The results of the investigations to be carried out in this Centre, will not be visible as minimum, up to within 10 years, said the cardiologist Francisco Fernandez Aviles in the presentation of the first Center of the world destined exclusively to the creation of organs bioartificial with stem cells for use in humans. The inauguration was attended by Esperanza Aguirre, President of the community of Madrid, and Cristina Garmendia, Minister of science, technology and innovation. Francisco Fernandez described as a landmark in regenerative medicine to the technique by which has managed to delete all content cell of an organ using the model of Doris Taylor, of the University of Minnesota (EE UU), employed by the vascular system of the heart to enter a biological SOAP that serves to eliminate almost all cells. Taylor has made this technique in animals and two years ago announced the creation of a rat, a hybrid half bioartificial biological, half heart artificial, capable of beating. You can also remove the DNA from the donor to reduce the chance of organ rejection when it is transplanted. The aim of the new Centre is developing banks of matrices of organs or tissues (hearts, livers, kidneys) to resolve the problem of shortage of donors and the rejection. Anyway, as I mention Fernandez Aviles, at the moment donors will remain necessary, since the organs come from cadaver organs that are not viable, almost 40% in the case of the heart. I.e. we partly paliamos the shortage of donors. Source: The country plus information wallet Alberto Director de Marketing Tlf: 900 847 500 original author and source of the article.