Gasto Vieira

Gasto Vieira Gasto Vieira announces partnerships and campaign to foment tourism internal the minister if it said certain that the tourism will come back to be priority in the Government When receiving the journalists from the specialized media toward a coffee of the morning, in the headquarters of the MTur, in Brasilia, the new minister of the Tourism, Gasto Vieira, announced that a partnership with the Ministry of the Education for accomplishment of joint programs argued today including courses of languages and scholarships to insert colleges student in the program of qualification for the Pantry. ' ' It stows has little with the minister of the Education, Fernando Haddad, where we define a series of partnerships for qualification and use of the students in the most diverse areas. This even though includes scholarships for that more if destacarem' ' , it affirmed. Gasto Vieira also said that the fact of the dollar to have exceeded the barrier of R$ 1,90 can generate profits for the sector. ' ' Issso represents a chance also to develop the domestic tourism and the entrance of more divided international, since the tourists will come more to the Brasil' '. (A valuable related resource: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine). To the being questioned on the fact of not being a specialist of the area, the minister remembered that a coalizao government politics takes the indications of this sort.

' ' I remember, however, that I worked in the areas economic and the planning. I am a man syntonized with the things of my country. I go to use to advantage the team technique to assist itself. I received tranquilo very this choice and I feel myself prepared to carry through this mission that me was atribuda' ' , it guaranteed After that recognized that the stated period for the Pantry distresses everybody. ' ' But we have that to think a little more ahead.