World Wide Web

Virtual lawyers will be among the first in this list. Lawyers will be able to advise people living in different countries, not just leaving the house. Will this lead to the emergence of virtual courts – is difficult to predict. 13. Virtual teacher (Avatar manager / devotees / virtual teachers) Computer and IT-technologies will be more actively used for training purposes. It is assumed that the virtual teacher can even replace teachers in classrooms. 14. Developers of alternative modes of transport (Alternative vehicle developers) in 10-20 years will be needed engineers and designers have a fundamentally new generation of vehicles and fuel for them.

Come true zero emission vehicles and machines made of alternative materials. 15. Moderator television and Internet content (Narrowcasters) The number of radio stations, television stations and websites continues to grow. While content filtering by the interest can be done manually or by computer, but then British researchers believe, a need in a personal moderator, who will select the information under the personal needs of each user. 16.

Data Eraser (Waste data) active Internet users “Heritage” in many blogs, forums and social networks, their data – personal, passport, financial position, are available to all, including scammers. In order to remove sensitive information, messages on forums, which can compromise human need IT-specialists, track customer information and destroy that which is not subject to disclosure, or may be used by other malicious purposes. 17. Manager virtual order (Virtual clutter organizer) Manager will manage and lead in order “electronic life” users of the World Wide Web. They will look after the e-mail client, make sure that the data (passwords, profiles) loaded correctly and properly. 18. Broker / maklervremeni (Time broker / Time bank) proverb “Time is money -” in the future get a literal meaning. According to the authors, the time will become an alternative currency, which will be own markets, where time can be traded, change, etc. 19. Employee social adaptation (Social networking worker) These experts also “product” of the Internet. Social worker will help you adapt to cope with state of shock and out of depression, when, talking on the forums, you will be injured in some report or statement. 20. Personal brendmeyker (Personal branders) Personal image-makers currently available only to celebrities and the rich people. After 10 years, this specialist will be at everyone who wants to create their own personal “brand.” It’s not just about looks or reputation in the community. Personal branders, using social networks, blogs and other tools to influence public opinion, will help achieve the goals that put the client in his career, personal life and other areas. ***** As far as predictions are correct British researchers? One thing is clear – ten out of twenty specialties related to nanotechnology and development of the Internet. This means that in 10-15 years at the peak demand will be high-tech professions.