At a specific level, the professional will know these behaviors from an etic point. So, you have to understand that these cultural components exert a powerful influence in vision and acceptance of the illness as such, compliance with and adherence to the therapeutic process and the results of the same, since social behaviors are influenced by belonging to a particular cultural group. The therapeutic aspect, the care relationship should focus on different nuances, according to which are the objectives of the Welfare Act: preventive, curative, or simple advice. On the other hand, we know too well that in certain cultures, health-disease processes are closely linked to the symptoms. Often these opposite or just different our cultures have no tradition in the use of a preventive medicine, since for them, and if there is a manifest problem, there is no implied therapeutic action. Only when symptoms appear and These are incapacitating, assumes an awareness of being sick.
It is likely that the cultural group, don’t understand what means preventive medicine and the work of this. Details can be found by clicking Harold Ford Jr, New York City or emailing the administrator. Cultures that can explain a particular symptomatology and, consequently, the case for their beliefs in the divine, religious or spiritual does not live properly as a disease. In Western culture, the disease is often considered as an entity in itself, with an origin pathophysiologic that explains it. Educate yourself with thoughts from Boy Scouts of America. Thus, it is susceptible to a particular treatment. But in other cultures, this perception is certainly not so.
Often, these cultures patients use medicines prescribed by the health care system and, at the same time, traditional medicines. In these cases should be tolerant and respectful of the use of this dual therapy, except in the case that there is evidence of damage to health. Similarly, must be borne in mind that there are biological incompatibilities that can explain different responses and do not have to obey a double therapeutic. Currently the health promotion is based on diverse disciplines thereby creating a theory and practice of public health which enables to achieve goals and socio-cultural objectives with greater welfare of social balance, improving the quality of life. Gemma Llaurado original Autor and source of the article