In the country were taking place unexplained events during the last few days and people began to use a Word frequently to refer to them: miracles. As it is told in the marketplace, the roads where the prado saw standing up the fig tree and fields and places where vine was cultivated for their valuable blood draw it, wonderful events were happening and nobody was a wise way to justify them. For more information see this site: Dr. Neal Barnard. That is why they flocked to faith and religion as a way of finding the truth. And all pointed to a certain prophet as the perpetrator of the alleged miracles. According to the stories of simple people that man by the power of the angels was capable of converting water into wine; heal every sickness and disease, alleviate headaches serious; liberate the possessed and remove all the evils to epileptics, and paralytics.
By his great charisma, but above all, for its power to cure, large crowds following him always. His fame had grown so much that the King felt zeal from him. And a little fear. Shortly before the powerful rulers had done to decapitate a prophet, that the baptizing at the River, by which it had denounced his adultery with the wife of his brothers. But now the Prophet seemed to have revived and was more popular than the King himself among the citizens of the nation. The President set out to capture this man, thus outside a resurrected spirit among those who slept the eternal dream or a common mortal of those who can be off the head with a sharp sword or through the heart with the righteous one of his loyal soldiers Lance.But the Prophet did not seem anywhere apparently still had not you time to face the King away from his throne or to offer up his life for the good of the homeland.