Recently the Community chose its new mayor, whose, elect it was Ronilson de Arajo the Prado, of the party of the PR, number 22. Legal Brasilia account today with the Net of Eletricidade (CELPA), with canalized drinking waters, one old Group of Generator of Electric Energy and a Medical Rank, with the presence of a doctor to each fifteen days, health nurses, obstetricians and agents. The second stage of the field work was in the only notary’s office of the locality. Where we were received by the Adelson notary Raymond Da Silva Souza. That it allowed in them to have access to books of birth certificates marriage and register of purchase and sales of property. In the first birth certificate it did not have the presence of the name of child, only of the parents and the witnesses. The occult citizen was son of Ighinacio Alves Will be and Francisca mother Saucers Will be, natural of the clientele of Boim. In as the register the presence of the name of the child was evidenced.
The same was registers to the 19 days of the month of March of 1901 in 3 day of the Republic in this district of peace of the parish of Legal Brasilia city of Aveiros. The name of the child Enrique, son of Lucinda Da Silva of the Lake and Bernardo Antonio of the Lake, natural of Itaituba. One of the first marriages carried through in the notary’s office was Mr. Jorge Patrician Antonio, son of Eufnia Roza Gordinho and Jair. It was married 29 years of age. Maria of Almeida was married Thelma, son of Raimunda Arihangela Maria and of she was icognitu.casou with 17 years of age, the ceremony carried through in this parish of Brasilia Legal.Escrivo Joaquin Alves Will be. The first responsible notary for the notary’s office of Legal Brasilia of the only craft of Itaituba, pertaining to the city of Aveiros, was Joaquin Alves Will be.