concept, that perpassa a multidimensional theory, sistmica vision that dialogues with the environment concept, integrating as indissociveis. The significaes attributed to the environment tell to historical and conceptual dimensions imbudas in the vision of the teia of the life.
The future of the new generations depends on the actions that we develop today, of history that we construct and on ethical-cultural contributions that we can generate for our way. It is ahead of this context, that the health and environment are closely on, indissociveis when human acting. To guarantee the right the health and environment transposes the law instituted in the Brazilian federal constitution, implies in the transformations of the proper men. The third category implies in the practical ones developed for preventive the Communitarian Agents of Health that involves the educative actions and that already inherent of the paper of this worker and the performance as agent social politician.