Prayer of Elisha the prophet once struck by the Syrians, detaining them, and healed them again. You once prophesied the prophet Isaiah: Behold, I will bring back ten degrees sun shade, which was held on the steps Ahaz, and the sun returned ten degrees, by which it was gone. You once closed the mouth of Ezekiel the deep, the river stopped, detained water. And once you fasting and prayers of Thy Prophet Daniel stopped the mouths of the lions in the moat. And now be delayed until the moderator blagovremeniya all neighborhood plans facing me about my transfer, dismissal, displacement, exile. So now the destructive evil desires and demands of all condemning me, shut the mouth and hearts of all slandering, spiteful and roaring at me and all the blaspheming and degrading me.
So now the point-and spiritual blindness in the eyes of all rise up against me and to my enemies. You Do not broadcast the apostle Paul speak and hold not thy peace, for I am with thee, and Nobody will do you no harm. Soften the hearts of opposing good and the dignity of the Church of Christ. Let us therefore not be silent my mouth to condemn the wicked and the glorification of the righteous, and all of thy wondrous. And yes fulfilled all good initiatives and our desire. To you, righteous and God molitvennitsy, our daring predstatelie, once by the power of their prayers inhibiting the invasion of foreigners, the approach of hate, destroyed the evil designs of people, stopped the mouths of lions, now I turn to my prayer, my petition.