Federal Constitution

The groups that if opposed to the totalitarian regimen had been called of Organizations Not-Governmental (ONG? s) that they had gained force in defense of the social, human rights and politicians. While the first ones, prevailed for people of the high step were come back toward activities of social assistance. However, they had not been born of collective effort of opposition to the State or the regimen politician. From the Federal Constitution of 1988, that the social security was established as an integrated set of action of initiative being able of them public and the society, it had a legal reinforcement of the third Sector. The State was not exempt of its responsibility in taking care of the necessities, but it passed the dividiz it with the society legally, with this from the decade of 90 many ONG? s had lost its direction politician. For Salamon and Anheier (1997) the institutions of the Third Sector have proper characteristics, such as: They give to attendance to a diversity and variety of questions that affect the society in the different segments, having a minimum of organization, institutionalization.

They possess private character, but they develop a public work; Not it has economic purpose, being able still thus to get profit in its activities since that used for its maintenance; Autogovernadas, apt to control its proper activities; They are not state, being able to carry through partnerships; Performance of volunteers. In the picture below it is possible to verify some examples of institutions that are part of this sector and others that if they find in a relation very next to it, however, do not take care of to the criteria above presented, being in an intermediate space enter the too much appraised sectors already. Of these cited spaces above, those not governmental organizations exist that are between the Third Sector and the State (T.S/E), such as: * Governmental public foundations (of Palmares Culture, Habitacional of the Army); * Unions (defend causes of workers of certain segment.