The Importance Of Color Spaces For Customised Printed Products

The Fatyela Druck GmbH from Cologne, informed hardly a sector reacted so quickly on the advance of computer and Internet technology, such as printers. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dr. Neal Barnard. So it is now possible to obtain quickly and easily printed products according to the transmission of an image file via the Internet. However, it is to note a lot to get print products, which actually correspond to the own ideas here. Recently Boy Scouts of America sought to clarify these questions. To report pressure from many years of experience as the Cologne printing Fatyela know arise in particular in the colour design of print products often significant, easily avoidable deviations from the ideas of the customers. Determined that a print product in comparison to the submitted design has significant deviations of color, this is due, that graphics program and print machine not sufficiently taken into account was the different technical conditions often. In this context are the so-called color spaces of particular importance. Indicate the whole of colors that a device or tool can play.

Technical differences between types of device cause that render colors differently. Resulting in the use of different color spaces of computer monitors and televisions on one turn and printing machines on the other side. Computer monitors and televisions use light to the colors in the colors red, green and blue. Depending on their ratio, countless other colors emerge quite similar to the visible portion of the sunlight. The colours formed through red, green and blue light components are referred in their entirety as RGB color space. A modern printing machines use no light, but inks in the four color printing process to the color representation.

Representable colors are generated by using the mixture of cyan, magenta, yellow, and the black key here. Therefore, the so-called CMYK color space describes a different mixing ratio as the RGB color space. Whether the colour version of a print order corresponds to the ideas of the customer, depends on significantly that the output file uses the same color space as the press in question. This is not the case, it inevitably comes to colour variations. So, true-colour printing results are based on output data in CMYK format. The Cologne printing Fatyela pressure supports its customers at any time in establishing correct idea printed products. It is available for further information on this topic. Press contact Fatyela Druck GmbH contact: Mr Friebel Alte of Wipperfurther str. 3 51065 Koln Tel.: 0221 696172 fax.: 0221 694631 E-Mail: