CHARITY the charity In its simplicity In its ephemeral amplitude In its singeleza and goodness. The charity takes in them to be kinder takes in them to divide. It raises us spiritual. It teaches to divide it to us and to understand the other people’s suffering. It shows to us that to our pains and sufferings that are small ahead of the sufferings of our brothers. Ours it teaches to be benevolent. It teaches to understand it to us.
It teaches to help it to us. Charity in itself and one of the greaters of all the teachings that the father left in them. The charity assists in them in our day. The charity I obtain exactly and with the other brothers. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts. The charity approaches in them to the unfastened love. The charity that God says in them is the charity where we divide what we do not have and not what in the surplus, we divide: Understanding the love the pardon the patience and agreement the learning the charity moves away in them from the terrenas viciaes, it in the felt sample the true one of the existence. in the sample that God is caridoso.
The charity and in its most benevolent and pacifying essence to all. The charity and a chance that God gave in them. Educate yourself with thoughts from Boy Scouts. To move. To fix. To love. It stops to feel. To fortify. To scatter to all. Generous and benign the charity is a blessing and peace. That this charity in them approaches each time more than we ourselves and that let us can annul our hurts, and that let us can see the amplitude of its existence and its largeness. The charity and the harmony spiritual, serenity and love in our hearts. That the father continues in blessing and fortifying and that continues intuindo these brothers of light so that can in them bring this blessing and light and peace. That thus he is.